The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 149

On the other hand, the battle between Xia Ya and boffin continued. At this time, the battle between them had become white hot.

"Bear..." two bright golden and red air masses flashed in the sky.

In just a moment, Xia Ya and boffin have fought dozens of times, one by one, which can be called a violent momentum, which gradually spread out.

The figures of the fighting appeared at an altitude of 10000 meters, on the magnificent lake, and suddenly dived to the ground. With the deafening roar, the powerful forces that deterred the four directions and distorted the light lingered in the minds of all the spectators for a long time.

Boffin\'s actual combat effectiveness is actually higher than that of Xia ya, but his gas explosion means are much coarser than that of Xia ya. With the support of Xiandou, Xia Ya can come back and recover his strength at a critical time.

For a time, Xia Ya had the upper hand with the war of attrition.

When the fight came to this place, suddenly, boffin beat his chest and feet, roared angrily, and a large amount of surging air flow began to surge around boffin. The central pressure suddenly increased, and a terrible momentum swept up. A large amount of dust swept out in all directions like a desert storm.

With the continuous release of boffin\'s power, the small gravel is separated from the gravity under the action of high energy and slowly suspended.

"Nether shock wave!"

A quiet and solemn but magnificent bright red Qigong wave suddenly appeared, and then rolled over like a tiger roaring and ape crowing. The density of this energy is different from all the previous energy, more dense and thicker.

The first to bear the brunt is Xia ya, who is horizontal in front.

In the face of the huge shock wave from the fury, Xia Ya looked frightened. He immediately stood across his body, made a counterattack with both hands, and tried his best to block the oncoming shock.

"Super Qigong bullet!!"

Spread out your hands and send them forward. A light blue Qigong wave suddenly generated in Xia Ya\'s hands, then rose up and went towards boffin\'s strong Qigong wave.

Boom, boom!

The bright white light is getting bigger and brighter. At the junction of the two energies, a long and narrow wind belt begins to emit glittering luster, the ground begins to collapse, and the land under your feet is blown away layer by layer

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood vomited out. Xia Ya suddenly retreated a few steps with great power. She was a little distracted. She gasped and turned pale.

The qigong wave in his hand suddenly weakened for a few minutes and clicked. For a moment, the weakness made the whole war lose.


The bright red energy gained the upper hand in an instant, and then became stronger and stronger. It was as powerful as a wild beast.

The terrible force stirred the air, like the impact of a huge planet from the depths of the universe, and immediately brought up billowing waves.

Xia Ya was like a boat in the ocean, which was knocked about by the turbulent air waves.

The huge explosion that shook the planet roared, and there was chaos between heaven and earth. It was impossible to distinguish between heaven and earth. Countless energy swayed out of the blurred line of sight, stirring the whole planet upside down

After a long time, the smoke gradually dissipated.

The line of sight finally regained its clarity. When we saw the lava surging in the distance and covered with large and small explosion pits, as if we had experienced the battlefield bombed by countless large equivalent nuclear bombs, everyone was shocked and silent, and the scene suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"It\'s finally over. When the energy collided just now, I thought I was going to die!"

Some of the cosmos crawling on the ground wiped the cold sweat on their faces, got up and said happily.

"Yes, it\'s terrible."

"I don\'t know where that human came from. It\'s terrible!" Some people said with emotion.

"But how powerful can it be? It hasn\'t been solved by Lord boffin. It\'s really worthy of death!"

After the fierce battle, the cosmos began to lament the strength of Lord boffin and rejoice that they could see such a high-level battle. Some cosmos looked awe inspiring and hid their little thoughts in the bottom of their heart.

Bocu and Bolton also showed a happy face and unlimited happiness in their hearts. Up to now, they found that their father was so strong that they had unlimited worship in the bottom of their hearts after witnessing everything in front of them.

But there are still some regrets in his heart. It\'s too cheap to kill each other so simply.

According to their idea, the father should abuse the man with blood for a while before killing him.

At the center of the energy collision, rings of black holes appeared in the exposed rock strata after being bombarded by high-energy particle beams. The blue smoke rose with a pungent smell. Boffin looked at it carefully for a while. He was sure that no one would be spared under such a powerful bombardment.

The human should be dead.

The agate eyes on his forehead wandered for a while, just ready to close

Just then, a strong sense of crisis suddenly flashed in his brain. Boffin was shocked for no reason, and a cold and piercing feeling suddenly enveloped him.


Boffin suddenly burst into a drink, the blue pupils suddenly tightened, and the scales stood up all over his body.

Suddenly he looked up and saw a small dark shadow falling slowly in the distant sky, which was the sense of crisis that the figure had brought to him in the past and in the future. The human being was not dead!

In the sky, the scarred xiaya has gathered Qi, his dark eyes are full of cold, his thumb and index finger are clasped, and his two scarred arms stretch out forward.

"Super Qigong gun!!"

The dark red Qigong wave fell from the sky and was straight at boffin\'s position. The blue arc wound around the qigong wave like an angry electro-optic dragon. In the roar of the dragon and the tiger, a fearsome momentum of indomitable, containing the energy of destroying the sky and the earth, swooped down!

Earthshaking energy, light has been distorted.


Boffin roared wildly and wanted to escape, but the powerful Qigong gun had locked him firmly, and boffin\'s body couldn\'t move a penny.

"Energy shock wave!!"

At this point, boffin can only resist tenaciously, and suddenly mobilize all the energy in his body to start bombarding.

Similarly, the red Qigong wave lights up, and then shoots out from the palm of your hand in a furious manner.

Boom, two clusters of energy crashed, and immediately exploded into dazzling strong light. The huge roar formed a ring of visible shock wave radiation. The violent impact produced a powerful storm, which immediately scraped off a layer of soil on the earth again.

Dark red and red red energies stir and devour each other, producing a scorching high temperature.

The energy generated in this moment is like the bright light when the planet is destroyed. No, it should be said that it is more soul stirring!

Finally, Xia Ya\'s super Qigong gun finally got a little better after exploding for a period of time, gradually gained the upper hand, swallowed up the qigong wave shot by Bofei in a hurry and went straight to Bofei.

What a good reincarnation of heaven!


In a strong and unwilling cry, the strong Qigong wave swallowed Bofei.

The whole planet suddenly raised a second sun along the horizon, competing with the scorching sun in the sky, which suddenly hurt everyone\'s eyes.

The shock gradually calmed down. When everyone opened their eyes, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

All the ranges within a hundred miles are beyond recognition, and all the mountains and bulges on the surface of the plain have disappeared, turning into a glance, scorched yellow and hot barren flat land, and a trace of hot gas is constantly emerging from the surface! Maple leaf decoration said that the new month has begun. If you have a monthly ticket in your hand, please vote!