The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 196: : play chess

John squinted his eyes, and he actually had no idea.

He retired from the Delta, of course he knows that the US military is actually very corrupt inside.

Do you think that during the Gulf War, why did the grasshoppers in the Middle East show off their power to the eagle sauce? In addition to bear products, they also purchased small-scale American weapons through the dark net. Of course, this could not affect the direction of the war.

This war is also a contest between the weapons of the two empires.

Eagle Sauce enjoyed the fruits of victory while cheering, which brought countless collectors and organizations peeking at American equipment. With high profits, it is also possible to "disappear" under different names.

but grant...

"That **** Alabama native!" John cursed in a low voice. The cigarette in his hand had burned to the end, so he threw it away, and the cigarette **** flung a parabola and rolled into the pond. It was wiped out by the rain.

And at this moment, the mobile phone on the desk in the office behind him suddenly rang.

John looked back suspiciously, twisted his neck, walked in, picked it up, and pressed the call with his thumb. Before he could speak, Tang Dao\'s voice came from the opposite side.


"Boss!" John shook his spirits, dragged the chair over, and sat firmly on his buttocks.

"Is there something for me?"

Tang Dao was wearing pajamas, and his hair was still a little wet. He didn\'t like blowing his hair very much. He held the phone in his left hand and asked with his legs crossed.

John breathed a sigh of relief, and he was ready to go to find Grant in person. Now that he called, he just put the stone down, so he conveyed Aidid\'s words. As for military training, word of mouth is also one of the training methods. (The first person sends a message to the second, and it goes on one by one, will it change in the end).

"He wants American equipment?"

Tang Dao frowned, and thought of Omar who was in Ukraine before, what was this black guy thinking.

He wants to learn from the third brother and become a king of nations?

He also went to find the US military stationed in Mogadishu. He remembered that in the "Operation Restoring Hope", it was Grant, a ranger who was almost disabled. Since these two "enemies" got mixed up to the point of cooperation?

"Does he want to fart?"

Tang Dao came back to his senses, a little funny, "Ask that damned idiot, what does he want to do!" This is not heartbreaking, it seems very plain, but John can understand that the boss is very unhappy , the latter smiled awkwardly, "Then I reject him?"


In fact, he does not want to have too much intersection with the US military at present.

If it weren\'t for Grant, SZ would have to mess with him, Tang Dao really didn\'t want to deal with him.

After all, he just wanted to be a businessman quietly.

"Okay, I understand." John replied, but at this moment, Tang Dao who had just finished speaking shouted again, "Wait a minute."

This made the former pause his hand when he was about to hang up the phone, and listened to the boss\'s instructions with breathless concentration, "You drag him first, and I will return to Mogadishu in a few days after I finish my work here, and I will tell him personally .If he can\'t wait, tell him to call me."

This is better.

John muttered in his heart, and he agreed, and Tang Dao asked him to ship another batch of goods, including 500 AK47s. These things were almost piled up in the warehouse, and the backlog was a bit moldy.

There are about 7,000 AKs scattered from the Ukrainian Tang Dao!

In addition to selling to several major warlords, there is still half a warehouse left. He firmly grasps the proportion of the cake of low and medium weapons at more than 50%! According to market research, Tang Dao\'s company entered the market like a flood, occupying the first sales volume, and only the Type 79 submachine gun and the Walter MPL submachine gun behind it all have their own characteristics, which are more durable!

After hanging up the phone, Tang Dao threw the mobile phone to his side, put his hands on his knees, moved his fingers rhythmically, frowned, felt irritable in his heart, cursed in a low voice, stood up, and walked to the window , opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the quiet city behind the mansion through the moonlight, and felt a little tired.

In particular, you have to control and intervene in everything yourself, and you can\'t bear it physically.

As a boss, what he should do is control behind the scenes, not take the lead in everything.

Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be looking for a reliable deputy all over the world.

What is in front of us now is that the side missions of the Southern Alliance are very difficult. Tang Dao looked at the progress of the system and only said that it occupied 24%!

This makes him feel very urgent... starter

Lying on the balcony railing, looking into the distance, squinting, as if comforting himself, "There will be a way!"

But he didn\'t expect that the way to break the game was so sudden.

Tang Dao originally planned to sell Kismayo, the third largest city in Somalia, to Aidid, and then get the greater benefits he wanted from it, but he was a chess player, but he didn\'t know that the chess player had changed to another stubble.

"Joe Darrow\'s lieutenant Johannes declared independence in Kismayo! And launched revenge for the death of his boss!"

This is a big news at the top of the newspaper "Somalia News".

It contains basic information about Johannes, roughly saying that he has been with Joe Darrow for 20 years, and the two sides have a deep relationship, but the latter was killed on Hassan\'s chassis. This is a kind of provocation!

Moreover, Joe Darrow is also the chief of one of the Sab clans, and Hassan represents the interests of the Samal clan.

The Southern Alliance, which was originally maintained by them, collapsed in an instant at this moment!

In addition to Johannes, including the other seven tribes have announced revenge on Hassan. This happened overnight. The troops under Hassan had happily obeyed the order to take over the territory, but they were severely beaten.

There have been more than 300 casualties!


Hassan slapped the table, stared at Tang Dao, and gritted his teeth, "Mr. Nicholas, please tell me, what should I do now?" Know how urgent he is.

Tang Dao slowly folded the newspapers and put them on the table. He always felt that something was wrong. When he was in, he had already asked people to conduct background checks on various warlords. This John Nice was not on intelligence at all, and now when Joe Darrow hangs up, he jumped out again. It\'s too good to be stuck at this time.

Moreover, Kismayo, who was originally a mixed bag, settled down very quickly.


He wouldn\'t believe it if there was no one standing behind him!

Could it be that another chess player is about to enter?

"Hey! Sir, are you listening to me?" Seeing that Tang Dao was still in a daze, Hassan emphasized, "You have to explain to me."

The idiot!

When I did it myself, I called 666 on the side. But now I have to take responsibility, so I put on my pants and don\'t recognize anyone.

For Hassan, he is really terrified now, the people under him can\'t stop him, and Tang Dao is considered the culprit by him, if he is thrown out...will there be reconciliation?

Tang Dao felt the other party\'s eyes wandering over his body, and his heart tightened, but his expression did not change. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal: https://

"General Hassan, is that why you\'re scared?" He asked back, then pressed the other\'s shoulder very rudely, motioning him to sit down calmly, "Do you think Johannes just wants revenge? I think instead, General, they want your life!"

This negotiation is to scare the other party three points first.


Hassan had never read a book, nor had he read Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so he was terrified when he heard this.