The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 129

When the story is introduced, the universe where the monkey king is located is only the seventh universe, which is one of the twelve universes. Besides the seventh universe, there are eleven universes of the same level!

In fact, when she saw the God of destruction birus on vegeta, Xia Ya already knew that her dragon ball world was a broader stage than the previous dragon ball, which was not only a kind of whip, but also buried a stronger driving force for him!

As a dragon ball created and polished by the Dragon God himself, the super dragon ball is essentially different from the "pocket" dragon ball made by the Namike people.

Similarly, the power of super dragon ball is also particularly powerful, with a clear contrast:

The first is the Earth Dragon ball made by the God. Its power is the smallest. It is powerless to deal with the first-time begeta when the Saiya attack. In contrast, the namec dragon ball is a little stronger. However, when Sun Wukong, who is transferred as a super Saiya, returns to the earth, he needs to get the consent of Sun Wukong himself.

In contrast, the super dragon ball is very domineering. It can directly convert the body of the monkey king who has reached the realm of the God of the super Saiya without anyone\'s consent, and cause the indirect death of the monkey king.

The gap between the three can be seen!

So when bolenga said that the super dragon ball could realize his wish, Xia Ya believed it.

The only problem is that the super dragon balls are distributed in the sixth universe and the seventh universe. How to get the super dragon balls is a headache for Xia ya. Suddenly, he remembered the illusory twelve colorful water polo he had seen at the end of developing his potential.

It can\'t be the whole universe that includes 12 universes!

Thinking of the cosmic network and the experience of inadvertently stepping into the world of kings and gods when he saw the great increase in power a year ago, Xia Yayue thought it more and more possible.

Last time, I have been to the world king divine world and saw the whole picture of the seventh universe. This time, the power has increased greatly, and the power of time and space has awakened again. It seems not impossible to see the face of the whole universe.

However, these will not be known until they have been carefully studied in the future.

"Then, Shenlong, my second wish, please let me learn the divine language at the level of king and God!" Xia Ya made a second wish, because the Super Dragon Ball wish must use God\'s language.

"This is very simple!"

Polenga uttered a deafening sound.

With the red light rising, Xia Ya suddenly felt refreshed, closed her eyes and meditated. A new language suddenly appeared in her mind and learned to use it naturally like her mother tongue. This is the God language popular at the level of King God.

"The second wish has come true! The third, the last wish, say it quickly!"

"The divine dragon bolenga, my third wish, please tell me the positions of all the stars in the 12 whole universe. When I use instant movement, I can automatically show the coordinates!"

After a little thought, Xia Ya made a wish. His third wish is to further expand the use range of instant movement.

The instantaneous movement of yadelat star needs to sense the other party\'s Qi to start, and xiaya\'s power needs to determine the coordinates between the two. Although the new skill after combining the two instantaneous movements combines the advantages of the two, xiaya\'s hands only have the ancient star map of the Milky way, which will still be limited to a certain extent.

"Your wish can be realized, but the scope you said is too huge. My ability can only tell you the position coordinates of all stars in the sixth universe and the seventh universe!"

"That\'s OK!"

Although she felt some shortcomings in beauty, Xia Ya was satisfied that the positions of stars in the sixth universe and the seventh universe were essentially not much different.

"This wish is easy!"

As bolenga\'s eyes lit up red again, the coordinates of the stars in the sky melted into his brain like endless sand on the beach, and then disappeared without a trace.

These massive amounts of information are usually hidden and do not occupy the brain capacity. These information will appear slightly only when you need to start instantaneous movement. Otherwise, the coordinate data of all stars in the two universes will be a huge burden on the brain.

"Human beings, your wishes have all come true, so goodbye!" With that, bolenga will rise into the sky.

As the divine dragon bolenga rose into the sky, the seven dragon beads immediately dispersed around nemec, and the whole sky became bright again. The gorgeous sun shone down on the earth, reflecting a warm and auspicious atmosphere.

After making a wish, Xia Ya shook her head with satisfaction, and then tested the effect of instant movement in situ. Sure enough, when he wanted to start the blink, a large amount of data would emerge, which was very convenient.

However, at this time, what Xia Ya can see in his mind is the scope of the seventh universe. Once beyond the seventh universe, a special diaphragm will suddenly block him, and the data of the sixth universe will appear very vague.

"This diaphragm should be the crystal wall between the universe and the universe! In addition to this diaphragm, there are another 11 universes and the seventh universe exist in the whole universe."

There are a total of 12 universes in the universe. It is said that there are 18 universes in the older era. Xia Ya knows these.

So I smiled and didn\'t care about it anymore. As for how to break through the current crystal wall of the universe and go to the sixth universe, that\'s what will happen in the future.

But Xia Ya estimated that the focus should be on the world of kings and gods!

Because the realm of king and God is the center of the whole universe, which plays a role in regulating the development of the universe to a certain extent, and the king and God who lives in the realm of king and God naturally has the ability to travel through the crystal wall of the universe to and from each universe.

Just when Xia Ya was fascinated, Xiling leaned over and a confused voice sounded, "Xia ya, what wish did you just make to the dragon?"

Xiling and Mairs don\'t understand namic, so they don\'t know what Xia Ya wishes.

"I asked the Dragon if it could let me make dragon beads, but it\'s a pity that the power of Namike dragon beads can\'t help me realize it, so I made a wish to optimize my instant movement skills!"

Xia Ya roughly explained his wish.

After hearing this, Xiling also felt sorry that the Dragon could not realize Xia Ya\'s wish. Zhuaner was a little disdainful. It seems that the dragon ball is nothing great!

"By the way, our strength has increased so much at once. It\'s time to settle down and Practice for some time, otherwise we can\'t control our power perfectly. It\'s always a little frivolous." Xia Ya turned and said.

Their power doubled so many times in an instant. Although the potential development of the great elder is harmless, it is not a simple thing to completely control the soaring power.

Xiling and Maiers were deeply convinced by Xia Ya\'s words, so they launched an instant movement and found a planet suitable for their cultivation under Xia Ya\'s leadership.

It is a frozen planet covered with snow all the year round. Its temperature is as low as the barren star they practiced in those years. However, compared with it, the gravity of this frozen planet is even greater, which is roughly estimated to be more than 100 times but less than 200 times.

Such temperature and gravity are naturally nothing for xiaya and Xiling, who have reached hundreds of thousands of combat effectiveness. However, it was difficult for Meles to adapt for a moment. After a stumble, Meles fell to the ground and his body was shivering with cold.