The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 114

The battle of killing the invaders in Yangshan has come to an end.

Liu Hao\'s rear was also in a tense mood.

Yingchuan County, Yangzhai county.

Zhang zhenniang stood at the head of the city. Dai Mei frowned gently and looked at the direction of Yangshan. However, her eyes lost focus. She didn\'t know what she was thinking.

The breeze blew the green silk beside her ears and outlined her infinite beautiful posture.

Zhao Yu stood on tiptoe and could just pass through the battlements. His eyes were dripping. He looked the same as zhenniang, all in the direction of Yangshan.

Suddenly, smoke billowed on the horizon in the distance, as if riding a fast horse towards the city.

"Yangshan urgent report"

The cavalry shouted at the top of his voice, and the voice stirred far away in the wilderness and plain.

"Hey, sister zhenniang, look, it seems that there is a cavalry running towards Yangzhai city!"

Zhang zhenniang suddenly returned to her senses. She moved in her heart and quickly ordered: "open the city gate and let him speak!"

Not long after, the cavalry in the Han Army\'s clothes and armor knelt down in front of Zhen Niang, gasped and said:

"Lord Zhen Niang... Little... I\'ve been ordered by the Lord to send a message to Lord Zhen Niang..."

Zhao Yu\'s bright big eyes turned and recognized the man\'s appearance.

He looks familiar. He is indeed one of Liu Hao\'s personal guards.

"Speak slowly!"

Zhen Niang comforted him, and the soldiers nearby handed over the kettle.

After he had a rest, Xun Yu, who was in charge of defense affairs in Yingchuan County, and others also came.

"Come on, how\'s the battle of Yangshan going?"

Zhen Niang hurriedly asked.

"Yangshan, the first battle is won..."

The bodyguard Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul Gul

"Hoo, since there is a victory in the first battle, the next must be overwhelming. The Yangshan group of bandits is already dead in the grave!"

Xun Yu took a long breath, finally loosened his clenched fist, stroked his short beard under his chin with his right hand, and the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes: "Miss Xiaoyu, zhenniang, don\'t worry anymore, my Lord will return triumphantly in the near future!"

The bodyguard Leng Leng, who delivered the letter, said, "master, I haven\'t finished yet. How do you know... The LORD sent me to deliver the letter. As long as I break Huang Shao\'s army again, I can really return to Yingchuan!"

"Hehe, the bandits of Yangshan are a mob! He man has some brave names among the yellow scarf thieves. Now he is killed by general Dianwei. The morale of the thief army is bound to fall to the bottom."

In the puzzled eyes of the people, Xun Yu smiled and said, "with the talent of the Lord and the resourceful wise man like Xu Yuanzhi, how can we miss such an opportunity? Just send a eloquent judge to divide the thief army without blood."

"What the military Master said is... Thieves and bandits have different hearts and will be provoked by infighting..."

Zhao Yu\'s big eyes lit up.

"Xiaoyu is right, but..."

Xun Yu also knew something about his righteous sister and had a high talent.

At this time, he also had the idea of school examination training.

"But what?"

Zhao Yu frowned and said to himself, "it\'s hard for the yellow scarf thief to become a climate. Look at the whole Yuzhou..."

"Does the military master mean that Kong Fu, a dog official, will come out to stir up the situation..."

"Rain girl, you are really smart!"

Xun Fuxu said with a smile, "Yingchuan yellow scarf is no longer a worry. Since it\'s the stage of picking fruit, the only thing the Lord should worry about is the Yuzhou assassin. If he forcibly comes and puts in a foot, such a great achievement will be divided in half!"

Liu Hao, now the prefect of Yingchuan County, is also a subordinate of Kong Fu.

According to the practice in officialdom, if the subordinates make contributions, the superiors will come and take a share.

Xun Yu brushed his sleeve and said, "I\'ll send a letter to the imperial court and report the great work of the Lord first!"

After Xun Yu left in a hurry, zhenniang\'s delicate willow eyebrows were tightly locked, and her thin white fingers subconsciously pressed on the long sword around her waist.

"No! Does this Kong Fu really dare to do such a bold thing?"

"Sister zhenniang, I think the military master\'s analysis is very right. There\'s a problem with this hole!"

Zhao Yu also frowned and said, "as soon as my brother killed Wang Zhong\'s fat pig, a few days later, the yellow scarf thief was ready to join forces with Yangshan and attack Yingchuan county."

"That large group of refugees also came from Qiao County. It may be that Kong Zhuo drove over and pretended to send food. In fact, he was trying to distract brother Liu Hao!"

"Kong Fu is an assassin of Yuzhou. He has been defeated in successive battles. This time, bandits have poured out. Why doesn\'t he support brother Liu Hao?"

Listening to the analysis of light rain, there was a trace of evil spirit between zhenniang\'s eyebrows.

"Hum, from this point of view, Kong Fu obviously harbors evil intentions. He secretly communicates with thieves and brings evil water to the East. He wants to be bad for Zixuan!"

Although zhenniang is a woman and looks more beautiful, she is also a martial artist, but there is still a sense of blood courage and chivalry in her heart.

In Zhao Yu\'s bright big eyes, a trace of cold flashed and said seriously: "sister zhenniang, I will never allow this dog official to calculate my brother Liu Hao behind my back!"

"Hum, this dog official wants to calculate Zixuan, but also depends on whether my sword agrees or not!"

Zhen Niang\'s beautiful eyes were cold and looked at Xiao Zhao Yu. They both saw the killing intention between each other\'s eyes in an instant.


Compared with Yingchuan county\'s blood, fire and death, Qiao County exudes a strange tranquility at this time.

Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, shrank in Qiaojun.

Eight thousand officers and soldiers from Yingchuan and Qiaojun were gathered, which was enough to protect him.

On this day, in the assassin\'s residence, a fast horse hurried to report:

"My Lord, a few days ago, the soldiers and horses of Yingchuan county have set out in the direction..."

"Out a few days ago?"

Kong Fu lay comfortably and said with a gloating smile, "now it is estimated that he has fought with the fierce bandits of Yangshan. It is impossible to say if he is dead!"

"Liu Hao, you can\'t hold your breath! He also said that he was famous in Luoyang and was talented by heaven. In my opinion, that\'s all?".,,.