The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 71

Soldiers dressed in yellow scarves began their activities in villages, towns and counties around Runan.

From a distance, these yellow scarves can't find anything at all. When they get closer, it's too late.

It's easy to tell when you're near. After all, Huang Jin doesn't have such momentum or such complete weapons.

Zhang Yu took hundreds of people to sweep several villages and towns in a row. There were not many yellow scarves in every village and town, but only a few hundred people.

Although many villages and towns were raided, few were seized.

The most seized items are some broken weapons, property and other things, which are all concentrated in Runan.

For three days in a row, Zhang Yu and his men swept some villages and towns on the outskirts of Runan city. Two of them joined forces to attack the county.

In these three days, Zhang Yu destroyed more than 10000 yellow scarves and made him earn a lot of points.

Zhou Cang also performed well and fought bravely. Maybe he knew that Zhang Yu didn't trust him, so he fought hard and tried to kill the enemy.

"In three days, it must have attracted the attention of Huang Jin in Runan City, but they don't know how many enemies there are. We must take the opportunity to slip away." Zhang Yu said after meeting Ling Cao.

"Yes, Lord, we swept dozens of villages and towns in three days. Although we didn't kill many yellow scarves, they must have been alert. It's better to go first." Lingcao said.

Zhang Yu nodded and retreated more than ten li with his army.

After the retreat, Zhang Yu took out a map to study.

It is true that the yellow scarf in Runan city has received news that so many yellow scarves have been killed quietly. How could the yellow scarf leaders in the city not know.

At this time, it was Liu PI who guarded the city and was responsible for the logistics supply of He Yi. He had already sent people to investigate, but there was no accurate information.

Runan was too important to the yellow scarf in front of him, so Liu PI did not dare to attack easily. He was afraid that it was a plot of the army.

"Lord, what are you studying?" Ling Cao saw that Zhang Yu had been looking at the map, so he came and asked.

"We attacked the transportation team in Zhoucang. According to their destination, we should go back to recover our lives in the past two days. If we didn't go back, and we swept so many villages and towns in the past three days, Huangjin must know that there is a large army hiding next to them, so I'm guessing what will the General Liu PI think?"

Lingcao also came to see the map. Although the map is simple, everything around can be seen clearly.

"Lord, do you want to ambush them?" Lingcao said.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said nothing. After a while, he said, "we make such a big move. Huang Jin can't ignore it. It's just that if they send out a large army or elite troops, even if they ambush themselves with our strength, they will lose a lot, so it depends on the specific situation."

Zhang Yu is very want to play, playing are points, are money, but he no matter what happens to keep their own strength.

Zhang Yu hid the army first, and then waited for the opportunity.

Runan sent 30000 troops out of the city and killed Zhang Yu in their direction.

"Lord, the other side has 30000 troops. It seems that they are going to swallow us up." Ling Cao said with a smile.

"Huang Jin absolutely can't tolerate us doing things in their rear area. It's estimated that we have judged our forces by and large, so we sent out a large army." Zhang Yu said.

Lingcao looked at the distance, his eyes showed a strong sense of war, but at this time he did not want to fight.

Lingcao looks at Zhangyu and finds that Zhangyu is still observing the map. It should be Zhangyu's decision.

Sure enough, after a while, Zhang Yu raised his head and pointed to the map and said, "since Huang Jin looks up to us, we will play with them."

Zhang Yu stood up and said, "start at once and lead the enemy to the south."

Zhang Yu came out of the hiding place and moved southward. The Scouts of Huangjin soon found them and chased them southward.

Zhang Yu and his family moved south quickly. On the road, Zhang Yu said, "if we are cavalry, we will definitely kill them."

Zhang Yu wanted a cavalry very much at this time. If he was a cavalry, he could hang the yellow scarf behind him.

"Lord, what shall we do next?" Ling Cao asked.

Zhang Yu Ran and said, "lead them to a distant place first, and then we'll get rid of them."

Zhang Yu and his wife rushed for a long time to attract the yellow scarf to the south.

After walking for dozens of miles, Zhang Yu felt almost done. At night, instead of letting the soldiers rest, Zhang Yu turned to the West and quickly left the yellow scarf.

Huang Jin has been chasing Zhang Yu for a whole day.

In the evening, the Yellow scarves couldn't catch up, so they had to stop and rest. Zhang Yu, after eating well and drinking well, and training day and night, could still continue to March.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Yu let the soldiers rest.

Immediately after that, the yellow scarf has lost Zhang Yu's trace.

Zhang Yu took people all the way to the west, then to the north. Two days later, he returned to the surrounding area of Runan, only to the west of Runan this time.

After a night's rest, Zhang Yu knows that the yellow scarf in the city already knows its existence. It can't sweep around the periphery for three days in a row as before. After this fight, he has to go.

Since it can only be played once, Zhang Yu chose to fight in the county rather than in the villages.

The value of Dacun is not high

Zhang Yu, with his men and horses, changed into yellow scarf clothes, and then swaggered on the road toward the county.

At this time, although the county is on guard, because it is the rear area and there has been no enemy, the defense is also very loose.

Zhang Yu brought people from the west, and there was no doubt about the yellow scarf on the head of the city.

When it was close to 100 meters, some yellow scarves began to doubt, but they could not confirm.

Enter 50 meters, the yellow scarf on the head of the city found something wrong.


But it was too late. Zhang Yu roared and took the lead in the fight.

Fifty meters away, soon to, Zhang Yu three two cut over guard the gate of the yellow scarf, and then into the city.

The fierce battle broke out immediately. Zhang Yu and Ling Cao were two monsters, crushing them all the way.

At the moment, Huang Jin hasn't fully reflected that Zhang Yu has already killed in the middle of the city. Then Zhang Yu asks Ling Cao to lead the soldiers to attack separately.


Another assault

All the way to fight, all the way to blood.

The yellow scarf that can't be touched is scattered.

About an hour later, the battle ended.

The county has become a blood city, with limbs and arms broken everywhere and blood foam everywhere.