The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 194: :hippo

"47.8 million dollars!"

This is the amount of the order. Of course, ordinary artillery and individual weapons cannot be sold that much. The main reason is to buy 3 Mi 17-1V, which is also nicknamed: "Hippo" transport helicopter, which can carry 27 people. The long range is: 500 kilometers, which is relatively reliable in the 1990s. At least two TV3-117 turbo engines can carry 13 tons of cargo.

Performed well in the Chechen War.

The unit price of Mao Xiong is: 1.45 million US dollars.

The price given by the company is: 1.85 million US dollars.

Of course, only the insiders know the purchase price. Even if you don’t pay taxes, the labor costs for transportation, etc. add up, this price is already very authentic and conscientious.

Hassan still seemed to have more ideas, and finally asked the price of the fighter jet.

I always feel like he\'s on top.

"According to the rules, I will charge a 30% handling fee." Tang Dao clipped the pen back to his suit, and put the written order on his lap.

"Of course no problem." Hassan crossed his legs and held a cigar in his hand, "I just don\'t know how long it will take?"

"It will all be delivered in about a month or so."

This large arms business is actually very slow. If it is sold at the national level, do you sell second-hand ones to the other party?

It must be freshly baked, and even if the buyer has a request, you have to add it according to his request. For example, Columbia once took a fancy to Maozi\'s transport plane, but he thought the transport plane was insufficient in firepower, and asked the other party if he could add a bomber mode. It is also required to be able to achieve large-scale coverage bombing.

Suka is not listed!

Mao Xiong\'s negotiating team almost wants to **** the other party. This is a fight, don\'t get it wrong.

Negotiations are immediately terminated.

In fact, this transport plane was used as a bomber, and then Eagle Sauce succeeded...

This kind of arms transactions often have to be delayed for one or two years, or even five years, such as... third brother.

And second-hand dealers only need one month, which is already very reliable.

Hassan could afford to wait for this time. He stood up and stretched out his hand, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation. I will hire a lawyer. Just wait until the contract is signed."

The Somali lawyer system has collapsed, and elite talents have long since fled abroad.

I have to go to the next country to invite a few over.

"Maybe... it\'s time to set up a legal department!" Tang Dao thought for a moment, and stretched out his hand, with a smile on his lips, "Thank you, General, for taking care of my business."

"Hahaha." Hassan laughed twice and waved his hands, "You Asians are so polite, I still rely on you, the hope of unifying Somalia rests on you." Throwing half of the cigar into the trash can, This right hand hooked Tang Dao\'s shoulder.

This was a spasm for him who was a clean freak, especially when the other party opened his mouth, there was an inexplicable mixture in his mouth.\'s "deodorant"?

Tang Dao\'s facial muscles were tense, resisting the discomfort, and listening to him continue.

"Mr. Nicholas, I actually think you are wonderful."

you\'re great?

Tang\'s eyes widened suddenly, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

You must know that blacks are one of the main HIV carriers, and this same-sex attraction is also one of the important reasons.

"I rarely see Asians gaining a foothold in Africa. You are too low-key, and you are easy to be bullied by your low-key." Hassan lamented that there are actually many Asians working in North Africa, but as they say , They turned into "meat pigs" without fighting or grabbing.

"Then you can let them bully me, General." Tang Dao smiled gently.

Hassan glanced at the little angel standing behind him. With those sharp eyes and bulging waist, he could offend anyone in Somalia, but if he offended Tang Dao, he might be killed in the stinking place the next day. In the ditch.

There are too many people who want to hug his thigh.

4/1 of the arms business in Somalia was contracted by him.

The two most important warlord forces have cooperated and directly or indirectly participated in the war.

Since such an arms dealer does not want rights, then don\'t offend him.

Hassan patted Tang Dao\'s shoulder with a dry smile, and gave a thumbs up with a smile, "If you need anything in the future, you can come to me."

Who said that Lao Hei has a low EQ, isn\'t the relationship between these two or three sentences just to win over?

If the status is slightly inferior to his, after hearing these few words, maybe I will be deeply moved in my heart.

But Tang Dao thought more about...

If you use relationships, you can earn more.

For the sake of dollars, he pinched his nose, and put it lightly on Hassan\'s shoulder as well, chatting, and when the two walked out the door side by side, they had already had a good chat, and they both agreed to go to the United States for vacation in a while . The new 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/First release

Of course, it\'s hard to believe these words, let alone from Tang Dao\'s mouth.

Although he is very creditable.

Well, very creditable.

At this time, a short black man standing behind Hassan came up and whispered something in his ear. This man was probably like a staff member, wearing a pair of glasses, and he was considered cultured.

Hassan frowned, "He\'s here? All right, let him wait for me for a while, and I\'ll go." Then he turned his head and looked at Tang Dao, "Sorry, Mr. Nicholas, I have something suddenly..."

"General, you are busy first."

Lao Hei nodded, followed his staff and hurried away. Tang Dao stood on the steps, stretched his chest vigorously, and took a deep breath of air. , no smog!

The air is not clean, but it can make people feel very comfortable.

"Come on, let\'s go out for a walk, and take a look at this famous city in Somalia that has been around for hundreds of years." Tang Dao said with interest, and walked down the steps, and the employees who were on the side behind him also followed. He also had an assault rifle in his hand.

"Mr. Nicholas." At this time, the staff member who followed Hassan also trotted over and walked down the steps with small steps, "Do you want to go out?"

"I want to go out for a walk." Tang Dao said with a smile.

"Then I\'ll take you there, the general asked me to accompany you." The staff member said.

"No need to be so troublesome..."

The staff member smiled and said, " You are a distinguished guest, I\'ll send someone to prepare the car." The key, greeted the waiting driver, drove out the two Audis, and originally planned to call someone, but Tang Dao naturally refused.

It\'s not to go to war, just to relax appropriately.

Hassan returned the same way.

Back in the office, as soon as he opened the door, he saw an old man sitting inside with coffee in front of him. When the latter heard the movement, he raised his head, with a smile on his face, and grinned, revealing his molars .

"My dear brother!" He was about to stand up and give Hassan a hug.

"I think you\'d better sit down, or...I\'m afraid I can\'t help but shoot you in the head." Hassan said with a dark face, "Did you lose money again?"

Ferdinand looked at his brother in front of him with a dry smile, and sat back on the sofa, "Don\'t be so angry, you can make so much money a year, what if I lose hundreds of thousands in Las Vegas?"

Hundreds of thousands, but US dollars!

Hassan\'s eyes turned cold, and his face became much more impatient.


When Ferdinand saw this appearance, his heart skipped a beat, and his complacency disappeared immediately. He only remembered now that this brother is a Somali warlord!

"I didn\'t come to you this time for money." He raised his hand and moved his fingers flexibly. "Someone asked me to bring you a message."


"Ben Longfellow!"