The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 145

Boffin floated forward and stopped less than 500 meters away from xiaya. This distance is not a distance for experts at all. It only takes a moment to reach it.

Boffin hasn\'t done it for nearly a hundred years. He thought he wouldn\'t have another chance to do it. Especially when his two sons grow up, they rarely do it. To say that his two sons, boffin is still very satisfied, the Boku brothers are also powerful, and some small things can be satisfactorily solved by them.

Just like this time someone robbed the crystal planet, boffin didn\'t intend to do it, but what he didn\'t expect was that his two sons were not opponents of each other at all.

It had not happened for many years, and boffin was very angry and his face was very gloomy.

"Human beings, you are the most powerful human beings I have seen in hundreds of years. Even those Saiya people are far from being compared with you." Boffin\'s voice was low and sounded directly in Xia Ya\'s ear in some way.

Hearing boffin\'s words, Xia Ya\'s face changed slightly and his expression suddenly became serious. He noticed that when boffin stepped forward, a cold and tyrannical air wall came along with the flat push. The dark energy fluctuation was strong and domineering, which was completely unmatched by the Boku brothers.

In the face of such a strong enemy, Xia Ya didn\'t dare to neglect it. He immediately raised his Qi strength to guard against boffin\'s air wall. For a time, the two Qi forces were far away from each other in space, forcing each other to form a violently rotating energy vortex.

The vortex kept stirring, like two transparent spheres colliding with each other, rumbling and muffling. Xia Ya and Bofei\'s bodies were shocked, their pupils narrowed, and their eyes looking at each other were full of fear.

"This boffin is worthy of ruling the trading floor for hundreds of years, and his strength is far above his two sons."

For the first time, Xia Ya already knew the general strength of the burly giant opposite. The heavy feeling and the faint trembling at the bottom of her heart told him that there was still an unimaginable power in boffin\'s body.

This is probably the most powerful enemy he has encountered except for Kevlar, and unlike Kevlar\'s playful mind when treating him, boffin is very serious at this time.

Using the secret art of soul eye secretly, the glow covers the eyes, and the combat effectiveness of the red man boffin suddenly turns into data and jumps to his heart.


This is boffin\'s fighting power!

Xia Ya was surprised. Her heart was shocked. Her combat effectiveness of 760000... Was on a par with him!

When such a strong opponent doesn\'t use the space-time ability, Xia Ya is not sure of 100% suppression, and doesn\'t know whether this is the full strength of the other party. If it is hidden, I\'m afraid the battle will be more difficult. But then, a smile appeared on Xia Ya\'s face. Instead of flinching back, she took a step forward and her whole body became hot and dry.

At this moment, his blood seemed to boil.

That\'s good! The enemy is evenly matched, which is more conducive to his smooth and dripping battle!

This is an excellent fighter that is difficult to create in normal training!

Wow, Xia Ya and Bofei stared at each other, and then they shot at the same time. They were faster than electro-optic flint. In the blink of an eye, they were ten thousand meters. The distance between them was less than five hundred meters, which was fleeting, and they soon exchanged hands.

For strong people like them, the range of tens of kilometers is not a distance at all. They have fought hundreds of times in just a few seconds, and the range of fighting has also expanded to nearly 100 kilometers.

The light shines everywhere, and the void trembles!

Every time there is a collapse in the void, and then a powerful momentum erupts. The vacuum environment is more convenient to move than the planet\'s atmosphere. Because there is no air resistance, the power of each attack can reach more effectively without loss.

Boom! The vacuum trembled suddenly.

Xia Ya\'s fist hit boffin\'s hard and shiny dark red scale. The strength was blocked by the scale. It was like a shining hammer hitting a gong suddenly. Huang zhongdalu sent out circles of ripples visible to the naked eye.

The waves were like the waves on the sea, and turned into huge waves in the twinkling of an eye, as if to devour everything.

"Hum!" Boffin suddenly snorted coldly, his eyes flashed a trace of coldness, took a silent step, and left a virtual shadow in the void. The whole person was like a beast, fast as lightning, opened and closed, launched an attack, and hit one punch after another.

Bang bang, the void shook again. Boffin\'s strength was so great that every punch rolled up a wave.

Xia Ya laughed and made a quick counterattack. However, when each attack came and hit the other party, it was like hitting an iron plate, which was blocked by a layer of thick scales.

Whew, the two people are separated for a distance. For example, two streamers are flying rapidly in space. The speed has already exceeded the limit of naked eye observation. The two sides have fought with all their strength for dozens of times in a second. Each fight erupts into earth shaking scenes.

"God... It\'s so fast. I can\'t see their actions at all."

As the battle between Xia Ya and Bofei continued, so many Cosmic people in space could not keep up with the speed of the battle between the two sides. They stared at each other in horror, just like looking at flowers in a dream.

"Come on, everyone, get back, the aftermath of the battle is getting stronger and stronger..." countless hurried shouts sounded, perhaps learning from the previous lessons. These cosmic people became particularly sensitive and hurried to disperse around when they saw something wrong.

The speed of escape was like a mouse seeing a cat.

Soon the battlefield was empty, and only the Boku brothers remained where they were. Their faces were awe inspiring, holding their breath and watching carefully.

"What a bunch of cowards!" Poku and Bolton saw their hasty escape in their eyes. They couldn\'t help but secretly despise it. However, when they turned to see the two men fighting in the field, their hearts sank.

"Too fast..."

At this time, the electric light flickered in the field, and there were many virtual shadows. The Boku brothers were also very hard, so they could only barely keep up with boffin and xiaya.

"Who is this human being and why can he fight his father to this extent?" Poku stared in disbelief.

Boffin\'s strength has always been deep into their bone marrow, but now a human suddenly appears, which can go hand in hand with their powerful father. It makes them feel that the world has become illusory for a moment.

"Hum, my father hasn\'t used all his strength up to now, otherwise the human will not be an opponent at all!"

Bolton was full of confidence in boffin. His face was twisted and ferocious. He thought that he would be happy when his father used his real power to torture the human race!

In the battlefield, Xia Ya kept dealing with boffin, and his fist strength and energy floated everywhere. The space within 100 kilometers has become a piece of paste, full of free floating energy, but he failed to cause real damage to boffin for a long time.

Gradually, Xia Ya frowned and said in her heart, "the scale on boffin\'s surface is like a layer of armor. If you don\'t break it, you can\'t hurt each other at all."

"Hahaha, boy, you can\'t be my opponent at all."

Boffin looked ferocious and sneered. The horns on his head glittered with dark luster. The dark red scale made him look like a demon coming out of hell.

Xia Ya looked coldly and breathed peacefully. He knew that the previous battle was just a test between the two sides, and neither he nor the other side had used their real strength.

The next battle really began, but before that, he had to get out of the space environment.

Because the Saiya people can not survive in the space like some cosmic people, they are not good at fighting in the vacuum environment. The space environment is an important factor restricting the exertion of xiaya\'s strength, and the breathing equipment shackles xiaya\'s actions.

If you want to really fight, you need to get out of the vacuum and return to the planet as soon as possible.

Xia Ya glanced at the earth colored main star in the distance and thought that he could really exert all his strength on that planet.