The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 115

"It\'s all adults\' tricks!"

"Liu Hao\'s yellow mouth child, which is the adult\'s opponent, can\'t escape the adult\'s fingers and palms!"

"Hey, hey!"

Kong Fu smiled proudly and listened to the flattery of the starting officials.

The heart was dark and cool. Kong Fu suddenly clapped his hands and said with a smile: "happy, happy, come on, go and arrange songs and dances!"

"Hurry up!"

The people below knew Kong\'s preferences and hurried to the back hall to arrange.

Not long after, I saw a group of dancers turning out from behind the screen in the back hall, and the beautiful music sounded at the same time.

Kong Ying shook his head and was immersed in the perfect dancing posture of the dancers.

In the hall, the group of officials who followed Kong Zhuo also drank and prepared, pushing cups for lamps.

Laughter continued, and the banquet continued until midnight.

Suddenly, a sudden and tragic voice came from outside: "report... Yangshan urgent report, Yangshan yellow scarf group of bandits have been completely destroyed... Yingchuan prefect Liu Hao has led the army back to Yingchuan!"


Not only did Kong\'s lackeys lose their eyes, but Kong almost fell off the soft couch when he heard the speech!

In the crotch, a few drops of water came out!

Cough, cough

The wine also choked into his nostrils, and a pungent feeling came from his heart. While wiping his nose, Kong Fu scolded fiercely: "put your mother\'s fart, just the thousands of people under Liu Hao can also call the army?"

"There are tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves under He Yi. They are the elite left by the yellow scarf army. They have fought with me several times and won or lost each other."

The dignified assassin scolded his mother so regardless of his appearance, which shows the shock in his heart.

Kong Fu\'s henchmen suddenly realized, and then said:

"Your Excellency has a good insight. We clearly remember that he man, the sky cutting night fork in the yellow scarf thief, is very fierce. He is a fierce general that is invincible to thousands of people. Where is it so easy to deal with!"

A scholar under Kong Fu stroked the mouse\'s beard and analyzed: "it seems that this spy is a spy sent by Liu Hao\'s yellow mouth child. He wants to send false news to adults and ask them to send troops to Yingchuan for support!"

Another official turned his triangular eyes and nodded his head: "yes, it must be. Liu Hao can\'t stand the yellow scarf thief. He wants to cheat adults to go back to Yingchuan and fight the vicious yellow scarf thief. It\'s too treacherous!"

I have to say that the brain hole of these goods is really big. In a few words, they can think of it here

The bloody spy almost wanted to cry without tears, and said miserably, "Sir, this is true! I am loyal to you, and I have witnessed the war between the two sides. The officers and soldiers fought a war with the yellow scarf bandits in Yangshan. The yellow scarf bandits were defeated by one blow, with countless deaths and injuries... More than ten thousand heads were beheaded by the governor of Yingchuan!"

"Fortunately, I was clever and pretended to be a corpse, so I was lucky to survive from the battlefield of Yangshan..."

"If what little said is half a lie, it will break the sky!"

Listening to the detective\'s pitiful statement, one of Kong Fu\'s generals finally recognized him: "ah, you\'re not Li. Big mouth?"

"It\'s small!"

After confirming the identity of the spy, Kong Fu was suddenly shocked!

Scalp numb!

In my heart, I have never seen shadows and fears.

"If God doesn\'t help me... Liu Hao has such means... My death is not far away!"

Kong Fu\'s plump lips trembled, his head tilted, and he fainted.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord,"

"Wake up, wake up!"

With a sad face, the housekeeper tried to pinch the people in the hole.

A group of people under his command surrounded the fat body. I don\'t know how long he was busy, but Kong finally woke up.

"My Lord, I\'m awake at last!"

Kong Xuan\'s eyebrows twisted into a Sichuan character, took a deep breath and sighed, "I\'ve made a mistake! Now it seems that this plan to drive the wolf and swallow the tiger has completely failed."

"Liu Hao\'s skill is far beyond my expectation. He can defeat tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves with thousands of newly recruited thieves."

"The boy is indeed the dragon among people, just like the rumor!"

"My Lord, what should we do now?"

The dog legs of Kong Fu\'s men looked frightened and worried.

Liu Hao can defeat tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves. With such strength, it\'s easy to find them trouble?

Kong Fu narrowed his small eyes into a crack, hummed and said, "what are you afraid of, clean up the soft and prepare to go back to Yingchuan!"

His men were stunned. Didn\'t they hit Liu Hao at the muzzle?

Did Lord Kong lose his mind?

Kong Huo sneered and said, "if you don\'t tell me, I won\'t tell you. Only heaven and earth know about it. How can Liu Hao know that the thieves of the yellow scarf thieves were led by us?"

"Your Excellency is wise!"

Kong Fu narrowed his eyes and said, "besides, killing tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves and wiping out Yingchuan county is a great achievement. I have a good rule. Of course, I have to go back to Yingchuan to reward Yingchuan officials and soldiers on behalf of the imperial court."

People who can climb to the position of a state governor can never be waste.

If he hadn\'t had this idea, Kong would have died for a long time!

Hearing that Kong Fu\'s plan failed, he gave birth to another plan, ready to take advantage of the situation to take Liu Hao\'s credit.

Directly share the fruits of victory.

His henchmen then settled down and flattered one after another: "it\'s still adults who are wise and wise, plan strategies and win thousands of miles. The young people admire them very much. It seems that they will be promoted in the near future!"


A few days later.

The officers and soldiers of Qiao County have assembled, and a pair of well armored soldiers protect Kong Fu and the officials under his rule, and move towards Yingchuan county.

The streets have been crowded with people, and there are loud voices everywhere:

"Lord Kong has just escaped from Yingchuan to Qiaojun. Where do you want to go?"

"I went back to Yingchuan. Haven\'t you heard that the brother-in-law of the assassin was killed by the governor of Yingchuan!"

"Good death! If I say, it\'s not a day or two for Wang Zhong, a dead fat pig, to occupy good fields in Yuzhou, rob people\'s women and run amok!"

"Madam Liu is really a good official. You killed him well!".,,.