The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 117

"Sister Zhen, did you succeed?"

Inside the carriage, Xiao Zhao Yu blinked and asked in a crisp voice.

Several maidservants also looked at zhenniang with a hopeful face.

"Xiaoyu\'s plan is perfect. It\'s up to me. It\'s safe. The head of this dog official is right here!"

Zhenniang\'s left hand swept the hair beside her ears and her right hand carried the box. She smiled confidently. Mingyan can\'t do anything.

The beauty in the carriage saw zhenniang carrying a box, and her eyes lit up.

The plan for this time was put forward by the ghost spirit Xiaoyu.

Zhu Jiuzhen sisters, as maidservants, were arranged by Liu Hao to take care of Xiaoyu. This time, they also participated in the operation.

However, their martial arts can only be said to be more than self-protection. It is far from enough to kill Kong Hui among thousands of people.

All Xiaoyu arranged zhenniang with the highest martial arts to be responsible for the assassination, and they were responsible for receiving zhenniang.

"Finally, I can do something to help Liu Hao eliminate this scourge!"

Zhenniang in the carriage breathed softly. She felt sweet in her heart. Thinking of Kong Fu, she threw his head on the ground without beating him.

Kong Yu... It\'s too much!

Unexpectedly, regardless of morality and morality, he led the yellow scarf bandits to make a fire with Liu Hao, and he wanted to take advantage of it!

Never let such a thing happen!

Liu Hao is the head of a county in the Han Dynasty. It is impossible to bear the crime of killing court officials.

Then let her do it, which is also the best choice at present.

When a woman assassinates Kong Fu in the street, no one will doubt Liu Hao\'s head.

For the sake of her sweetheart, zhenniang will never hesitate to take risks!

Zhao Yu blinked her bright eyes and said with a sly smile, "sister zhenniang, your brother will reward you for your great contribution."

Don\'t look at Xiao Yu, but you know almost everything you should know.

Zhen Niang has a deep love for her brother. Why can\'t this little black Laurie see it?

The meaning of ridicule in her tone called Zhen Niang\'s cheeks slightly red, denied it, and said, "hum, who cares about his reward..."

That said, the hope between zhenniang\'s beautiful eyes has deeply betrayed her.

"Lord zhenniang has powerful martial arts and beautiful people. She is definitely the heart and flesh of adults!"

The maid in the carriage also covered her mouth and smiled.

In a happy scene, the carriage drove towards Yingchuan county.


The three armed forces are mighty and have returned triumphantly.

Liu Hao reorganized several yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan and led his troops back in triumph.

Along the way, far away, he saw Xun Yu bowing and saluting at the edge of the official Pavilion, saying, "welcome the Lord, return from victory!"

"Welcome the Lord and return from victory!"

The soldiers left behind in Yingchuan county also raised their heads and shouted loudly.

"Wen Ruo, please get up quickly."

Liu Hao held his hands in vain, picked up Xun Yu, looked at the scene in front of him, and said, "how did you make such a big battle?"

On the edge of the official road of the long Pavilion, all the people were crowded. They looked curiously and were frightened by the military appearance of Liu Hao\'s subordinates.

Xun Yu said with a smile, "Lord, I didn\'t organize this. The people came to meet the Lord voluntarily."

"Lord Xun is right. We came by ourselves!"

A man said excitedly, "my family was broken and exiled in several states. Even eating has become a problem. Now there are adults governing Yingchuan. Our good day is coming!"

"Yes, when Lord Kong was there, we were frightened all day. Now Lord Liu is so powerful that he doesn\'t have to be afraid of the yellow towel thieves anymore!"

"All this is the credit of Lord Liu!"

In the wilderness, a group of people are using the most direct language to express their most sincere feelings.

People, they don\'t understand the power struggle in the court. They only care about whether they can eat enough.

As soon as Liu Hao took office in Yingchuan, he opened his warehouse to release grain and relieve the people. He is a good official who can make people eat enough!

"It\'s still Wenruo\'s good governance!"

Liu Hao\'s heartfelt sigh.

He knows that he is good at internal affairs. Now most of the government affairs of Yingchuan county are handled by Xun Yu.

Xun Yu is a genuine talent of Wang Zuo. He manages the country very steadily. Of course, it is not difficult to manage a county.

"Lord, now you have caught the hearts of the people in Yingchuan County!"

Xun Yu smiled: "generals, let\'s go to the city first."

Along the way, the cavalry opened the way in front, and Liu Haocai further appreciated the enthusiasm of the people.

The people of Yingchuan county began to squeeze from the gate of the city and squeezed all the way to ten miles away along the official road!

The streets of the city were crowded with people.

"Look, Lord Liu, who defeated tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves, is back!"

I don\'t know who took the lead in cheering. Everyone stood on tiptoe and looked at Liu Hao directly.

"Lord Liu is mighty!"

"Lord Liu is mighty!"

At this time, Liu Hao is sitting high on the Snow Dragon Phoenix, wearing dragon scale armor and hanging a sword around his waist.

The beautiful and handsome face adds a bit of heroic spirit.

In the attic along the street, the cardamom girl was assured that she was pounding and making eyes.

There was also a more open, uncontrollable burst of screams.

This posture

It is more popular than the appearance of future emperor superstars.

Feeling the cheers of the mountain and tsunami, Liu Haoxiang smiled. Something called ambition grew in his heart.

This is just a county. If it is a state, or heaven and earth, all the people shout for themselves?

However, the power at this time is still not strong enough.

Liu Hao hid his ambition well.

"Send orders around. After half an hour, seal and reward them on the general\'s stage of the Taishou mansion."

Liu Hao waved a big hand, and the soldiers in his personal battalion accepted the promise and went around to report.

As the governor of Yingchuan this time, Empress Dowager he granted him the right to reward low-level military posts.

Since he holds power, Liu Hao certainly has to operate.

Naturally, I won\'t be stingy about the reward given to my subordinates. I have to rely on these generals to fight for him.,,.