The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 73

Zhang Yu and Ling Cao come like a murderer, who makes Huang Jin cry for his father and his mother.

Huang Jin collapses under the impact of Zhang Yu.

It's much easier to kill next.

Zhang Yu and Ling Cao fight for a while, and then they meet.

"Ha ha, Han Sheng is like heaven. It's really brave to help me to defeat the enemy."

Yes, it was Huang Zhong who came to help Zhang Yu.

"Brother Zhang, as soon as I received your letter, I came here. I just met some yellow scarf thieves on the road, so I came here now." Huang Zhong said to Zhang Yu at once.

At the beginning, Zhang Yu and Huang Zhong had an agreement. Huang Zhong owed Zhang Yu once to help him do something, and Zhang Yu asked Huang Zhong to destroy Huang Jin with him.

"Han Sheng has just come. Now the yellow scarf is no longer a threat." Zhang Yu pestles the Bawang halberd on the ground and looks at the scattered yellow scarf.

At this time, Huang Jin has been killed and scattered. There is nothing wrong with Zhang Yu, so Zhang Yu talks to Huang Zhong.

As the chief general, naturally you don't have to chase and kill the Yellow scarves that have escaped.

Lingcao command is very good, after the yellow scarf defeated, lingcao command encirclement division, and then force them to surrender.

After a while of hard work, Huang Jin was killed more than 9000 people and captured more than 8000 people.

A big win, Zhang Yu they drag the yellow scarf to run, and so they run tired, and then suddenly attack, they are defeated.

The arrival of Huang Zhong makes Zhang Yu very happy. Huang Zhongnian is undoubtedly a strong general, or a young one.

It was just in its early 40s, still in its heyday.

Zhang Yu, they cleaned the battlefield, and then quickly evacuated.

It's hard to guarantee that Huang Jin won't retaliate against so many troops.

"Lord, we have lost about 1000 people in this battle, and the loss is huge." Ling Cao said after statistics.

Zhang Yu sighed in his heart that his strength was still too weak.

About 1000 people died in the war, plus the soldiers who died in the war before, Zhang Yu had only more than 3000 troops in his hand.

Zhang Yu retreated more than 20 Li with his army, and then found a place to rest the army.

When he got to the rest place, Zhang Yu saw that he had gained 30000 points in this battle.

"Kill a yellow scarf elite. Points range from 2 to 5." Zhang Yu looked at the integral and said.

Huang Jin is also hierarchical. It's really good to kill high-level Huang Jin and make a lot of money.

At this time, Zhang Yu's integral has exceeded 100000.

During the rest, Zhang Yu always gets close to Huang Zhong. He wants to find a way to keep Huang Zhong, or even to serve himself.

"Brother Zhang, what's your next plan?"

When they were talking, Huang Zhong asked.

"Send these prisoners back first. I'm going to lead the soldiers to Yingchuan in a few days. There's no chance here."

Runan side, by Zhang Yu a toss, Zhang Yu want to win again, must pay a big price, but Zhang Yu has not much capital.

So Zhang Yu plans to go to Yingchuan, where the army of the imperial court has arrived. Zhang Yu can go with the army of the imperial court, fish in troubled waters and make some contribution. The most important thing is to make more points.

Huang Zhongnian nodded, with a great sense of war in his eyes.

Huang Zhong hated these anti thieves very much. Along the way, he didn't know how many homes were destroyed and how many wives and children were separated.

After a rest, Zhang Yu asks Ling Cao to lead 2000 people to take the prisoners back to Xi Zhicai, who will deal with them.

And Zhang Yu with the rest of the army still stay in place, and inquire about the news.

In the evening, when Zhang Yu wants to have a rest, he opens the system to have a look. At this time, his score has reached 108647.

"Gee, it's upgraded."

After opening the system, Zhang Yu saw that there were more things that could be exchanged, and at the same time, there was a prompt to upgrade the level.

"See what's good." Zhang Yu began to browse.

"What? One hundred thousand points for wine making, two hundred thousand points for papermaking, two hundred thousand points for steelmaking, three hundred thousand points for soul reviving pill, and five hundred thousand points for body remoulding at one time. "

Zhang Yu looked at several points in a row, and they were all hundreds of thousands of points, while he only had about 100000 points at this time.

"Ding ~ system prompt: congratulations on the upgrade of the host level, you can get a gift package of the level." The system prompts.

Zhang Yu is happy, click to get it immediately.

"Ding ~ system prompt: congratulations on receiving a gift package."

Zhang Yu opens the gift bag.

"Reward points 50000, reputation 20, ha ha, this is really." Zhang Yu is very happy to know the advantages of points and reputation.

"A thousand basic people?" Zhang Yu saw the upgrade package again.

"It's too stingy. It's only a thousand people. What can I do? I have a territory as big as three provinces." Zhang Yu said speechless

Kuaiji county is a part of Fujian, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Nanjing. Its territory is very large, but its population is not as large as that of other counties.

"Ding, notice that this is the base population, which means that all the county-level administrative regions in the world will increase by 1000 people."

After listening to the system prompts, Zhang Yu reflected that this system is to transform the system, to transform the world, so this way of population increase is not to increase by itself, but to increase all.

According to Zhang Yu's calculation, he has more than 20 counties under his administration, and more than 20000 more people have been added, which is quite good.

But Zhang Yu doesn't know how much influence his escalation will have on the situation behind him.

Not to mention anything else, the whole Chinese population will increase by more than two million, and the scale of Huangjin will further expand.

Zhang Yu put aside his unhappiness and continued to check the content.

"Back to the soul? Is it the one that needs 300000 points? "

As soon as Zhang Yu saw it, he knew that it was a big baby, so he looked at it quickly.

"Huihundan: it can cure all diseases."

I'll go, God's medicine. It can cure all diseases. It's equivalent to more lives.

"Maybe Zhicai can be used. It's a pity that he died too early in history." The first thing Zhang Yu thought of was the talent who died young.

"Ah, Huang Xu? Yes, Huang Xu. "

Zhang Yu suddenly pats Huang Xu, Huang Zhong's son, and he will die soon. If he can cure Huang Xu himself, maybe Huang Zhong can work.

"The role of Xi Zhicai is no less than that of Huang Zhong." Zhang Yu thought again.

"Pa ~" Zhang Yu patted his head and said: "whether it's Huang Xu or Xi Zhicai, it's not so easy to hang up, can't you still exchange points? One is only 300000, 300000 points for a top talent, it's worth it. "

Zhang Yu thought that he could exchange points, so all this could be solved.

If you want to keep your talent, Huang Zhong can't do without it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu is in a good mood.

Zhang Yu looked at the things that can be exchanged by the system again. Many things are not what he can exchange now, so he can only look at them.

However, Zhang Yu has the motivation to earn points and exchange for better things.

Among other things, the system's strengthening of the body made him greedy, but he got 500000 points at a time.

(brothers, there is no reward. The recommended ticket must be smashed ~)