The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 146

In the vast starry sky, three solid planets and orange red Super Dragon Balls float in the universe. Across the red stars burning in the distance, violent big explosions continue to occur in the circular orbit full of creation. Although the fireball produced by the explosion is not as huge as the star, it burns everything along the way.

Whew, whew, several streamers flickered suddenly. Xia Ya clenched his fist and frantically urged the energy in his body. His legs suddenly forced, jumped in front of boffin, and then kicked out with violent foot power. The target was boffin\'s chest.

Facing Xia Ya\'s attack, boffin\'s scaly face showed a cold smile. Between the lightning and flint, his arms suddenly crossed to offset the heavy blow brought by Xia Ya\'s leg.

At this time, Xia Ya saw the right time and went to the planet where the auction was located when boffin had no time to take care of it. It soon became a black spot and disappeared.

That planet will be the battlefield for Xia ya to exert all his strength. Xia Ya\'s purpose is to lure him to the surface of the planet.

When boffin saw it, he thought the other party was going to run away. Where would he be willing to say, "hum, do you think I can\'t find you if I escape to the planet?" So he roared angrily and followed closely.

A battle has not yet been decided, but the two sides of the battle have left the space one after another. All the remaining Cosmic people look at each other. Look at me and you. After a while, poku reacts with a sneer: "that human must know his father\'s power and want to escape!"

Bolton nodded and responded, "go, we\'ll catch up!"

Poku and Bolton thought that Xia Ya would run away because they were afraid of their father boffin. They were more or less complacent. Hum, this human is nothing great, so they also roared in the direction of the planet.

"What shall we do? Shall we follow?" Seeing that several parties had left, the remaining businessmen and lone travelers hesitated.

On the one hand, they want to see the wonderful battle between lord boffin and foreign humans. After all, Lord boffin has not fought for decades. It would be a pity to miss the peak duel. On the other hand, they are worried that there will be danger in the past and are extremely tangled for a time.

After hesitating for a long time, several brave solo walkers finally defeated their fear and flew to the planet. For them, fighting and danger are routine. That\'s the reason why the so-called brave ones starve to death!

However, they also know their strength. They can only wait and see from a distance and dare not get too close.

The vast majority of businessmen are quite desperate. They shake their heads and finally rush to the other two stars on the trading floor. What\'s more, I had a hunch that even the two affiliated stars were not safe enough. I left the trading floor directly with my servants and returned to my territory.

In another place, Xia Ya moved forward at full speed. When she looked back and saw boffin chasing after her, she couldn\'t help laughing.

On a dry plain on the planet continent, the breeze blows gently and blows yellow sand for a long time.

Just then, there was a rumble in the sky, and a black figure suddenly fell from the sky. As soon as she landed on the ground, Xia Ya tore off the breathing equipment on her face, took a breath of oxygen in the air, twisted her neck, and suddenly sounded a clear sound of "click click" at her joints.

"Hey, hey, it\'s really much easier after returning to the ground. It seems that the Saiya people can give full play to their power only on the planet!"

The Saiya cannot survive in a vacuum. The cosmic environment will limit his power.

Xia Ya\'s mood fluctuated, but now was not the time to think about it, so she looked up and saw a small black spot growing from small to large, gradually clear, and shouted, "here it is!"

Hiss! Boffin\'s strong body, like a giant pillar, fell straight from the sky and roared. The earth shook violently, like a sudden violent earthquake. The earth suddenly collapsed into a depression more than five meters deep.

Boffin calmly walked out of the pit step by step. A pair of blue eyes showed a cold and piercing chill. They were facing each other from a distance. The atmosphere changed, and a sense of awe rushed forward.

Xia Ya smiled and stared at the burly man who was more than five meters tall in front of her. Her facial expression calmly stood opposite boffin.

Seeing Xia Ya not only didn\'t run away, but came to him, boffin was surprised and said confidently, "your choice surprised me. I didn\'t expect you didn\'t choose to run away. Do you think you can defeat me on this planet?"

"If you don\'t try... How can you know?"

Xia Ya looked at boffin with a smile, then put on a serious posture, and the vigorous breath spread out in an instant.

Boffin\'s face suddenly became gloomy and somewhat ironic, but his red face suddenly became dignified.

How could it be... This human has not done his best until now!

Such a human being is enough to threaten him. Boffin has a lot of killing opportunities in his eyes.

