The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 101

In their eyes, these yellow scarves thieves in Yangshan are no longer murderers like monsters, but heads who can move. They all contribute to walking. You can reach out and get them!

At this time, Xu Shu said, "my Lord, I think you can\'t be arrogant after the victory. It\'s not suitable to rob the camp again tonight!" "what does the military master say?"

Liu Hao, who was originally a little moved, hurriedly asked.

Xu Shu\'s eyes flashed a wise light and said slowly, "Lord, today our army can break 30000 with 3000. Of course, it is the invincible power of general Dianwei, but some of them are also because thieves despise the enemy."

with reason!

Liu Hao nodded. If he man, the mentally retarded, didn\'t come out to die and minimize his family\'s morale, there would be more casualties on his side in a scuffle.

"He Yi is incompetent and has no wisdom. After today\'s disastrous defeat, he must be scared to death and ask his men to guard closely."

"What the military Master said is very reasonable."

Liu Hao frowned and said, "if he Yi is determined to be a shrinking turtle and shrink in Yangshan not to fight with us, we must attack Yangshan in order to completely take them down."

The scout has already drawn the map of Yangshan. It can be seen that the terrain of Yangshan is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The big killing cavalry in Liu Hao\'s hand can\'t rush up the mountain at all, so it\'s useless.

In this way, it\'s really tricky!

"Lord, I\'m not afraid of death. Let me lead the battle with 500 people!"

Zhoucang urn sound channel.

Dianwei also said: "Lord, do you want me to take a small team of brothers and directly rush into the camp to kill the thief head of He Yi?"

"No, it\'s too dangerous!"

It\'s really dangerous to break into thousands of people and forcibly kill them.

Moreover, it is very likely to face prepared thieves.

Liu Hao resolutely rejected Dianwei\'s suggestion and asked, "Mr. Yuan Zhi, what can you do to win Yangshan?"

Everyone\'s eyes fell on Xu Shu.

Waiting for his solution.

Xu Shu stroked his sleeves and said with a faint smile, "Lord, Shu has a plan. It doesn\'t cost a soldier to call the yellow towel thieves of Yangshan, and they will be destroyed in front of him!"

"It doesn\'t cost a soldier... It\'s impossible?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Even if the brave and invincible general Dianwei goes out with general Lin Chong, it\'s impossible to kill more than 10000 alone. How long will it take?"

"Mr. Xu, can you kill more than 10000 people alone?"

Hearing Xu Shu\'s proposal, the generals shook their heads and didn\'t believe it at all.

One after another thought: it seems that Mr. Xu Shu, as a military master, is sometimes a little less resourceful. He actually put forward this absurd opinion to the Lord.

"Military division, you\'d better say the plan completely!"

Liu Hao looked at Xu Shu\'s calm expression, but knew that things were not so simple and asked.

"Lord, in fact, it\'s easy to destroy the sheep mountain bandits!"

Xu Shu said with a faint smile, "Shu, don\'t be a soldier or a soldier. With only three inches of good tongue, you can destroy the thief of Yangshan in front of you!"

"More than 10000 yellow scarf thieves were killed today. General Dianwei also tore Herman. He Yi was afraid that he would surrender if he hated us to the bone?"

Zhou Cang muttered.


Liu Hao\'s eyes flashed and he breathed.

He finally understood what Xu Shu meant. With failure, there was not only a decline in morale, but also suspicion and suspicion.

Xu Shu didn\'t say what to do.

But like Su Qin and Zhang Yi, we should use our own strength to stir up internal contradictions among thieves and let them kill each other!

Liu Hao has no doubt that Xu Shu has this ability, but this entry point is very critical.

Liu Hao asked with concern: "military division, it\'s too dangerous. If it\'s not good, the bandits will turn over. Yuan Zhizhi\'s talent is better than 100000 soldiers. Don\'t be in danger!"

"My Lord! The candidate has been determined. It is said that general Zhou and Liu PI are old acquaintances. As long as general Zhou can take me into Liu PI camp in Yangshan, great things will be done!"

Xu Shu\'s wise eyes flashed a touch of emotion, bowed and said:

"At this time, the thief army is newly defeated and the morale is at the bottom of the valley. It is the best time to implement this plan. Shu has a ten percent chance to solve them for the Lord!"

Xu Shu\'s attitude is very firm.

Since he joined Liu Hao, he has been reused by Liu Hao. He has long been loyal to Liu Hao.

This time, although it was a little dangerous, Xu Shuyi didn\'t turn back in order to prove his value!

Doing so can at least be worthy of Liu Hao\'s kindness to him.

"Well, we must protect our own safety!"

Liu Hao said helplessly.

What is most important in troubled times?

Talent, of course!

Xu Shu is now one of the two think tanks under Liu Hao. He still expects him to fight for himself. He must not make any mistakes.

"Zhou Cang!"

"The end will come!"

Zhou Cang stepped out of the line and hugged boxing.

"You are responsible for leading the military division into Liu Biying\'s account. No matter whether things succeed or fail, you must protect the safety of the military division!"


Zhou Cang took orders.

"I hope Yuanzhi can succeed!"

Liu Hao sighed.

He didn\'t send Dianwei because Dianwei was in the limelight of the two armies today. A magnificent man more than nine feet tall is easy to be recognized.


The night was deep.

Liu Biying is in the account.

Liu PI, the handsome of Huangjin canal, is drinking muggy wine with his brothers.

"Damn it, the combat effectiveness of the army is too powerful!"

"Who says it\'s not? The soldiers of Yingchuan prefect Liu Hao and those of Kong Fu are just one day and one earth!"

"Brother, how shall we fight the next war?"

Yellow scarf thief, what discipline can you have?

Everyone is a bitter farmer. When discussing military intelligence, they are also chatting while drinking and eating meat.

At this time, Liu Pi\'s men discussed the military situation and sighed with fear from time to time.

There was an unspeakable sense of fear in their faces.

"Alas, how much did our brothers lose today?"

Liu PI frowned and asked.

"Big leader, at least seven or eight thousand people died in today\'s war!"

"What, so many dead?"

Liu Bi felt heartache when he went to most of the forces. More importantly, he was deeply afraid of Liu Hao\'s strength.,,.