The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 102

I can\'t beat Liu Hao at all!

Liu PI was frightened and finally came to this conclusion.

These brothers who died in the daytime were all yellow scarves. They had been with his subordinates since the beginning of the incident.

Now he has lost seven or eight thousand people in the first World War. Now there are only a few thousand of his subordinates left, which directly hurt their vitality!

"Damn it, Qu Shuai, blame Herman that idiot. He ranked our brothers first and used them as cannon fodder. As a result, it was too late to run and died the most!"

"Yes, he Shuai is obviously eccentric. Let\'s make cannon fodder!"

"Don\'t talk nonsense. Beware that walls have ears!"

Liu Pi\'s face was dark, as if ink was about to drop.

He glanced at the door without saying much. He drank all the wine in the bowl in one gulp. He was depressed in the wine.

"Big head, someone outside the account is looking for you and says it\'s your old brother."

The pawn standing at the door whispered outside.

"What old brother, no!"

Liu PI was upset and waved his hand directly.

"Why, don\'t you even want to see your old brother?"

Unexpectedly, the door of the camp was suddenly forcibly opened. From the outside, a man as strong as a bear came in with a young scribe.

"Zhou Cang, it\'s you!"

Liu PI saw Zhou Cang and was surprised: "brother, you came just in time. The Han army is too fierce. You can\'t fight without you!"

With Zhou Cang\'s force, he is also a rare general among the yellow scarf thieves.

But when Liu PI saw the people around Zhou Cang clearly, his face immediately changed, and his alertness suddenly increased to the highest!


Liu PI pulled out his sword, pointed to Xu Shu and asked suspiciously, "you\'re not my yellow scarf army brother. Who is it?"

Shua Shua!

In the camp, there was a sound of falling bowls and drawing knives.

The yellow scarf thieves under Liu Bi showed up one after another.

An old thief like Liu PI, who has been mixed for many years, has rich experience in the Jianghu. His eyes have long been trained to be bright.

Zhou Cang is OK, but Xu Shu has a natural and unrestrained scholar demeanor, which is definitely not something that yellow scarf thieves can have!

"Zhou Cang, why did you bring him here?"

Liu PI felt something wrong and sneered.

"I, Xu Shu, am the one who saved the general\'s life!"

Xu Shu said faintly.

"Hey, hey!"

Zhou Cang smiled and glanced around.

Liu Pi\'s heart moved and said to his men, "there is a misunderstanding. You all go out first. Brother Zhou and I want to catch up."

"Yes, chief!"

A moment later, the yellow scarf thieves in the camp were scattered.

"You said you came to save me?"

Liu PI laughed and said fiercely, "you two Han Army spies, how can I know? Now you are fish on the chopping board. You have to save me and you!"

"At the command of my commander, you can cut you into meat paste!"

"Damn it, I don\'t know what\'s good or bad!"

Zhou Cang\'s face turned black and his anger soared.

However, before he broke out, Xu Shu held him and said with a faint smile, "General Liu, have you ever had an intuitive understanding of the combat effectiveness of our army after World War I today?"

Liu Pi\'s laughter suddenly stopped.

He is like a fish out of the water. His mouth is open and his face is red, but he can\'t speak.

"So you came to humiliate me!"

During the day, the two sides were still mortal enemies. At night, they came to their camp and said they wanted to save themselves.

This is not provocation and humiliation. What is it?

Just as Liu PI was about to call people, Xu Shu said with a faint smile: "my Lord is benevolent and righteous. General Zhou thought of the feelings of his old friends. He asked for orders to come here. There are a few words to say to the general. The general might as well listen to me first."


"General Liu thinks that the combat effectiveness of his subordinates is better than that of my Lord\'s army?"

"A little... Not as good as..."

Liu PI, who said this, blushed a little.

The battle during the day is a one-sided massacre!

According to the performance during the day, it\'s not just a little worse!

One is the cloud in the sky and the other is the soil in the earth!

The rhythm of adults beating pupils!

In the final analysis, Liu Hao\'s army is well-equipped, disciplined and led by peerless fierce people.

This war is really fierce!

Seeing the hesitation in Liu Bi\'s eyes, Xu Shu decided to add another fire:

"Then where does general Liu think the way out for the Yangshan bandits?"

"My Lord, thousands of tiger hearts can defeat ten with one. Will General Liu hide in the dark mountains and forests all his life?"

Liu PI: "

Xu Shu asked several questions in a row. Liu PI listened as if he had been bitten by thunder and began to doubt life

He was stunned!

Although he didn\'t speak, his expression was full of fear!

Because what Xu Shu said hit the nail on the head!


How about this fight?

There is a great difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides. Liu Haojun is a few inhuman generals.

In particular, Dianwei\'s brutal scene of tearing Herman apart by his peerless life is still vivid, and has become a shadow in Liu Bi\'s heart.

If Liu PI wants to fight against a fierce man like Dianwei again, he won\'t go!

You can\'t beat it!

Only by hiding in the ravine, gnawing bark and eating soil can we survive.

That\'s too hard!

That kind of life was not what Liu PI wanted.

Xu Shu saw that the fire was almost over and said with a light smile: "He Yi took the general as an outsider and took precautions everywhere. Today, he sent troops to array and took the general\'s men as cannon fodder."

"My Lord is a talented person in the world, a member of the imperial family, and a royal uncle of the son of heaven. He is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness. He sent someone to save the general only because he thought of General Liu\'s bravery and love for talents and couldn\'t bear to kill the general like He Yi, an anti thief."

"We are hostile. How can you save me?"

Liu Pi\'s throat moved and his expression gradually began to shake.

Xu Shu laughed and said, "General Liu, what are you worried about? My Lord is now in the moment of employment. If you take thousands of brothers to surrender, it will be a great achievement. I\'m afraid you won\'t have a future in the future!"

"Are you serious? Can Mrs. Liu really let bygones be bygones and not punish me?".,,.