Whew, a flash of light flashed. Xia Ya suddenly disappeared from her place and took the lead in launching an attack on boffin with lightning speed. Boffin immediately began to respond when he saw that he had been robbed of the opportunity. make love! One punch and one * * appeared. Both of them tried their best. The power at this moment was several times that in space, but the two showed the same level. One attack and one defense were appropriate and sharp.

Facing Xia Ya\'s attack, boffin\'s body kept flashing and changing, and his confident face began to appear impatient.

At this time, the Boku brothers and the cosmic people in space also came from space one after another and landed on the ground. Seeing the fierce battle between Xia Ya and Bofei, no matter how good their eyesight is, they can\'t keep up with Xia Ya\'s rhythm at this time.

The crackling sound was heard all over the place. Xia Ya dived and rushed straight to boffin like a missile that was about to hit the target.

The latter\'s face was cold, and a dangerous feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. "Die!" When he was about to contact, boffin clenched his iron fist and slammed it at Xia ya.

"Back!" Seeing clearly the weight of the opponent\'s iron fist, Xia Ya changed her complexion, made a decisive response, avoided boffin\'s return stroke lightly, and made more than a dozen back somersaults with both hands.

"Hum, human boy, it\'s too late for you!" The cold sound sounded in my ears.

Boffin\'s dark red figure appeared in front of him. The red scales were particularly conspicuous. Xia Ya\'s face changed slightly and was surprised at each other\'s speed! Compared with the previous tempting * * hands, boffin\'s power now is quite different!

At the critical moment, Xia Ya\'s eyes glittered, quickly moved her posture, held her arms tightly and crossed her chest, and struggled to be ready to resist boffin\'s heavy blow.

Dong Dong! Such as Huang zhongdalu, the body is slightly shaken, and the strong cyclone radiates from the impact point to the surrounding, immediately rolling up strong winds and waves!

Hiss! A strange smile climbed onto her face. Xia Ya shouted, turned her body upside down, and grabbed her hands into claws to the ground. Knock... Knock! Ten fingers poked into the ground, and ten small holes were immediately pulled out of the hard and heavy rock. At the same time, he kept turning his body over, straightening his feet and kicking out with all his strength at boffin.

"You can\'t connect it hard!" Boffin\'s face changed and it was too late to avoid.

With a bang, the rock area of the grip turned into fine dust. Boffin was hit hard on his chest and the whole person was kicked into the air by Juli.

"Happy! Happy!" Xia Ya laughed and her heart surged.

The battle just now made his blood boil. Boffin showed the same strength as him, which gave him a rare experience!

And this experience has benefited him a lot!

Whew, Xia Ya was as fast as the wind and attacked boffin again. Only the sound of banging was heard. Xia Ya\'s attack attracted meat. For a time, boffin was beaten without any strength to fight back.

The scene was one-sided.

"What\'s the matter? How did father fall behind?" I finally caught the picture of the battle, but I didn\'t expect it to be such a scene!

Poku was stunned by the rapidly changing battle and looked nervously with his mouth open.

To tell you the truth, even as boffin\'s son, Boku hasn\'t seen his father use all his strength, because it\'s not necessary at all. At this time, the very young looking human fought on a par with his father.

"Bah!" Boffin spit out a bloody spit and sneered, "hahaha, mankind, I haven\'t been hurt for many years since I got the trading floor. In return, I\'ll show you my real strength."

"Noisy!" Xia Ya looked coldly and was secretly alert in her heart.

Boffin\'s hands crossed and his whole body smelled of dark nausea.

"Ah!" Boffin roared loudly, and with his roar, the black smell around him became more depressing. Plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop.

It was a pair of blood colored eyes without pupils, like two blood red agate crystals, shining with a little luster.

Hum... When boffin opened his eyes, a strong sense of oppression swept the whole planet in an instant. Everyone felt dizzy. It was like being hit by a heavy hammer on his chest. It was like Mount Tai pressing the top of the mountain. It became very difficult to breathe.

"How could this be possible? Boffin\'s combat effectiveness suddenly increased to 940000!"

Xia Ya\'s face changed greatly. Unexpectedly, Bofei still had the ability to explode gas. After opening the remaining two eyes, the combat effectiveness suddenly increased from 760000 to 940000!

This combat effectiveness has exceeded Xia ya a lot!