The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 130

"How cold!" When the cold wind blew, Meyers shivered, hugged his chest with both hands, couldn\'t help shrinking, and then looked pitifully with a pair of tearful eyes.

The thin and slender body looks like a young grass in the heavy snow, especially helpless.

Xia Ya glanced at her speechless. This guy pretended to be poor at this time. Where can Saiya people stand this cold.

If you are familiar with Meles\'s performance, Xia Ya looked away and said: "the gravity of this planet is very suitable for our current power. We practice here for a period of time and go back after mastering the power in our body."

Although the cultivation in the gravity chamber can also have the same effect, the space in the gravity chamber is a little small for people at their level, and they can\'t exert their full strength on a large scale like being down-to-earth!

In general, the gravity chamber is effective in improving physical fitness and strength, but it is a little stretched in increasing combat proficiency and power control.

Because whether it is to improve combat proficiency or power control, it needs a lot of actual combat and full attack. The small gravity chamber space obviously can not bear such power.

On one side, seeing that his pathetic appearance could not move the other party, Meles curled his mouth and said helplessly, "I see!"

Xia Ya nodded and looked at Xiling again. After receiving the positive response from the other party, the three separated for a distance and practiced themselves.

The results of the trip to namec exceeded Xia Ya\'s expectations. He was very satisfied with 720000 combat power. You know, Felisa\'s combat power under normal conditions was only 530000.

Coupled with the instant mobility that can be used anytime and anywhere, many advantages can make Xia Ya fearless of any force in the galaxy. Of course, this is only for him personally. As a leader of a family, he still lacks the power to lead his people to survive freely in the galaxy.

So Xia Ya began to settle down, sort out and think about her strengths and weaknesses bit by bit.

First of all, in terms of power, space-time power is undoubtedly the thickest trump card in his hands. When necessary, he can even easily win the strong with the weak and even kill people. But behind such a convenient power, Xia Ya also sees the shortcomings of space-time power.

That is, the space-time power is so convenient that it can\'t bring him the kind of fighting process from fist to flesh!

And the Saiya people want to become strong, only through real battle! Victory or defeat is only the result, and the battle process is the key to driving the Saiya people to become stronger. In this regard, space-time power is obviously insufficient!

Relying on power for a long time will only stagnate his strength and even affect his foundation. The gains and losses naturally need to be considered. Moreover, when encountering a strong person like Kevlar, space-time power is not always tried and tested, so in Xia Ya\'s heart, space-time power can sometimes only play an auxiliary role.

Xia Ya knows that she must find a skill that can really give full play to the advantages of space-time power.

Just like the use of Qi, the tortoise immortal developed the tortoise school Qigong. In addition to dongdongbo, the crane immortal developed the martial arts and taidou hundreds of years ago, and the two unique skills of wangguojingtianzhang and Qigong gun have been handed down to the world, although these skills may not be comparable to the later Dragon ball soldiers\' Yuanqi chop, Qi bomb and magic penetration light killing gun!

But at least it shows that the use of Qigong wave has been innovating and making continuous progress.

From the cultivation of Qi, Xia Ya thought of the development of power moves. Maybe he can develop an auxiliary skill suitable for combat, so that he will not waste space-time powers, hang castles in the air, and will not affect his future growth because of powers.

The "transfer secret" that Meles learned from adelat brought inspiration to Xia ya at the right time.

Meles\'s "transfer secret skill" is to enhance the defense ability by transferring the opponent\'s attack to space. Most of them play a role in space, which gives Xia a good example.

Can you also develop such a practical skill through space-time power?

In fact, a similar application has been used by Shaya in the battle against Kevlar a year ago. From another angle, do not use the space-time ability to attack the enemy, but implement it on yourself to improve the overall running speed and strength of the body.

Because the important factors that determine the outcome of a battle include the judgment of the situation, the speed of the attack, the strength of the attack, the ability to resist and recover. As long as the space-time ability can increase any one of them, it is a successful skill.

At this thought, Xia Ya suddenly had a train of thought. After determining the train of thought, the next step is to practice!

"If you can rely on space-time power to assist, it\'s a great scheme!" Xia Ya smiled and thought in her heart, and then implemented it bit by bit according to what she thought in her heart.

It is simple to say but difficult to do to concretize space-time abilities into auxiliary skills. It took Xia ya a long time to develop and test a single skill.

A month later.

The first skill is beginning to take shape. It is a skill extended by Meles\'s "transfer secret skill", which Xia Ya calls "conversion".

The principle is to cover the surface of the skin with a shallow space-time film, just like wearing a protective suit.

When the enemy\'s attack sweeps over, you can control a thin layer of space-time force covering the surface of the skin to respond, and transmit the energy attack close to 30% of your own strength in the form of space radiation, so as to improve the defense level of the body.

The clouds are light and the wind is light. The scorching sun disappears. There is a snow-white color between heaven and earth.

Xia Ya is suspended in the air six or seven meters above the ground. Because of the cold climate, frost has condensed on his white combat suit. When he shakes, small ice crystals will fall.


Xia Ya stretched out a hand, and an energy ball with bright light suddenly condensed from the palm of his hand. The dark blue color was a little dark. The air mass around the surface of the energy ball rubbed with the air and made a deep low sound of "Ho Ho".

This energy ball is carefully condensed by Xia ya. After strong compression, I\'m afraid it\'s more terrible than the planet destruction bomb pointed out by Frisa!

Once it falls, the whole planet will turn into dust in the universe in an instant!

But it was such a terrible huge energy, but Xia Ya didn\'t seem to care at all. With a random turn of her palm, the dark blue energy ball was thrown outward, and the huge energy was thrown directly into the sky. The terrifying breath spread in all directions like a surging wave.

At this time, Xia Ya smiled faintly, his figure flashed suddenly, and suddenly appeared in front of the energy ball. He didn\'t make any defense. He shouted, and his chest directly suffered the fierce attack of the energy ball!

The terrible energy enough to destroy the planet exploded in an instant.


The majestic and terrible energy came out in all directions. The energy ball turned into a huge flame and rushed to the sky several kilometers high. The floating clouds were dispersed in a moment. A shocking breath flew out from the center of the explosion point, mixed with great force.

A circle of invisible ripples suddenly spread out along the vein of space. At this moment, the whole frozen planet seemed to tremble slightly!

When the smoke cleared, his vision gradually became clear. He saw a young man standing in mid air unscathed. The explosion that was enough to destroy the whole planet had not caused any harm to him.

Xia Ya photographed the white chest burned by the energy bomb. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly and soon dispersed again.

"This\' conversion \'skill can convert up to 30% of its own power, and there seems to be a certain upper limit!"

Xia Ya thought carefully. He knew that the bearing capacity of space had an upper limit. Once it exceeded the bearing capacity of space, the space would be broken, but he didn\'t have to worry about it for a long time.

He now has 720000 combat power, which means that even if the enemy with a combat power of 240000 attacks him with all his strength, he can be completely immune with this move alone.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent\'s attack is pure energy!