The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 147

With the sudden surge of boffin\'s combat effectiveness, Xia Ya felt an unprecedented pressure and looked dignified. He didn\'t expect that boffin would explode. Although the means of exploding gas was still very rough, it was the use of gas.

Gas explosion and gas storage are the common means of Dragon Ball soldiers against the enemy in the original work.

They can make the Dragon Ball soldiers with low combat effectiveness play a powerful force far beyond their own combat effectiveness, and the effect is outstanding. At a critical time, they can often win by the weak, turn defeat into victory, and achieve unexpected effects.

Just like in the original book, when the Saiya attacked, facing the threat of the Saiya latiz, the fighting power of the monkey king and bick, who had a fighting power of more than 300 points, suddenly climbed to more than 1000, and used the powerful turtle Qigong and magic penetration light killing gun to finally defeat the latiz with a fighting power of 1500.

This method of gas explosion is a unique skill developed by earth martial artists bit by bit in a weak state in the face of the threat of nature for many years. In short, it is to burst out the gas accumulated in the body at one time in a very short time, so as to defeat the enemy and win!

Of course, the disadvantage is that there will be a period of weakness after the gas explosion.

Xia Ya didn\'t expect that there were Cosmic people who knew similar skills on this distant planet.

Although compared with the Dragon Ball warrior\'s skilled use of Qi, boffin\'s ability to explode Qi is still quite rough. He only touched the fur of Qi, but it is enough to greatly increase his combat power and give full play to his extraordinary strength.

This is because boffin has been pondering for hundreds of years and absorbed the combat experience of many civilizations in the universe. If there is no perennial accumulation, boffin can\'t do this, which also shows that boffin is not simple!

"Hahaha, cheerfulness, I haven\'t exerted my full strength for many years. Today I\'m going to use your blood as a souvenir!"

Boffin\'s whole body was surrounded by a bloody air wall, and the two blood red agate eyes on his forehead twinkled with cold light.

Through the previous battle, boffin has found out the strength of the short man opposite. Although he is unwilling to admit it, in fact, the short man is indeed a thorny opponent for him!

At least he is a figure with the same combat effectiveness as him!

No wonder his two sons are not his opponents.

However, even if the strength is equivalent to that of himself, how can a guy with a fighting capacity of just over 700000 compare with himself who opened his second pair of eyes after the explosion, and his strength jumped to 940000?

After self-confidence, Bofei also has some complacency. Fortunately, he created this ingenious skill. Otherwise, he\'s afraid he can\'t help each other today!

Boffin knew he could not let the tiger go back to the mountain, so today was destined to be the death of this short man!

In the face of boffin\'s provocative words, Xia Ya\'s face was cold, and a surge of anger rushed up from his chest. He roughly knew why boffin was so arrogant, and sneered in his heart: "what a arrogant guy, but you\'re not the only one here who can be angry!"

Of course, Xia Ya will explode gas, but just like gas storage, it takes some time to prepare.

After saying that, one arm shook hard and drank softly. It seemed that a kind of switch was suddenly turned on. Suddenly, the whole body began to burn a light golden flame, and a strong terrible momentum like a great beast burst out.

The surging breath spread in all directions at once, and the light golden radiance, such as twisted lines, shortened the distance of thousands of miles in an instant.

The triumphant boffin\'s power was suddenly suppressed.

"Bear..." the pale gold flame burns brightly, and the high-energy and high-pressure energy gathers into a bright white light spot, which gathers the power after Xia Ya\'s explosion.

Just as in the original book, when the monkey king and bick fought ratiz, Xia Ya\'s power was far greater than himself at this moment, and it was magically increased to 910000.

"This human is really reserved!"

Boffin\'s face turned black and looked at Xia Ya coldly. Xia Ya\'s strength greatly exceeded his expectation.

Originally thought it was a unique skill, but I didn\'t expect this human to be able to. At this time, boffin had only one idea in his heart to kill each other and make each other disappear from the world completely.

After thinking about it, boffin no longer hesitated and rushed all the way towards Xia ya. Powerful energy attack has been continuously released in his palm, and the explosion of "bang bang" can be heard all the time.

Two figures with golden and red lines, like two slender ribbons, flickered in a quiet plain.

In the face of boffin\'s strong and powerful attack, Xia Ya had to constantly speed up the movement speed of her body. If her body couldn\'t, she would exert powers. Anyway, she would improve the speed to the extreme as much as possible. With the blessing of the power of time, Xia Ya\'s body danced lightly and moved in various open places.

It means that after the cold light, there is another blast of light in the dark! Boffin slammed it, and Xia Ya reacted quickly and made a defensive posture.

Boom! The shock of the impact sent both men flying hundreds of meters backwards.

The power path through the body runs through Xia Ya\'s chest, and the space-time skills burst out suddenly. It has removed 30% of its own energy, but the remaining power is still violent.

Poof! Xia Ya suddenly ejected a mouthful of blood from his mouth, turned back dozens of times in the air, and fell to the ground with his feet. An unparalleled force was immediately introduced into the earth. The earth suddenly sank, as if it had been hit by a powerful force. The instant impact caused an unprecedented explosion when the air around him came into contact with the earth.

In the roaring sound, a large amount of dust scattered, the Earth spread cracks around, and the hard ground cracked all at once.

On the other hand, boffin also flew hundreds of meters backward after Xia Ya\'s attack. He stood still in the air and looked at the huge pit on the ground. He had a strong fear in his heart.

The two blood red agate eyes on his forehead rolled around, and the killing awn was exposed. With a roar, he dived down from the sky.

"OK, come again!" Xia Ya spat, and the sharp pain from his chest slowed his movement slightly.

But just then, boffin\'s thick, crazy and burly figure had soared down

"Boy, take my punch!"

Bofisen\'s cold voice sounded in his ear, and an iron fist was wrapped in an incomparable powerful power and smashed down.

So fast, this is Xia Ya\'s first reaction.

Suddenly, the roaring sound suddenly rang through the world, the earth suddenly sank for hundreds of meters, yellow sand splashed and gravel gushed.

All kinds of flying sand and random stones splash around like just fired shells, and the hard rocks shoot deep holes like tofu.

The whole planet is shaking violently, and all the cosmic people watching from tens of thousands of meters away are scared out of their wits. A cool feeling rushes from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads, and their whole body is dominated by an emotion called fear.