The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 104

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Lord Liu is the capital of the Lord. If you follow him, you will certainly achieve something great. Can you compare it?"

With a sneer, Liu PI stepped over He Yi\'s body and strode out of the camp.

"Dare to fight against my Lord and die!"

Zhou Cang raised He Yi\'s head in his hand and said with a simple smile; "Military division, what should I do now?"

Xu Shu said with a faint smile: "General Liu PI, please speed up your troops and hide and kill He Yi camp. The Lord has attacked!"

"General Zhou Cang, go find a team of people and spread the news that He Yi was killed among the yellow scarf thieves, telling them to collapse completely!"






The snow treading Dragon Phoenix pounded wildly in the thief array. Liu Hao took a deep breath and a strong smell of blood came to his face.

He can\'t remember clearly. This is the first person he killed.

From the dawn to the rising sun, Liu Hao felt numb in his sword waving.

At this time, the battlefield of Yangshan was full of blood and corpses.

Of course, most of the dead were yellow scarf thieves who resisted under He Yi.

"Bastards, die!"

Dian Wei roared and swept with a halberd, blocking more than ten yellow scarf thieves in front of him. He cut them in two sections!

"Too fierce!"

"It\'s not human, it\'s a monster!"

"Run, he Shuai has been killed by Liu pi..."

"I surrendered, don\'t kill me!"


The sound of howling, laughing and crying is perfectly integrated with the sound of metal and iron.

Xu Shu sent people to spread the news that He Yi was killed by Liu PI in the yellow scarf army.

This shocking news played a very important role and directly brought infinite fear to all yellow scarf thieves.

The boss is on the street. Who is fighting for?

You can\'t die in vain!

The psychological defense line of the yellow scarf thief collapsed directly.

"Wonderful, in this way, Liu PI has no choice but to go one way to the dark!"

Liu Hao was very happy.

He Yi\'s men definitely have loyal followers. Liu PI killed the boss and became a 25-year-old. He must be hated by the yellow scarf thief.

In this way, Liu Hao could easily control the remaining troops in Liu Bi\'s hands.

"Lord, it\'s a fucking good fight! He Yi\'s men have almost been destroyed!"

Lin Chong dressed in armor and bathed in blood, got off his horse and reported to Liu Hao.

In his heart, unspeakable pleasure.

To Liu Hao, he was even more determined to surrender.

Not only Lin Chong, but also Hua Rong and others are so excited.

To fight with Liu Hao, just follow orders.

My troops can defeat the yellow scarf thief army dozens of times with one enemy and ten!

What a miracle!

The long sword in Liu Hao\'s hand was held high, and his body exuded boundless prestige. He roared, "the Han army is powerful, invincible, and I am invincible!"

"Invincible, I am invincible!"

"Invincible, I am invincible!"

Han Jun\'s mood seemed to be infected. He then beat his fist on his chest and roared!

In the roar of the ocean, Liu Hao heard a series of system prompts, and his heart was almost laughing!

"Ding, congratulations to the host. He broke the yellow scarf thief headquarters. The loyalty of his troops has been greatly improved. The reward worship value is 984..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. Zhao Heiniu\'s loyalty to the host has increased to 100 and the reward worship value is 600."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. Zhou Cang\'s loyalty to the host has increased to 100 and the reward worship value is 850."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The fourth step of the hiding task has been completed. The reward will be sent later!"


"Ha ha, the hiding task is completed. Check the current worship value for me?"

The emperor\'s golden light flashed in Liu Hao\'s eyes.

"The current value of the host is 13251, please know."


Make a fortune in war!

This worship value points can be exchanged for a diamond legend card again!

What kind of talent will you get this time?

Liu Hao was in a happy mood, but after thinking about it, he restrained his intention to call immediately.

At this time, there are many people and many people. We are at the end of the war. There will be time to call in the future.

"Lord, here comes Liu PI, the leader of the yellow scarf thief!"

The spies came rushing. Before long, Liu Hao saw a tall man, tied by a rope, with thorns on his back, coming from a distance with his head down.

"Sinner Liu PI, who made a big mistake, specially came to plead with Lord Liu!"

Among the crowd, Liu PI came from a distance and shouted loudly. His voice was very loud.

Before he came to Liu Hao, he knelt down directly and said shamefully, "Lord Liu is invincible. His soldiers are also the army of Huben. I was blinded by lard before I came to fight against adults!"

"Please kill me!"

Liu PI asked for death!

Before Liu Hao spoke, Dianwei Leng snorted, "Lord, you see this thief wants to die. Do you want me to help him?"

Dianwei\'s words directly shook Liu Pi\'s body, almost out of the sky!

Why doesn\'t he recognize Dianwei?

Dian Wei, a fierce man, is invincible. Killing is easier than drinking water and eating!

"Dian Wei, don\'t be rude."

Liu Hao scolded Dianwei not lightly but not seriously. He came forward with a smile, raised Liu PI, whose face was so frightened that he patted him on the shoulder and back.

He gently comforted: "it\'s the luck of hundreds of thousands of people in Yingchuan county that General Liu knows his way back and returns to the court. I must report to the court and ask for merit for the general. What\'s the crime?"

to offer a humble apology?

The routine is very deep!

But this acting skill is too flashy in front of my brother!

Liu Hao showed him what the real movie king is!

The jade like handsome face showed a trace of compassionate smile, which made Liu PI feel a burst of warmth and moved.

Liu Hao said with a faint smile: "General Liu will be appointed a partial general first. If he has great achievements in the future, he will be promoted again!"

Liu PI was moved and thought, "I\'m just a demoted general, but Liu Taishou will treat me like this. If I don\'t report my death, am I still a fucking person!?".,,.