The Stars In Your Eyes

Chapter 225 - Dripping Water Penetrates The Stone

When you\'re getting older, time seems to fly like a ray of light. Bai Yutang didn\'t even realise but soon it was almost two years since he came out to his mother. Another Chinese new year will come.

Last Chinese new year passed through in the usual manner. His mother didn\'t give him cold treatment like the year before, yet it was not as grand as when Bai Haoran was still alive.

Last Chinese new year, Bai Yutang also couldn\'t accompany his mother going around to their relative\'s house, since he could not take too much leave from the office.

Thinking back of the last two years he spent through, Bai Yutang realised how he and Jian Kang Lu were so busy until he thought their leisure and comfortable years were only a beautiful illusion.

Bai Yutang actually got promoted which makes him feel guilty, because after promotion he planned to resign and took his master degree. But Gu Jianyu said he was worthy to be promoted even though he only had four months to enjoy the increased salary and benefits.

Then both Bai Yutang and Jian Kang Lu were busy with their entrance examination, which they smoothly passed.. It triggered his friend\'s envy. All of them strive to get their master degree this year.

The days as students in the same university were not as beautiful as he imagined. As a PhD student, Jian Kang Lu didn\'t have a steady schedule and he was also still working in the hospital. Mostly he did the research in different parts of university.

The only benefit which Bai Yutang found in their days in university was that they could meet often, and Jian Kang Lu sometimes drove together with him to the university.

And also.. Their bedroom activity was not as scarce as the year when Jian Kang Lu was busy preparing for his PhD admission.

Along with increased experience and diligently working out, Bai Yutang also is not as weak as before. Very rarely is he knocked out in bed now. In fact, sometimes Bai Yutang proudly stays alert after \'night exercise\' while Jian Kang Lu falls asleep.

Bai Yutang went back to his house in W city alone. From the airport, he took a cab. Since Bai Yuren started her residency, she has been extremely busy. She can\'t pick up Bai Yutang at the airport. In fact, she stated she could only come home tomorrow morning.

As a first year resident, Bai Yuren and He Zheng have shifts on New Year\'s eve.

He Zheng also took his residency in the same hospital as Bai Yuren. After carefully discussing it with her, He Zheng bravely asks Jian Kang Lu\'s help. He honestly says he wants to become orthopaedic, and Jian Kang Lu helps him by introducing him to his orthopaedic\'s friend in Z hospital.

When Bai Yutang reaches home, he directly helps his mother finishing the new year\'s decoration and cooking. Bai Yutang didn\'t cook much for New Year, he ordered some food from a famous restaurant, put it in the refrigerator, and will heat it tomorrow morning.

Bai Yutang only makes the dumpling\'s wrap and filling for their dinner that night.

New Year\'s eve with only both of them is a bit lonely.

Lu Hua boiled the dumplings and fished them when the skin was translucent. She chewed it carefully. Bai Yutang did the same. Without Bai Yuren, they actually don\'t have much to say.

Lu Hua sighed when the Spring Gala on television showed children dancing and singing as a flower garden. "Don\'t you think tonight is boring? With only both of us?"

Bai Yutang tried to smile, "I\'m sorry mom. I know I\'m not as cheerful as RenRen."

"That\'s not what I mean." Lu Hua stares at her son. She sighed and kneaded the dough flat before she filled it and wrapped the dumpling.

"I\'m lucky I have children. How about you? When you\'re getting older, and being alone, don\'t you think you will get lonely if you stay at home alone? Watching the spring gala by yourself?" Lu Hua said in a remorseful tone.

Bai Yutang held his temper, "I\'m not alone, mom. I have you, RenRen, and gege."

Lu Hua put her dumpling on the pot, "He\'s much older than you. Who can guarantee he could accompany you forever. Fifteen years.."

Bai Yutang sighed, is this a way of his mother cursing Jian Kang Lu for not having a long healthy life? "Gege is taking care of his health, he still could accompany me for a long long time, mom."

Lu Hua wanted to say, "Look at me. My husband left me so early. Not even 50 years old, but my husband let me be a widow." But in the end she held back her words. It\'s not good to talk about this kind of thing on New Year\'s eve.

Lu Hua didn\'t understand why his son stubbornly stuck to Jian Kang Lu. Honestly, even if Jian Kang Lu is a woman, fifteen years difference is a big joke for normal society.

