The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 148

When the dense smoke gradually dispersed, a huge impact crater with a diameter of more than kilometers appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the vast land that had become beyond recognition, everyone trembled. They only felt a cold feeling that stimulated the depths of their soul and rushed directly to the sky cover. For a time, their throat became very dry and couldn\'t say a word.

At the moment, both the Boku brothers and those Cosmic people who boast that they are still powerful are silent.

Such a terrible impact result was caused by Lord boffin\'s fist. This is the destructive power of the universe! It made the soul tremble from the depths, and everyone\'s eyes became eager for a moment.

"That human, should have been destroyed by Lord boffin?"

A question broke out among the distant viewers, and then three or two groups discussed it one after another.

"I\'m dead. Even the strongest body can\'t bear such a terrible blow!" Someone answered positively.

Put yourself in their shoes. That shocking blow still lingers in their mind for a long time. No one will think that someone will survive under that powerful attack.

Even the Burton brothers believed that the man would die.

In the center of the scorched impact crater, the hard gravel turned into a molten viscous state under the high temperature.

There is little smoke, hot and desolate.

It\'s like the desolation and death left after the sudden eruption of the long stored super volcano.

At this time, boffin locked his eyebrows and floated above the annular pit. His cold eyes, blue and red, stared at the dark pit below.

Is that human really dead?

Different from the certainty of the spectators, boffin himself is a little uncertain. After all, he is a super expert at the same level as him. Such an attack should not be fatal!

You can\'t be too careful!

He looked straight in the eye and was wary.

"What\'s the matter? Why is Lord boffin still on full alert!" Someone saw boffin\'s change and asked suspiciously.

"Isn\'t that human being still alive after such an attack?" A trembling voice sounded.

Suddenly, a breath came from the depths of the earth. Boffin was shocked. He sensed that the human energy was still surging and burning without weakening at all.

That breath was like a bright light suddenly passing through the night, and suddenly hurt boffin\'s eyes.

Sure enough, the man was not dead. Boffin\'s face changed and his face became very dignified.

This human vitality is really tenacious!

Seeing that boffin was still like a great enemy, Boku and Bolton were also confused. Then their faces suddenly changed, their lips trembled slightly, and they looked at each other incredulously. They saw a thrilling meaning in each other\'s eyes.

How is it possible that the human energy has not disappeared!

At this time, the gravel filled earth suddenly "hummed" and then began to vibrate violently. It seemed that something was about to break through the earth. Then, with a "whew", an energy column with light blue luster sprayed out from the ground and shot at an altitude of 10000 meters.

At the same time, a small black dot rises with the light column in the air!

It was like a black sword, impartial, just heading for boffin in mid air.

"Coming!" Boffin\'s pupils shrank suddenly. He crossed his hands and made a defensive posture. At the same time, the burning flame on his body burst out suddenly, like a second sun in the sky.

With a bang, the light golden flame collided with the red flame, and the sky suddenly became colorful.

After a blow, the two quickly separated, each holding half the sky, looking at each other with fear.

At the moment, Xia Ya was scarred all over and looked very embarrassed. A little bright red liquid spilled down through the thin air above 10000 meters.

With a sigh, he quickly took out a fairy bean and swallowed it. With a "hiss", the flesh and blood moved. Under the treatment of fairy bean, the injury suddenly stabilized, and then slowly decreased to a level with boffin.

"This... This human can regenerate?"

Seeing Xia Ya fall down intact, a cry of surprise broke out in the crowd. Because no one could see clearly the process of Xia Ya swallowing Xiandou, they mistook the efficacy of Xiandou for the legendary regenerative ability.

Boffin didn\'t see it and was very surprised at the moment!

Regeneration ability, which is the dream of countless Cosmic people, is also recognized as the most difficult to break. This human still has such a magical ability. At this moment, boffin was extremely envious, and his scarlet eyes were exposed.

He seemed less confident about whether he could beat the other side.

"It\'s really unexpected that you human beings can regenerate. I\'m more and more curious about you, but it gives me more motivation to defeat you."

Boffin\'s low voice sounded, and a frightening killing opportunity burst out of his blue and red eyes. His body leaped forward, as if he had instantly penetrated the distance between space and came to Xia ya.

"I hope you can be so confident later!"

Xia Yamo was silent, and his dark eyes closely observed boffin\'s actions. He knew that boffin was actually a little nervous, but just like this, the more nervous he was, the easier it was to expose flaws in the battle.

Xia Ya doesn\'t care whether the other party is bluffing or confident!

To tell the truth, boffin\'s fierce attack just now really startled him and once put him into crisis. If he hadn\'t decisively chosen to escape into the ground at an emergency, I\'m afraid he would lose his ability to move even if he didn\'t die.

Therefore, we are also unprecedentedly vigilant in the face of bofeixia.

Ho ho, the pale gold flame burns again. Because of the previous injury, the unique characteristics of the Saiya people are stimulated. Xia Ya\'s Qi is much stronger than the previous explosion.

This scene is not good news for boffin. In the face of the stronger atmosphere of Xia Yayu\'s war, boffin\'s two pairs of ferocious eyes are raised and his face is full of inconceivable. His whole face is a little distorted and roars wildly: "in this universe, no one can beat me!"

Said also broke out a more crazy energy, this outbreak has belonged to an overdraft.

In an instant, the whole planet was shrouded in a breath of awe. Everyone obviously felt that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees and became cold and piercing. The scene was particularly solemn.


A distant higher level.

In a dimension connected with the underworld, golden clouds float in a blue sky, like a golden ocean, with subtle waves in the wind. The whole dimension is full of a peaceful and carefree atmosphere.

In this place surrounded by golden auspicious clouds, there is a small planet. The planet is not big, but 5000 meters in diameter. It is covered with lush green grass. The green stone slabs are scattered and connected with each other to form a stone step path, with rows of dense shrubs on both sides.

This is the world king star where the great world king lives.

At the moment, a thin figure with light green skin and wearing jiewang clothes lies flat on the hammock between trees and sleeps leisurely. Suddenly, the two slender tentacles on the king\'s head suddenly shook, his body shook and fell directly from the hammock.

The green skinned King quickly got up, trotted along the direction indicated by the tentacles, and soon came to the position representing the boffin trading floor.

The tentacles shook again, and a few wisps of light glittered. The message from the boffin exchange was immediately received by the tentacles like an antenna.

After receiving what happened in the boffin trading market, the king of the world was shocked and shouted, "ah! Who is that human being? He can fight boffin to that extent!"

The world king quickly continued to investigate and soon knew the cause and effect of the whole event. His heart couldn\'t help flying. Although Bofei was not as evil as the frozen family, he was one of the best evil figures in all star regions under his jurisdiction.

For the world king, who is in charge of a quarter of the galaxy every day, he needs to deal with too many things. He has long wanted to ban places with cancer like the boffin exchange, but he has been unable to show his ideas because there is no one at hand.

It would be great if that human being could help him destroy the boffin exchange. So the king of the world could not help but observe with expectation.