The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 125

"Liu Zixuan is not 20 years old. He has already occupied an important position. He is really a hero in the world!"

Cao Cao gave a sigh of admiration. His small eyes twinkled and said, "Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, is weak and incompetent. He led tens of thousands of troops and horses in Yuzhou. Instead, he was killed by yellow scarf bandits. If he is not dismissed by the imperial court, he will not become a big weapon in the future. Maybe he will die a violent death!"

Xia Houyuan said with admiration: "Meng De, you have a high vision and the world in mind. What Liu Zixuan did? I heard that when he took office, he didn\'t have a single soldier in his hand. He just took in thousands of thieves along the way, so he couldn\'t hold his breath. He went to the fire and joined Yingchuan bandits. How can he compare with you!"

"Mende, make up your mind. We have 10000 elite soldiers in our hands. We all listen to you!"

Xia Houyuan\'s eyes projected a wolf like fine awn.

Chen Liu\'s Taishou, Zhang Miao, had no great talent. He managed his internal affairs and entrusted Cao Cao with the task of commanding the army.

Therefore, most of the military power of Chenliu county is actually controlled by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao raised his hand and said with a smile, "go quickly to recruit Mr. Cheng and Mr. Chen, as well as all the generals!"

Cao Cao\'s hands in his sleeves have been clenched into fists, and his veins burst up!


Xia Houyuan turned and went out. Before long, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

Cheng Yu and Chen Gong, two literati, walked in front, followed by Xia Houyuan, Xia Houdun, Cao Hong and other young generals.

Cheng Yu, Zhongde, Chen Gong and Gongtai are both from Yanzhou Dongjun. At this time, they are also the aides trusted by Cao Cao.

"Now the climate of yellow scarf rogue in Yingchuan county has become a reality. Liu Zixuan, the governor of Yingchuan, led 3000 people to fight. I want to lead troops to fight against it. What do you think?"

When the civil and military in the house took their seats, Cao Cao explained his meaning directly to everyone.

"Mende, hit the fuck!"

"Fight, these 10000 children have been practicing for several months. Just wait for this opportunity to kill thieves and make contributions!"


His generals were in high spirits and couldn\'t help asking for war. Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and smiled and said, "what do you think of the two gentlemen?"

Cheng Yu pondered for a while and said, "the yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan county are becoming more and more powerful, which has attracted the attention of the imperial court. If Meng de can eliminate these thieves, he will be able to make great achievements!"


Chen Gong also said: "although Kong Fu has a great reputation, he is actually just a corrupt scholar. He can only talk and can\'t use the army at all. Liu Zixuan is also famous, but his subordinates have no soldiers and generals. It\'s like hitting a stone with an egg to attack the yellow scarf rogue this time! Meng de will be able to establish miracles when he sends troops, but before sending troops, he needs to obtain the consent of Marshal Zhang."

"Yes, send someone to inform Taishou Zhang immediately..."

Cao Cao suddenly got up, palmed and laughed. He was very happy. His arms were raised high. He was about to wave off the order. There was another sad cry outside the door;


A dusty spy hurried in, knelt down and said, "general Cao, I\'m the second wave of spies sent by Lord Xia Hou. Now come back and report..."

"Oh, I don\'t know the front-line military situation. What\'s the matter? Didn\'t Liu Zixuan die?"

Cao Cao asked with concern.

Xia Houyuan said with a smile: "mengde, I said Liu Zixuan was killing himself. Now we\'re too late to save him..."

Everyone in the house burst into laughter: "I heard that Liu Hao made a poem in Luoyang and was praised to the sky. Now it seems that\'s all..."

"General Xia hou..."

The spy swallowed hard and whispered, "Marshal Liu has been victorious in successive battles and has almost killed all the bandits in Yangshan..."


All the people in a room are in the same place.

Laughter, also choked in the throat.

Xia Houyuan sternly asked, "how is this possible? Dare you lie about the military situation?"

The spy knelt down with a soft knee and said, "how dare you deceive your adults? Please give me a lesson. Liu Taishou has defeated tens of thousands of people of He Yi and has returned to Yingchuan County triumphantly."

The generals were shocked and speechless. Cheng Yu asked a question: "Liu Zixuan took office alone. Almost all the county officials and troops in Yingchuan county were transferred to Qiao County by Kong Fu. Under the control of Kong Fu, where did Liu Taishou recruit soldiers?"

Cheng Yu was resourceful and asked about the point at once.

The spy said, "Lord, after entering Yingchuan County, Liu Taishou\'s men successively exterminated two or three groups of yellow scarf thieves and incorporated them. There are about 3000 of them, all of whom are yellow scarf thieves..."


"Thirty thousand broke thirty thousand? Or three thousand newly incorporated yellow scarf thieves?"

"This, this... How is this possible?"

Cao Cao\'s men were in an uproar.

"Three thousand people!?"

Cao Cao was also shocked, and the nails of his hands deeply pierced into the flesh of his palm!

"The opportunity to do meritorious service is gone. It\'s a pity!"

After half a ring, Cao Cao took a deep breath, shook his head and sighed, "we all underestimated Liu Hao! I might as well have Liu Zixuan\'s talent!"

If you get the permission of Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu County, to send troops directly from Chenliu and make a surprise attack on Yangshan from behind, Liu Hao is attracting attention. Cao Cao may be able to chisel through Yangshan and win tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves in World War I.

Cao Cao has been training troops day and night for this day. He has never stopped for a moment in the past few months.

After waiting so long, I finally gave him a chance.

However, Liu Hao\'s means are too tough and his moves are like thunder!

When it came to Liu Hao, Kong Fu\'s headache was so simple that it couldn\'t be simpler.

Lightning cleared the Yangshan group of bandits, and firmly controlled this great credit in his own hands!

In other words, Cao Cao is happy. This great credit has nothing to do with him.

Seeing the deep expression on Cao Cao\'s face, Cheng Yu quickly comforted: "Liu Zixuan is indeed a hero in the world, and Meng De is no less than to let. I see that the world of the Great Han will be in chaos sooner or later. At that time, there must be a place for Meng De to use!"

Chen Gong and others also comforted nearby.

Cao Cao is worthy of being a traitor in troubled times.

Just a moment later, his face was calm again. He smiled and said, "I\'m fine. I really want to see how heroic Liu Zixuan is!".,,.