If your 28 year old son says he has a 43 years old girlfriend, every mother in this world will act the same like Lu Hua.

Even if you have a 28 year old daughter, saying she will marry her 43 year old boyfriend, every mother in this world still will act the same like Lu Hua.

So imagine Lu Hua\'s feeling when her 28 year old son insists on sticking with his 43 year old boyfriend.

"You\'ll soon turn 28. Your father already has you at his age." Lu Hua said. Her eyes stare at the television, but her sight is far looking at the memories behind.

She still remembers how happy Bai Haoran was when they found she\'s pregnant with Bai Yutang. How Bai Haoran treats her like a fragile porcelain, trying his best to fulfil all her cravings on her early pregnancy.

Lu Hua already could converse with Bai Yutang about Jian Kang Lu without throwing a tantrum, all thanks to Bai Yuren and He Zheng. Both of them carefully, slowly, smartly, inserting all their praises for Jian Kang Lu.

Lu Hua herself realised, without Jian Kang lu, it will be almost impossible for her daughter to take residency in the best hospital in W city. Lu Hua herself heard about the struggles of Bai Yuren\'s friends who unfortunately didn\'t have good connections and failed to be accepted there.

In residency, grades are not number one factors. There\'s a lot of living proof when a doctor with good grades treats their patient like a textbook and not human. This led to many complaints from patients to hospitals.

Or cases where the doctor is so arrogant and scolding their nurses. It also led to complaints from nurses to the senior doctors.

Better to accept doctors who have good recommendations, make sure they could work well with others. As skills and knowledge could be taught, but attitude is inert.

Without Jian Kang Lu, her son will be struggling to work like horses to support Bai Yuren\'s residency, don\'t to mention his son now could safely take his master degree.

This softened Lu Hua\'s heart. Deep inside, she knows Jian Kang Lu really treats her son well. He never let Bai Yutang taste hardship he doesn\'t deserve. If someone treats your children this good, slowly but surely, the gratitude she feels grows into understanding.

Just like constant dripping of water wears away the stone.

Even though it doesn\'t mean she accepted Jian Kang Lu.

Lu Hua\'s thoughts were disturbed by Bai Yutang\'s voice. "Mom, your dumplings are overcooked."

The next day, Bai Yuren came back from hospital with a pale face and dark eyes. She only nodded and greeted her uncle\'s family and her maternal grandparents before she collapsed on her bed.

At night, Lu Hua told Bai Yuren to invite He Zheng to have dinner together at the house. They still have a lot of food left, thanks to Bai Yutang who was infected by Jian Kang Lu\'s habit to order so much food when there\'s a lot of guests.

Both Bai Yuren and He Zheng already recharge themselves by sleeping for 7 hours straight in the noon. They still have another 32 hours shift tomorrow, no need to describe their lifeless eyes yet still vigorously devouring the food on the dining table.

"Eat more, we don\'t know when we could eat this kind of delicious food again." Bai Yuren put the sour plum duck in He Zheng\'s bowl.

For the past 6 months, He Zheng and Bai Yuren truly transformed into living zombies who could eat plain white rice without difficulty since they don\'t have enough time to leisurely pick their menu. It\'s good if they can eat.

All first year residents are famous for having a lot of bread and snacks stuffed in their bags. They don\'t have time to eat, but not eating means they will get sick. Sickness is not tolerated.

When you\'re sick, your friends need to cover for you, and that\'s a big no no.

Even He Zheng, following Jian Kang Lu\'s advice, brings some energy bars in his pocket everywhere.

"When will you go back to B city, Yutang Ge?" He Zheng asked.

"Another three days. Let\'s meet up again. I\'ll treat you guys in the restaurant near the hospital." Bai Yutang said.

Bai Yuren nodded, she wanted to tearfully hug her brother. In the past 6 months, every time Jian Kang Lu and Bai Yutang visit W city, they always take her and He Zheng to have a delicious meal.

"Does he pick you up again?"

All the children at the table instantly become awkward to hear Lu Hua\'s question.

Bai Yutang tried to answer in the calmest way, "Yes mom. Gege will pick me up like usual."

Lu Hua absentmindedly looked at the dishes in front of her. She missed the warm and lovely dinner she used to have with Bai Haoran.

In poverty and riches, in hardship and joy, they were happy together..

Lu Hua took a deep breath, she finally said in a flat tone. No emotion filled her voice, void and empty.

"Then, let him come to the house. I want to talk with him."