The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 128

Looking at the direction of neru\'s disappearance, the corners of Xia Ya\'s mouth rose slightly, which could not defeat him, because he had learned namic language from Bobo long ago when he practiced in the earth spiritual time room.

"Come on, let\'s find a place to summon the dragon!" Xia Ya turned back to Xiling and Meles, then asked them to take two dragon balls, chose an empty place and put the dragon balls on the ground.

Here is a grassy grassland. There is a light green lake not far away, and several short peaks stand in the distance. It is a place far away from the human population. Such places can be seen everywhere on namec.

Summon the Dragon here, and don\'t worry about being disturbed.

"Longzhu, don\'t let me down."

Then he arranged the seven dragon balls, and Xia Ya immediately shouted in the language of nemex: "come out, dragon!"

As soon as the voice fell, it was like touching a switch. The seven dragon balls suddenly burst into dazzling golden light. The flashing frequency gradually accelerated, and a large black cloud gradually floated in the sky, which soon covered the whole sky.

Boom! The sound of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and then the thunder became denser and denser. The golden lightning flickered in the black clouds, and the rumbling thunder rang out from the sky, just like thousands of troops rushing in, with magnificent momentum.

The scene as like as two peas of the earth, but the momentum is more magnificent.

Xia Ya saw the appearance of the dragon for the second time. Besides, she knew about the summoning scene of the Namiki dragon ball in her previous life, so she was already immune to it. But Xiling and Mairs saw this scene for the first time. They were surprised at the magnificent scene when the Dragon appeared.

"This is the picture of the dragon coming out?" Xiling leaned over and asked in a low voice. This doomsday scene was very shocking, which made her face a little white. Of course, her eyes were excited.

Meles\'s action was even more straightforward, directly making Xia ya have an additional pendant on her leg.

Although their strength has increased by countless, their vision is still not enough. In fact, their full exertion with their current strength is enough to break the stars. They will be restrained by the appearance of the divine dragon. It can only be said that they have not experienced enough.

Xia Ya thought silently.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The seven dragon balls are buzzing, and the divine dragon will come out soon.

Boo! The surface of the dragon ball suddenly burst out a lot of golden light, and a shocking breath flew out of the dragon ball, mixed with the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

The golden light meanders to the sky and soon integrates with the lightning in the sky.


A deep dragon chant resounded through the world.

In the sky, a huge figure appeared.

It was a green dragon with a huge body of several kilometers. Its two arms were very strong, its four fingers bent and clenched their fists, and its tail extended to the top of the dragon ball. At this time, the green dragon held up his high head and looked down in the sky like a God through the clouds, despised the common people.

The dragon of namec is called bolenga, which means the God of dreams in namec language.

After the ancient Namiki people got the gift of the gods to make dragon balls, they have always worshipped the gods who gave them the power of dragon balls, so the Namiki people also call themselves the dragon family!

The divine dragon bolenga has a huge body several kilometers high, suspended in the sky and has a strong sense of oppression.

Compared with the slender body of the Earth Dragon, bolenga\'s body is stronger. The strong body is distributed with developed muscles and two powerful arms. There are black horns on his head and shoulder. The broad and straight body contains more powerful force than the Earth Dragon.

Because of the horns on the huge shoulders and huge head, it doesn\'t look like the legendary "dragon".

Bolenga stared at the scarlet eyes and looked down at the people below. A loud voice sounded in the sky: "you can say your wishes, no matter what wishes, only three!"

"I\'ve been waiting for this moment!" Xia Ya smiled, took a deep breath, looked at bolenga, and said in namic language: "dragon bolenga, my first wish, please give me the ability to make dragon beads!"

the breaking of rock frightens the heaven!

Xia Ya\'s first wish surprised people. It was to get the ability to make dragon beads like Namiki people. This was also testing the power of Namiki dragon beads.

Xia Ya knows that namec\'s Dragon beads are more powerful than those on earth, which is not only reflected in their size. However, there seems to be such a rule in the Dragon Ball World: the larger the dragon ball, the stronger the power of the divine dragon.

There is no doubt that namec\'s dragon ball is more powerful than the earth\'s dragon ball, but it is unclear how strong it is and whether it can realize his wish.

In the sky, the divine dragon bolenga was silent for a long time, hanging two tentacles, and the loud voice finally echoed in the sky:

"Sorry, your wish has exceeded my ability. Please change it!"

Really not! Xia Ya frowned and thought in her heart.

Although she had long guessed that bolenga could not realize his wish, Xia Ya could not help but be disappointed. Even the more powerful bolenga could not realize his wish, so the Earth Dragon would be even worse.

To tell the truth, xiaya doesn\'t care about one or two wishes of dragon beads, because he believes in his own strength, but xiaya has a greater ambition in the bottom of his heart, that is, he hopes to obtain the ability to make dragon beads, but now it seems impossible.

If you can also make dragon balls, although you may not be able to use them, there is no doubt that when you encounter problems you cannot solve, you give yourself or the people around you more choice.

Unfortunately, in the world of dragon beads, it seems that only Namiki people have the ability to make dragon beads. This ability seems to be engraved in the blood of Namiki people.

The power of the divine dragon has a great limitation, that is, it can not exceed the ability of the manufacturer. Naturally, it is impossible to change the blood of others. Otherwise, if everyone wishes to get the blood of the demon boo, the universe will be in disorder.

"Bolenga, please tell me if I want to get the ability to make dragon beads, is it possible!" Xia Ya asked again and made a wish, just as the monkey king asked the Earth Dragon about the Super Saiyan God in the original book.

Xia Ya directly asked bolenga if it was possible to make dragon beads.

Bolenga floats in the sky, a pair of huge dragon eyes suddenly shine red light, and the loud voice rings out again:

"The manufacturing technology of dragon beads is the unique ability given by the Great Dragon God Salama to namic people. If you want to get the ability to manufacture dragon beads, you can only get the permission of the Dragon God Salama, or... Find a more powerful Super Dragon bead!"

Get the consent of the Dragon God Salama, or find the super dragon ball?

Hearing bolenga\'s answer, Xia Ya\'s eyes suddenly lit up and remembered the two key words at once.