The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 195: : Longfellow

"Ben Longfellow?"

Suddenly, a Germanic man in his 30s flashed in Hassan\'s mind, his brows frowned, "What did he...sir say?"

Obviously have a lot of respect for this guy? Or fear.

In fact, the other party or the Longfellow family are all his investors.

It\'s hard to explain this matter, but Hassan\'s cooperation with the other party is inseparable from his brother Ferdinand. Otherwise, you think the latter lost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and he has nothing but scolding?


It\'s not that Hassan never killed him!

The average African household has at least 5 people.

Sometimes there is only so much food, and even medicines for humanitarian aid have to be fought over. Since childhood, he has known what it means to be selfish.

There may be a selfless person, but it will never be him.

Of course, the Longfellow family supported themselves for the sake of their own interests, and hoped to obtain the agency right of all materials in the southern region from Hassan, that is to say, as long as he had access to all industries.

This made Hassan, who was already strong, a bit unbearable.

The other party also has the ability to fund him 200 AR-15 assault rifles, which are the predecessor of the M16, including 50 Colt M1911s. Otherwise, where did the weapons of the elite guards that Tang Dao saw come from?

"What did he say?" Hassan pondered for a moment but still couldn\'t help asking curiously.

Ferdinand crossed his legs, looked at his brother with greed in his eyes, and said nothing, but just like that, the former understood in an instant, and his already dark face became even darker. He stood up and walked to the desk, and opened the drawer , there is a small box inside, turn out a few small diamonds, hold it in the palm of your hand, and put it on the coffee table, "That\'s all."

"Thank you very much, my dear brother." Ferdinand was so exaggerated that he was about to pounce on him. With a pile of smiles, he swept the diamond into his hand, blinked, looked at it carefully, and said, "Ben Longfellow Mister told you that he wants a batch of diamonds in half a month."

"A batch? Does he think I\'m a diamond producer?" Hassan sneered. First launch https://https://

"Isn\'t it?" Ferdinand asked back.

This immediately made people speechless. To a certain extent, his family really has mines.

"Anyway, I\'m just talking." As soon as he finished speaking, he paused and leaned forward, "I just saw you accompany an Asian, who is that?"

Hassan tightened his expression, raised his head, looked at the curious Ferdinand, and warned, "You can\'t mess with him, don\'t ask too many questions, I\'m telling you, you can do whatever you want, if you mess with him, I\'ll save him." I can’t miss you.” New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal: https://

Joe Darrow was beaten to death by him in broad daylight!

When Ferdinand heard the words, his expression froze and he laughed twice. Although he was very curious about who it was, he was also smart. Hassan said so, so he must have a deep background. The idea was broken.

It is because of his knowledge that he can live until now.

He hid the diamond in his pocket, didn\'t stay for long, got up and left, and reminded Hassan not to forget, the latter didn\'t get up, but just watched the other party leave, with scarlet eyes.

Just give up the benefits...

Not reconciled!

The most important book. Longfellow is just an empty-handed white wolf.

There is no direct and fundamental benefit to oneself.

But he doesn\'t want to tear himself apart, so the only way is to find another force to "squeeze" him and complete the exchange of interests, which can also turn the Longfellow family\'s spearhead on the other side.

So who can bring direct benefits to themselves at present?

Hassan is really smart.

Matters of interest always turn around very fast.

Sure enough, there is no idiot who can sit in this position. The biggest idiot in the world is the person who thinks the other party is an idiot.

Tang Dao spent a day in Hargeisa, and tasted the local delicacy frankincense paste, which is a kind of slightly sweet food, which just touched his taste buds. He proudly packed all the delicacies, When he came back near the evening, the staff member also looked tired, and he didn\'t intend to disturb Hassan\'s rest.

But who knew that in the hall of the official residence, I saw him, wearing a golden nightgown, which was very valuable in terms of material, holding a glass of red wine, crossing his legs, and raised the glass towards him, "Mr. Nicholas, Come for a drink tonight?"

Tang Dao glanced behind him, pinched his collar with his left hand, "Have you not rested yet?"

"Why sleep on such a good night? Don\'t you think you need to do something else?"

other things?

He looked at Hassan who was dressed very sexy, and Tang Dao shivered suddenly, so excited?

This face became very ugly, and the other party seemed to have never seen Tang Dao\'s face, and continued to say alone, "You don\'t need to sleep for a long time when you are alive, and you can sleep forever after death. What we should discuss is how to use US dollars to pay for the future. Tombstones are more luxurious."


Tang Dao understood what he said, and his eyes moved, "General, is there any hope for me to make money?"

Hassan hooked his fingers and pointed to the sofa in front of him. Tang Dao hesitated for a moment, but walked over and sat down. The former poured a glass of red wine for the other party, "I\'ve been waiting for you here for two hours. I actually want to have **** with you." A business, you know I have a lot of mines and supplies, I want you to help me sell them."

"What do you mean?" Tang Dao\'s heart moved, but he still pretended to ask.

"I think you will be the agent of all supplies in the Confederate region but I want to take 40% of the profits!"


There was a thunderbolt in the sky, and a thunder dragon flashed in the sky.

Africa is the driest continent in the world. The tropical rainy area in the central part has abundant precipitation, followed by the tropical grassland area on both sides of the central part. Although the Sahara desert in the north has a tropical desert climate, the precipitation decreases from the equator to the north and south sides. The distribution is extremely unbalanced. In some areas, there is almost no rain all year round, and in some places, the annual precipitation is as high as 10,000 mm or more.

The African grassland has a dry season and a rainy season every year, and the animals in the rainy season live happily in their own groups.

In the dry season, animals begin to gather in water sources due to lack of water. The season for filming the great migration of African animals is also in the dry season. Otherwise, how could carnivores follow herbivores to migrate? This peculiar natural scene will not appear in the dry season. During the rainy season, the water and grass are abundant, and the animals will not easily show their heads.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with John. At this moment, he is standing outside the office, leaning on a cigarette, looking at the busy employees on the playground. The heavy rain will cover up all the equipment. Will rust weapons and ammunition.

And it\'s hard for him to calm down now.

Because of the heavy rain, the communication in Mogadishu was interrupted, so that the boss\'s phone could not be reached.

Aidid, on the other hand, is asking about US military supplies.

"Do you want me to ask myself?"