The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 72

Zhang Yu and his men quickly broke the county seat and wiped out the yellow scarf inside.

"Lord, I only found some grain, not much valuable things." After some cleaning, Ling Cao came to report.

Zhang Yu was not surprised, because before sweeping so many yellow scarf strongholds, there was no valuable property.

Huang Jin's wealth is concentrated in Runan city. If Zhang Yu can beat Runan down, he will definitely make a fortune.

However, with Zhang Yu's staff, the food delivery is not enough.

"Well, let the soldiers take some food with them, and then retreat quickly." Since there are not many valuable things, Zhang Yu will not entangle with them.

After leaving the county, Zhang Yu immediately changed his direction and planned to run to the north of Runan this time.

Sneak all the way, and when the yellow scarf in Runan city finds that the county has been broken down and the yellow scarf inside has been destroyed, Zhang Yu and his family have run for more than ten miles and have a rest in a mountain depression.

The 30000 yellow scarves that chased Zhang Yu before are still running around looking for Zhang Yu.

"Lord, if we can have 10000 troops, we will eat 30000 yellow scarves chasing us. It's too boring to look for wild food everywhere like this." Lingcao will pestle the gun to the ground, dissatisfied said.

Zhang Yu is also helpless. He also wants to fight against Huang Jin and wipe out Huang Jin, but his army is not enough.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance. If you dare to chase them, you can destroy some of them." Zhang Yu said.

Although Zhang Yu said so, he could not guarantee that these yellow scarves could catch up with them.

After a break, Zhang Yu continues to take people to set out.

Half a day later, Zhang Yu wiped out a village with yellow scarves and hundreds of yellow scarves inside.

After it was destroyed, it immediately slipped away.

Within two days, Zhang Yu appeared at will and attacked several villages and towns in Huangjin.

Liu Bi, the city's general, was furious and severely reprimanded the yellow scarf who went out of the city to catch up with Zhang Yu.

However, Liu PI was more cautious and quietly withdrew some yellow scarves from villages and towns outside the city. Runan was too important for yellow scarves. He had to keep it. He was afraid of the imperial court's conspiracy, so he did not dare to send troops to pursue Zhang Yu.

"Lord, we have made a big circle and returned to the south. Where do we fight next?" Lingcao said.

Zhang Yu thought about it and said, "at present, there are not many valuable goals. The county is closely guarded, and many yellow scarves in villages and towns have been removed."

Zhang Yu is also very helpless, tossing for a few days, Huang Jin did not continue to send troops, but chose to defend, which makes Zhang Yu unable to start.

Although there are four or five thousand yellow scarves in the county, they can't be defeated in half a day. They may be surrounded by the Yellow scarves army in half a day. Moreover, it's not what Zhang Yu wants to fight.

Zhang Yu won't do it until he loses too much.

"Newspaper, Lord, we found the yellow scarf chasing us five miles away." At this time, the scouts reported.

"I came here very quickly this time. I guess I was pressed hard." Zhang Yu said calmly.

Zhang Yu waved the scouts down and stood in place for a while.

"Ling Cao, get ready. Let's try and see if we can break this yellow scarf." Zhang Yu thought about it. At present, the only thing he can do is to chase them with 30000 yellow scarves, so he can only start from here.

Ling Cao had a strong sense of war in his eyes. Although he destroyed a lot of yellow scarves these days, he didn't fight well at all.

"Lord, do what you want." Lingcao smashed the long gun heavily on the ground and said.

Zhang Yu thought about it and knew that Ling Cao had been hungry for a long time.

"But not now, continue to lead these yellow scarves to the south, otherwise once you can't eat them, you will be entangled and it will be difficult to run." Zhang Yu and his family are only thirty miles away from Runan City, which is too dangerous.

Zhang Yu and his family started to run and rest when they were close to Huang Jin.

While resting, I'm afraid that Huang Jin will be lost. After all, Huang Jin's physical strength is worse than theirs.

I chased for half a day and more than thirty miles.

Zhang Yu felt almost there, and there was an ambush in front of him.

"That's it. Do it with them." Looking at the dense jungle on both sides, Zhang Yu said with high morale.

Ling Cao said nothing and immediately went to arrange an ambush.

Wait for Zhang Yu to ambush well, rest in place half an hour later, yellow towel just appears.

Thirty thousand troops have been out of the city for several days, and they have been chasing Zhang Yu for several days.

At this time, their formation was in chaos, and the soldiers did not have much morale.

Zhang Yu knew this, so he dared to fight.

Thirty thousand yellow scarves. The team is very long.

Zhang Yu ambushed in the jungle and let the leading troops go first.

When the yellow scarf was more than half full, Zhang Yu raised his halberd and yelled, "attack."

With a long roar, the mountain forest was shaken, and a round of arrow rain was immediately shot from both sides.

The arrow rain continued until several rounds later.

The arrow rain stops, but Zhang Yu and his men have been killed.

The yellow scarf was divided into three sections, and chaos broke out.


With a roar, Zhang Yu waved his Bawang halberd and started to work.

There were enemies all around, Zhang Yu took the lead in the charge. The soldiers behind saw that the general was so brave, and their morale was high.

The confused yellow scarf reluctantly resisted.

Blood splashing

Screams come and go

The more Zhang Yu killed, the more brave he was. He had only the enemy in his eyes and rushed to a place.

After Zhang Yu's fight, Huang Jin's formation is suddenly disturbed, and then the soldiers behind take the opportunity to fight.

Zhang Yu is a beast, leading a group of wolves in the fight.

Ling CaO on the other side is also very smooth, the yellow scarf will be scattered.

Huang Jin was killed a lot, but after all, they had a lot of troops, and they still had the chance to resist.

General Huang Jin tried to stabilize the front, and then organized elite troops to counter attack Zhang Yu.

"Ling Cao, kill me there." Zhang Yu saw that Huang Jin's elite soldiers were gathering, and knew that they could not be gathered, otherwise there would be big trouble.

Lingcao hears Zhang Yu calling him and kills him.

Two people work together to increase the lethality.

However, there are a large number of yellow scarves, which have been killed one after another.


Two people roar unceasingly, the hand is not slow at all, set off a bloodbath.

Although Zhang Yu and Ling Cao are extremely brave, there are too many yellow scarves. They have killed a lot of them, and there are many more.

"Lord, look over there." During the rush, Ling Cao asked Zhang Yu to look at the back of the yellow scarf.

I saw a man with a big knife, riding a horse, alone, into the formation of yellow scarf.

After he entered the yellow scarf formation, he opened and closed, and could always split several yellow scarves with one knife.

Huang Jin's rear was disturbed by him.

"Kill it."

When Zhang Yu saw that the formation of the yellow scarf was in chaos again, he decided to fight and defeat the yellow scarf.

Originally, Huang Jin had stabilized the formation slowly, but was disturbed by one person.

One person, of course, can't kill many yellow scarves, but this kind of psychological blow has a very heavy impact on the morale of yellow scarves.

Zhang Yu seized the opportunity to launch an impact, and immediately let Huang Jin collapse.