The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 113


With Liu Hao\'s order, the killing of his officers and soldiers suddenly sounded!

With the sound of drums like thunder, countless well-equipped officers and soldiers came out from all directions and directly made dumplings for the yellow scarf thieves of Huang shaobu!

"Whew, whew, whew!"

The oncoming arrow rain first shot the yellow scarf thief walking in front on the spot. In the yellow scarf thief array, the head and tail could not take into account, and there was a burst of scratch immediately!

Huang Shao, the thief handsome, was suddenly surprised and screamed:

"No, the Chinese and Han troops are in ambush!"

But his courage is also the top of the yellow scarf thieves.

The yellow scarf thieves under my command are really unbearable and scared.

Originally, he was frantically on his way, physically and mentally exhausted, and now he was ambushed by Liu Hao\'s army.

The continuous shooting of arrows and rain directly sent their morale to the bottom of the valley.

Listen to the sound of killing. Some of the yellow scarf thieves have dropped their weapons and armor and began to flee.

"Don\'t panic, brothers! These officers and soldiers are fewer than us!"

Huang Shao sat on the horse and observed half a sound. His heart finally settled down.

He raised his long knife and killed the soldiers who fled around him.

"If anyone retreats again, like this person, there will be no amnesty!"

Several big heads rolled to the ground, and the blood splashed on Huang Shao\'s face, which made his face more and more miserable, and looked like a wounded wolf.

"Run, you are ambushed by the army!"

"I\'m hungry and tired. How can I beat these tiger and wolf soldiers?"

"Those who can\'t fight, get out..."

"The Han Army doesn\'t know how many people there are. Qu Shuai, you\'d better withdraw first..."

The thieves were suddenly attacked and panicked. The whole team was in a mess. It was useless to rely on the heads cut off by Huang Shao.

Some thieves were obedient and raised their weapons to resist, but they were soon overwhelmed by the cavalry under Liu Hao.

More than 1000 cavalry joined the battlefield and became the last straw to crush the camel!

The yellow scarf thief\'s morale soared. He threw away all the weight he might throw away, turned and ran away.

"Hateful! Brothers, come with me and cut off the dog officer\'s head!"

Damn it, it\'s a mess when you meet an ambush!

Huang Shao was extremely desperate, but when he saw Liu Hao in gold armor, he couldn\'t help but give a grim smile: now, as long as he breaks the senior officials of the Han Army, he can still fight!

"Dog officer, go to hell!"

The devil\'s head knife in his hand suddenly raised and patted the horse to kill Liu Hao.

At this time, Dianwei was not around, and Liu Haojun\'s several generals had all fallen into the thief array.

There are only Xu Shu and Xu Jing around Liu Hao.

"The thief array has been broken. The thief will not jump over the wall. Lord, be careful!"

"The gentleman doesn\'t stand under the dangerous wall, Lord, let\'s avoid the enemy\'s edge for the time being!"

"Lord, the situation is critical. Hurry up. I\'ll resist the yellow scarf thief!"

Xu Jing and others, who had never experienced war, looked a little awe inspiring.

The long sword beside Xu Shu\'s waist has been pulled out half, and he looks solemn.


Huang Shao, commander of huangjinqu, force 71, intelligence 69, politics 61, command 65.

The son of heaven looked at the Qi skill. There was a flash of gold between Liu Hao\'s eyes.

"Why do you have to give way? I kill this thief like a pig or a dog!"

Liu Hao vomited slowly.

Just a yellow turban thief, will you tell him to retreat?


Stepping on the snow, long Huang seemed to feel Liu Hao\'s heart. Her four hoofs suddenly raised and fell to the ground. The horse ran towards Huang Shao like a gust of wind.

Xu Shu and others\' faces changed, as if they were clenched by an invisible hand!

"Feng QiuHuang!"

When Liu Haoren was on horseback, the sword in his hand was shocked, and the sword Qi was like a phoenix vibrating its wings!

A sword roared!

Like a Phoenix, like a dragon roaring!

Liu Haofeng asks for his wife, and the sword light Huoran covers Huang Shao in.


Only a sharp and miserable scream was heard, running through the sky.

The snow treading Dragon Phoenix crossed with the short yellow puma.

Huang Shao, the handsome of Huangjin canal, held his long knife high. Before he could cut it off, the headless body had fallen from the horse\'s back, and the dust and blood were like a spring!

Liu Hao!

One sword directly killed Huang Shao!

His left hand, carrying Huang Shao\'s head!

The long sword in the palm, with its blade stained with blood, shines in the world, but points to the sky!

The yellow scarf bandits nearby were frightened, and some even wet their crotch!

"The Lord is divine!"

"The Lord is divine!"

Liu Hao\'s soldiers\' emotions were infected. Like a volcanic eruption, they began to raise their weapons, beat their chest and roared wildly!

The thunder like cry surged over the empty field for a long time.

When Xu Jing, Xu Shao and other civil servants saw this scene, they seemed to have blood rushing up in their hearts. Their scalp was numb, they tore their throat and shouted:

"The Lord is divine!"

In fact, at this time, Liu Hao, Feng QiuHuang\'s sword dance had been used to the end. He harvested more than ten Huang Shao\'s own soldiers, and then calmly withdrew from the thief array with the help of the extreme speed of snow stepping dragon Huang.

A ride!

"The thief leader Huang Shao is dead. Put down your weapons and surrender. Kneel down and surrender. Spare your life!"

Liu Hao held Huang Shao\'s head high and shouted loudly.

"Ding, Xu Jing\'s loyalty to the host has been greatly improved. The current loyalty is 100 (never betray), and the additional reward worship value is 1000."

"Ding, Xu Shao\'s loyalty to the host has been greatly improved. The current loyalty is 100 (never betray), and the additional reward worship value is 900."

"Ding, cavalry captain Zhao Heiniu, increased his loyalty to the host to 100 (never betray), and the additional reward worship value is 500."


For a moment, the system\'s prompts poured in like a tide.

Their worship value also rose like a rocket, and there were more than 2000 points in an instant!

Liu Hao\'s heart is in full bloom.,,.