The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 112

"Congratulations to the host. You have obtained the king level weapon, green dragon dominating the world double halberd!"

Liu Hao was shocked and felt that a pair of domineering heavy iron halberds had been added to his storage space.

When the emperor looked at Qi, he immediately displayed the message of double halberds:

Green Dragon dominating the world double halberd: an overlord divine weapon handed down to ancient times. Each handle weighs 50 kg, a total of 100 kg. The iron halberd blows hair and breaks hair, cuts iron like mud, and holds force + 2.

"The green dragon double halberd really lives up to the name of dominating the world. Unfortunately, it\'s not my style."

Liu Hao frowned and smiled bitterly. Suddenly, his heart moved. Isn\'t Dian Wei, his subordinate, able to use this pair of domineering double halberds?

"The duration of lucky potion (small) has passed, and the probability returns to normal. Please let the host know!"

Fortunately, the duration of the potion has passed. Liu Hao also stopped chopping his hands, packed up his goods and was ready to exchange feelings with Dianwei.

At this time, others have gone to command all the headquarters to clean up military affairs. After all, there are more yellow scarf thieves than Liu Hao\'s soldiers. Be careful.

Outside the camp, only Dianwei stood at the door and said, "Lord, I just went to dinner. Nothing happened?"

"No, no..."

Liu Hao looked at Dianwei, still as towering as a mountain, but a pair of iron halberds he was carrying were missing.

"Dianwei, come here!"

Liu Hao nodded and waved to Dianwei.


Dianwei answered, went directly to Liu Hao and said, "Lord, what\'s your order?"

Liu Hao patted Dianwei\'s generous shoulder and felt very relieved.

He was the first strong general he took in the Three Kingdoms. He came and went in the wind in the clouds. He was always loyal to him and couldn\'t leave his side.

Now, it\'s time to reward him for his loyalty!

Liu Hao smiled lightly; "Lao Dian, why is one of your halberds missing?"

Dianwei scratched his head and said sadly, "Lord, I killed sex at that time. I threw out a halberd and killed more than a dozen people. I don\'t know which mountain ditch I fell into."

His pair of iron halberds weigh more than 80 kilograms. Now he has lost one, which is equivalent to that the fierce tiger has broken a sharp claw.

Liu Hao patted Dianwei\'s arm and said with a light smile, "the old don\'t go, the new don\'t come. Wait, I have a baby to give you."

Dianwei waved his hand and said, "my Lord\'s baby, I dare not covet."

"Here you are!"

Liu Hao was very moved. I really want to say that such a loyal and peerless general, please give me a dozen!

He turned into the camp and took out the green dragon Bashi double halberd. Dianwei\'s tiger eyes suddenly burst into infinite light.

"What a halberd!"

Dian Wei took a breath. He used the double halberds for decades. Only with his eyes, he could recognize the mysterious and terrible place of this pair of King level green dragon tyrant double halberds.

"Lord... Is such a divine soldier given to me?"

Dianwei took the double halberd, smiled shyly, and waved the double halberd excitedly.

The force to break through the limits of the human body is really terrible!

Dian Wei, a strong man with thick thighs, beat his muscles like iron.

The green dragon dominating the world double halberd seemed to have life in his hand, and the deep and terrible smell was more intense.

"Dianwei, now I have an important task to hand over to you!"

Liu Hao said solemnly.

Holding a double halberd, Dianwei suddenly knelt down and said, "Lord, just command!"

"Kong Fu is weak and incompetent, but he is greedy for utility. If I expect it right, he will try his best to divide my war achievements. Do you know what to do?"

"Dian Wei killed such an unjust man with a halberd. Please give him seven days. If he can\'t take Kong Hui\'s head, Dian Wei will use the green dragon to dominate the world and cut himself in front of the Lord!"

Dianwei\'s eyes were full of fierce light. He beat his chest with both hands and replied with a bang!

Liu Hao stood quietly with his hands on his back, watching Dianwei\'s majestic back disappear in the moonlight, and a ray of dark golden awn flashed in his eyes.

I\'m trying my best to pull out the yellow scarf, but you hold me back?

Although you are an important official of the imperial court, the great man assassin?

What is immortality?


"Damn it, Qu Shuai, you have to March more than 300 miles at once. You\'re tired of your brothers!"

"What instrument is this donkey day!"

"Qu Shuai, stop and have a rest. If you go on like this, the brothers will not be able to hold on!"

On the way to Yangshan, the yellow scarf thief of Huang Shao\'s Department complained and dragged on, unwilling to move forward.

"Qu Shuai, we really can\'t walk!"

After a day and night\'s rush, the yellow scarf thieves with loose military discipline finally couldn\'t stand it and spontaneously stopped.

"Bastards, cheer up the labor and capital!"

Huang Shao, who was short and strong, stared at him and beat the soldiers who stopped beside him with a whip in his hand, causing a wail.

"Go over that hill again and walk ten miles. You can meet he qushuai right away. Then the brothers can rest."

Huang Shao\'s whip raised and pointed to the direction of Yangshan.

Yingchuan is a plain. There are two small hills in front of it. As long as you cross the two hills, there will be a smooth road.

At this speed, it is estimated that we can arrive at night.

Huang Shao scolded He Yi son of a bitch in his heart, but he didn\'t dare to stop to have a rest.

After all, He Yi is the direct line of the general of rengong. He has a great voice and has more than 15000 forces, which is much more than him.

If you don\'t listen to him, you may be swallowed by He Yi.

Eager to get on the road, Huang Shao wholeheartedly urged his yellow scarf thieves to speed up the road, without feeling that the crisis was coming.

"Qu Shuai... Come on... Look!"

In a hurry, one of Huang Shao\'s deputy generals suddenly screamed in horror and pointed to the front.

I only heard a drum behind the hill in front!

It\'s killing!

Then came the "whew, whew, whew", as if there were countless arrows, which came from the air like locusts!

Liu Hao, dressed in dragon scale armor, sat high on the Snow Dragon Phoenix, pointed his long sword at Huang Shao in the distance and cut him down ruthlessly:

"This thief, why not die?!".,,.