The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 103

Liu PI, finally moved.

But I\'m still a little afraid that Liu Hao will turn his face and refuse to recognize others after incorporating him.

There was no way. Xu Shu had blocked all his possible retreat with one mouth and a few words.

There is only one way out for the rest, that is to take refuge in Liu Hao.

Zhou Cang said with a smile, "don\'t you think about what someone did before taking refuge in the Lord!"


Before turning to Liu Hao, Zhou Cang was also a yellow scarf thief and became a bandit on the mountain.

Looking at him now, he seems to have become an officer of the Han imperial court?

Liu PI suddenly realized that he was very jealous. The hanging stone finally fell.

"In that case, I hope you can say more good words for me!"

Liu Pi\'s attitude changed greatly and took Xu Shu to complain: "Sir, I was also a good citizen of Jizhou. My family was broken and people died. I really had no way to join the yellow scarf in order to survive."

"Now He Yi, who doesn\'t know what\'s good or bad, threatens us that whoever doesn\'t come to fight against the officers and soldiers with him will swallow that one. It\'s a necessity..."

Xu Shu looked calm and said, "of course I know general Liu\'s difficulties, but after all, you robbed Yingchuan and scared the governor of Yuzhou to Qiao County, shaking the emperor. You really did a lot of wrong things!"

"This... All blame He Yi, who doesn\'t know good or bad!"

Liu PI was so frightened that he was sweating that he quickly threw the pot on He Yi\'s head.

"General Liu, since you have decided to go to the Lord, you should show some sincerity."

Xu Shu smiled and hinted.


After Xu Shu\'s advice, Liu PI suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind!

Yes, if you become a bandit, you should mention your name and show your sincerity, not to mention taking refuge in the army?

I have no friendship with He Yi.

You can take the head of He Yi and give it to Lord Liu as the capital for promotion!


The sky is slightly bright.

Liu Hao is waiting in the camp.

He frowned. It had been several hours since Xu Shu took Zhou Cang to Liu Pi\'s camp.

Up to now, no news has come. Is there any accident?

With Xu Shu\'s talent, how could he overturn the boat on this little yellow turban thief if he could hope that Po would oppose Wei, Wu and Cao Cao?


While Liu Hao was meditating, a herald came running in quickly outside the door. "Lord, the military division sent someone back from the Yangshan thief stronghold and sent a letter!"

Liu Hao took the silk book, glanced up and down, and his eyes lit up!

"Ha ha, it\'s worthy of Xu Yuanzhi! Liu PI actually surrendered? It\'s no effort to catch all the thieves!"

This letter was indeed written by Xu Shu.

Although there are only a few words, important messages have been delivered.

Liu Pi is ready to lead the crowd to surrender. He has also made an appointment for the fifth watch. He calls out the soldiers on patrol in Yangshan, cooperates inside and outside, and forcibly kills He Yi!

Lin Chong, Hua Rong and other generals also stayed up all night. Hearing Liu Hao\'s laughter, they were shocked. They pushed open the account door and asked:

"The Lord laughs. Is something big happening?"

"The military division has persuaded Liu Bi to surrender, and has made an appointment to raise fire as a sign. Cooperate inside and outside, and eliminate the thieves in Yangshan at one fell swoop!"

"Hiss... Worthy of being a military division!"

"Unexpectedly, with one\'s own strength, he persuaded tens of thousands of thieves!"

"I am the first to serve the Lord and the second to serve military division Xu!"

The generals looked excited. Liu Hao pulled out his sword and looked cold:

"The terrain of Yangshan is dangerous. There is only one avenue up and down, but the terrain around is very suitable for ambush!"

"Lin Chong!"


"Order you to lead a thousand people to ambush on the left side of Yangshan. Look at my order and be ready to lead the army to cover up at any time!"

"Hua Rong!"

"The end will come!"

"Order you to lead a thousand people in an ambush on the right side of Yangshan. Wait for my order, be ready to shoot arrows at any time and lead the army to cover up!"

"Liao Hua is going to take the cavalry array, block the exit of Yangshan, intercept and defeat the army, and never let anyone go!"

"Dianwei, take the rest of you and follow me straight for the Chinese army and kill him directly to He Yi\'s camp. Remember, when you meet Liu Bi\'s men with a red silk belt tied to their shoulders, let him go. They will be their own people in the future!"

Liu Hao ordered a series of orders. Lin Chong and others accepted the promise and immediately went to point Qi soldiers and ambush.

Xu Shu\'s plan of expelling tigers and swallowing wolves is indeed the most labor-saving way to win Yangshan.

When Liu PI and He Yi are both defeated, Liu Hao is in a good time. He takes the opportunity to arrange an ambush to cover up the murder and directly take the bandits of Yangshan at one fell swoop!

Time flies, and all the generals under Liu Hao have completely ambushed.

It\'s time to come, after all!

Suddenly, in the bandit stronghold on Yangshan, the fire soared into the sky!

Liu Hao\'s eyes brightened, raised his long sword and cut it off. He roared:

"The generals listen to the order and follow me to kill the sheep mountain and eliminate the bandits!"





On the Yangshan mountain, Liu Pi is in the camp.

He Yi, who was invited to discuss military affairs, was drinking muggy wine.

"What\'s going on?"

He Yi looked at Liu pituan sitting in his position, his back straight, his face seemed to show a trace of murderous spirit, and she felt something different in her heart.

At the same time, there was a sudden cry of death at the foot of the mountain.

He Yi suddenly felt a thrill. She immediately stood up and scolded, "what the fuck is going on? It\'s not pleasant to drink with her brother!"

"What\'s the noise? No, is it the Han army?"

"He Shuai, there\'s a fire. There\'s a fire in the stockade!"

"He Shuai, the sound of killing at the foot of the mountain is shaking the sky, and the Han army is attacking!"

"No, hurry to meet the enemy!"

He Yi angrily scolded: "Liu PI, you fool, are you still sitting and waiting to die? Hurry up and get together with me to meet the enemy!"

After he man died, He Yi could only rely on Liu Bi.

Liu PI stood up in awe and said, "OK!"

When he Yi turned and walked outside the camp tent, a dazzling cold light flashed!


A touch of senhan\'s knife light suddenly blooms, and He Yi\'s neck hurts!

"Liu pi... How dare you betray..."

Just in time to say the last word, He Yi\'s big head has separated from his body.,,.