The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 116

Take your head, like looking for things!

"Shh, keep your voice down. Be careful that Lord Kong hears you..."

"I\'ve done something outrageous, and I won\'t let anyone say it."

"Yes, Kong Fu has no asshole to have a son!"

The people at the bottom don\'t care who is in charge of Yuzhou.

If Wang Zhongqiang takes their interests and doesn\'t give them food, of course they will scold Wang Zhong.

Kong Fu turned a deaf ear to the people\'s comments.

He sat in the carriage, his fat body swinging from time to time with the action of the person lifting the sedan chair.


Suddenly, through the curtain of the driver\'s door, Kong Fu caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure in the crowd.

Look around.

The woman dressed in white is better than snow. She is tall and graceful in a cloud bun. Her standing posture is also very beautiful, and her head is slightly raised.

The sight was blocked. The original dimple was covered with a thin veil, which added a bit of mystery and elegance to the woman.

"This woman... Must be a stunning beauty!"

Kong Zhuo, who has spent many years in flowers, suddenly jumped in his heart. Somehow, the woman suddenly glanced at him coldly.

A wisp of cold eyes, through the veil, like a sword!

The veins in front of Kong\'s forehead jumped violently, and a strange feeling appeared in his mind.

This level of beauty, no matter where you stand, is a beautiful scenery!

Attracting the attention of countless people, the dogleg housekeeper under Kong Fu also brightened his eyes and thought:

"This woman only looks at her figure. Her fucking beauty is bubbling. If I can give him to Lord Kong, why don\'t I worry about reuse?"

He was overjoyed and quietly ordered several of his own soldiers to "invite" the beautiful woman to come here first.

Unexpectedly, the woman in white took the initiative to walk towards the carriage.

"Ha ha, are you so conscious that you have sent them to the door?"

The housekeeper was so happy that he stopped the soldiers who wanted to be escorted by the horizontal sword.

"What\'s the matter with the girl blocking Lord Kong\'s car frame?"

The woman in front of me has a disturbing momentum. The housekeeper is very polite.

"Min Nu has something important. She wants to see Lord Kong!"

The woman in white is not only beautiful, but also her voice is very moving.

"Girl, why don\'t you take off the veil and have a look?"

The housekeeper has shown a meaningful smile: in today\'s world, there are too many women who want to introduce themselves to adults!

But he also wanted to make sure that the woman was really gorgeous. If she took off her veil and was ugly, wouldn\'t Kong Peng be furious?

The woman in white gently lifted her veil and soon put it down again.

The pretty face is carved in pink and jade, which is beautiful.

She has a beautiful eyebrow, bright eyes and bright teeth. Her skin is like coagulated fat. She can be broken by blowing bullets.

This woman in white is zhenniang!

"There are such beautiful women in the world..."

The housekeeper looked straight and woke up with a cry from the hole in the carriage.

Kong Fu opened the curtain in front of the car and smiled: "girl, if you have anything to say to me, I will decide for you!"

Zhen Niang stared at Kong Huo and suddenly asked, "are you the governor of Yuzhou, Kong Huo, Lord Kong?"

The housekeeper hurriedly said, "girl, this can be false. How can other people have such pomp as my adult?"

Zhen Niang suddenly smiled coldly and vomited, "OK!"

She didn\'t say more than half a word. She lifted her hand directly and spit out a blue light in her sleeves!

The green snake dances wildly in the sleeve. Suddenly, the sword Qi is vertical and horizontal!

The smile on Kong Zhuo\'s fat face gradually solidified.

He suddenly found that he had made a fatal mistake and underestimated women!

Especially in front of this beautiful woman, she is as beautiful as an immortal.

But she is an assassin with unique skills!

For an assassin with excellent martial arts.

Within ten steps, you can be an enemy!

At this time, the distance between zhenniang and Kong Fu was only a few feet.

That sharp sword Qi ignored the limitation of time and space and shot out quickly!

Zhen Niang\'s body was very flexible and moved more than ten meters in an instant.

The ruthless forest cold sword Qi flies between them, like the sound of a Phoenix.

Next, a terrible howl suddenly sounded.


Kong Fu didn\'t even have time to summon his own soldiers and bodyguards. The big head rose into the sky!

The blood is like a spring, and Kong\'s fat head still retains the last moment of panic and shock!

He never thought that he would die in the hands of a woman.

"My Lord!"

Kong Fu\'s soldiers and bodyguards were frightened out of the sky because they wanted to crack their eyes.

Zhen Niang\'s move was so fast that it was almost a breath.

After success, zhenniang directly lifted Kong Zhuo\'s head in her hand.

Taking advantage of the absence of the soldiers and bodyguards, he exercised his body method and quietly disappeared into the crowd of onlookers.

Kill one person in ten steps, hide your merit and reputation!

A moment later, the housekeeper tore his throat and cried sadly:

"Come on, my Lord has been assassinated!"

"The woman in white killed Lord Kong!"

"Speed blockade Qiaojun!"

"Come on, catch the assassin in white"

The onlookers crowded the streets, and there were noisy crowds everywhere!

"Kong Fu, the dog official is dead?"

At the gate of the city, a strong man as majestic as a mountain was stunned.

It was Dianwei who secretly accepted Liu Hao\'s order!

He looked at the situation in the street. There was a lot of chaos. Kong\'s soldiers arrested people in white everywhere.

It\'s true!

Alas, an expert from nowhere stole my head!

Dianwei punched on the wall, leaving a deep punch mark on the wall and left depressed.

At this time, zhenniang was directly invisible in the previously rented shops.

She quickly hid in the secret room, wrapped Kong\'s head, and calmly changed her clothes!

She deserves to be a smart and astute Zhen Niang. She even thought of the future.

Kongfu\'s own soldiers did not ask for anything, but arrested all the people in white clothes in the street.

But zhenniang had disguised herself as a woman in the caravan, put on a skirt, followed the caravan and went straight out of the city.,,.