The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 150

The scene just happened so suddenly, or the reversal of the war was so sudden that all the spectators were immersed in inconceivable silence and terrible silence!

"How... How could it be, how could a father lose to a human!" Poku\'s eyes were dull, and then he roared in disbelief.

He was stunned by the sudden changes. It was clear that he had the upper hand just now. How could he be swallowed up by energy in an instant? The rapid changes of the battlefield were beyond his imagination.

Bolton also stood stunned, his throat wriggled and wanted to swallow a mouthful of saliva, but he found that his throat was dry and inexplicably dry: "no, how could my father be defeated..."

However, the scorched yellow earth created by the battle seems to tell them that the battle is over and their invincible father has been defeated in the hands of an unknown human.

The Boku brothers\' face became ugly. They suddenly thought of what they would face after losing their father\'s shelter! Whether we can keep the boffin exchange or leave here alive is unknown.

It is impossible to let go of the human beings who are so strong that their father can\'t defeat them!

With this in mind, the Bolton brothers felt a burst of pressure. They involuntarily moved back a few steps, ready to run away at any time.


World king star.

The green skinned king looked seriously at the boffin exchange, and there was no joy after eliminating boffin on his face.

"This boffin should have died under the bombardment of energy, but why do I always have an ominous omen?" The tentacles on the world king\'s head kept flashing electric arcs, and his eyes watched attentively.

It is reasonable to say that with the energy bombardment of that intensity just now, boffin can\'t survive, but why is he still restless? The king of the world wondered, as if something had been missed by him.

Suddenly, he sensed that there was still a cold air in the chaotic atmosphere of the boffin exchange.

"Wait, that\'s boffin\'s anger. He\'s still alive!"

The king of the world suddenly shouted, and boffin\'s anger had not disappeared.


"Huh?" When the free energy in the air dissipated, Xia ya, who was full of scars, gasped, and suddenly seemed to find something and gave a surprise.

That boffin was so tenacious that he survived the bombardment to that extent.

As soon as this thought flashed through my brain, the earth trembled violently, and a dark red figure emerged from the ground like an arrow.

"Ah ah!"

Boffin roared angrily, his eyes splitting.

At the moment, he looked very embarrassed. His dark red scales were no longer as bright as before. Two of the three brown horns on his head were broken, leaving only one. His two arms were broken, and some places were blackened.

"Damn, I will tear you to pieces and wash my shame with your blood."

Boffin tore his heart and lungs and roared almost madly. At the moment when he was submerged by the shock wave of xiaya, the controller of boffin trading market felt a sense of death, and a feeling called fear flashed through his heart.

At that moment, he was afraid of boffin. When he thought about it, boffin\'s face was hot.

This is a disgrace that must be washed with blood.

And the human who initiated the terracotta warriors will pay the price of life.

This is absolutely unforgivable! Boffin roared and his breath began to stir up wildly. Up to now, he can only use the last move. He usually doesn\'t dare to use that move because the price is too high, but at this time, boffin is almost crazy and he doesn\'t care so much.

Boffin is willing to pay any price as long as he can kill the human.

"Hey Gu... Human beings, I underestimated you before. I didn\'t expect that there would be an expert like you among weak human beings, but you won\'t have another chance next." Boffin\'s voice was low and seemed full of resentment.

"I really don\'t want to use that ability, because it will greatly shorten my life, but I can\'t control so much in order to kill you!" Boffin has gone crazy.

"Hahaha, there\'s nothing wrong with my father. The next human will suffer."

The Boku brothers who watched the war in the distance saw that their father was not dead. It was like taking reassurance. The agitation in their hearts suddenly calmed down, clenched their fists and waved them hard.

"Yes, father won\'t lose!" Bolton bit his teeth, and now he was surprised to find that he had never been so relieved as he is now.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

Xia Ya\'s eyes turned slightly. No matter whether boffin was bluffing or not, she quickly took out a fairy bean and ate it. When her body recovered from the injury, she immediately "whew" and stepped forward into a flash of light. In a flash, she came to boffin and began to launch a fierce attack.

Because of the magical effect of Xiandou, Xia Ya\'s physical strength recovered to its full strength in an instant, and all the wounds on her body disappeared. Xia Ya has always had the upper hand.

Boom, boom!!

A large area of light fell from the sky, countless Qigong waves poured in on the battlefield, and the violent energy swept through. Seeing that the ground was immediately dug three feet.

Wow, as soon as boffin shook his hand, a large group of scarlet energy was quickly thrown out, like flowers in full bloom. It looks beautiful, but it blooms a vicious flower of death in a very short time.

"Hahaha, human, today I will show you Lord boffin\'s transformation ability!" Boffin roared, and the surging energy wrapped him up.


Xia Ya was startled. Could boffin\'s combat effectiveness soar like feliza?

If so, it\'s better to give up the super dragon ball and run away!

Many nations in the universe can improve their combat effectiveness through transformation, which is a good or bad choice of cosmic life in the process of evolution. Just like Shang Bo, who fought in xiaya, can greatly improve their combat effectiveness after transformation.

There is also the transformation of the giant ape of the Saiya people. Although this transformation has great restrictions and is easy to make the transformed lose their mind, it is indeed a means to improve their combat effectiveness.

However, the giant ape transformation of the Saiya people is only suitable for the low-level Saiya people. With more than 100000 combat power, the growth rate brought by the giant ape transformation can be ignored.

In short, once a cosmic person with the ability of transformation changes, it will become very difficult.

Never let him change!

Xia Ya immediately made a decision and then attacked more madly. He saw powerful Qigong waves across the sky, which seemed to break the restrictions of time and space at once. The violent energy made the world change color.

The wind howled and lightning shuttled through the clouds.

The dark and low sky seems to pour the whole bottle of ink into the overturned huge vortex, which will be fragmented, crushed and collapsed at any time. The air pressure began to drop, and the air of killing was like the deep performance of knocking on the soul before the end of the day, making the battlefield more desolate.


A cold and dark breath suddenly increased. It was a terrible energy that made the soul tremble. For a time, the whole planet shook more violently. Maple Leaf says chapter two, wait a minute!