The Stars In Your Eyes

Chapter 226 - Bloodline

Jian Kang Lu answered his kitten\'s video call that night. He stays at his parent\'s house as usual at Chinese New Year. Jian Kang Se and family are also staying.

Fan Mingle is pregnant and her delivery should be next month. Jian Ming is almost 12 years old, actually the age gap between him and his soon to be little brother is quite far. Yes, it\'s another boy.

This fact will be celebrated in any family. Lin Caihong is happy to meet her new grandson. But.. But.. But she also wants a girl in this family!


Jian Kang Lu smiled when he saw his handsome kitten\'s face appear on the screen. His hair is a little bit damp, it seems his kitten just washed his face and prepared to sleep. It\'s already 11 o\'clock.

"Are you tired, baby? How\'s the dinner?" Jian Kang Lu laid his back comfortably. When they are apart, they always do video calls until they fall asleep.

"Gege, my mom said he wants to meet you when you pick me up."

Jian Kang Lu abruptly straightened his back. "Really?"

Bai Yutang nodded, confirming his previous statement.

Jian Kang Lu was anxious, confused, and hopeful. It seems all were proceeding faster than his expectation. This only goes for two years… Some parents won\'t accept their son being gay even until ten years.

Jian Kang Lu doesn\'t want to raise his expectations, but he can\'t stop his brain from developing many beautiful scenarios.

"Then tomorrow I\'ll go shopping. My present now was not suitable for a direct meeting with your mom." Jian Kang Lu said.

Previously he only prepared some bird nest and mountain monkey tea beautifully packed as his New Year\'s present. But now, it seems he also needs to search for other things. He decided to ask his mother the next day.

Lin Caihong truly held her reputation as the prominent madam in upscale societies in the capital. She makes the phone call in the morning and the things are delivered to their house by night. One needs to know that the majority of stores were closed in Chinese New Year\'s period.

The additional gifts prepared by Lin Caihong are one calligraphy from the famous artist and one imperial jade ring. The gifts are extremely expensive. But one needs to know when gifting things to your future in-laws, eventually the things could be inherited by their children, which is your future spouse. That\'s why Chinese people were never stingy with their gifts.

On the third day of Chinese New year, Jian Kang Lu arrived in W city. As usual, he rented the car and went to his kitten\'s house. He looked calm from the outside, yet his sweaty hands betrayed his calmness.

Jian Kang Lu\'s flight landed before dusk and he reached his kitten\'s house around 7.30, the streets were decorated with red lanterns and flowers, screaming the joy of spring festivals.

Bai Yutang was the one who opened the door for Jian Kang Lu, Lu Hua sitting in the living room.

"Good evening, auntie. Happy new year, may prosperity and happiness keep flowing to this house and to you in this year. Here are some small things from me and my family to celebrate the new year." Jian Kang Lu politely handed the gifts which were received by his kitten.

Lu Hua didn\'t answer and only nodded.

Lu Hua had instructed Bai Yutang that Jian Kang Lu be allowed to have dinner together with them. Bai Yuren is still on her shift and can\'t make it.

"Let\'s have dinner first, gege. What do you want to drink?"

Jian Kang Lu peeked at Lu Hua, who stood up and walked toward the dining table.

"Anything you made is okay." Jian Kang Lu answered his kitten.

For the whole dinner, Lu Hua didn\'t say anything nor answer their question. She silently ate her dinner. For tonight, Bai Yutang cooked steamed fish with scallion, his signature lemon chicken, and egg tofu soup. Bai Yutang sliced the fresh fruits brought by Jian Kang Lu and served it on the table.

Looking at his son, somehow Lu Hua was annoyed. She didn\'t like how her son looked like a virtuous wife serving her husband. Well, Bai Yutang\'s gesture was a perfect example of the ideal daughter in law she always dreamed of.

Bai Yutang and Jian Kang Lu tried really hard to make the dinner as lively as possible, ignoring the awkward and cold face of Lu Hua.

After chewing 5 slices of cold sweet melon and crunchy apples, Lu Hua cleared her throat.

"I will never agree with both of you. Not now, not in the future." She coldly said.

Jian Kang Lu only froze for one second before he gave his professional smile and coaxed his future mother in law. "I could only show you how much i appreciate TangTang and keep treat him well for you see that i\'m really serious with TangTang, auntie."

"Then, if someday I agree, you won\'t treat him well?" Lu Hua frowned.

Jian Kang Lu almost choked, "I will always treat him well auntie, you know he\'s the most important person in my life. I could only try my best because I know I\'m not worthy of your son. He\'s very smart, kind. I\'m so lucky he chose me."

Lu Hua snorted, "Indeed, my son is too good for you. So, even though I won\'t accept you, do you still want to be with him, TangTang?"

Bai Yutang sat next to his lover and silently held his lover\'s sweating hand. "Mom, i hope you will agree with us someday, since i plan to spend the rest of my life with gege."

The room was so quiet after that, only the sound from outside proved that the world was still spinning like usual.

Lu Hua took a deep breath, "I know my own son. He\'s stubborn and doesn\'t want to listen to his mother anymore. I can\'t do anything about it. I\'m only a poor weak widow."

"Mom.." Bai Yutang protests.

Lu Hua cut him, "It\'s useless. I don\'t know when both of you will get tired and break up. Maybe next year, maybe next ten years. By then, my son is already too old."

Bai Yutang grip his lover\'s hand tight. He didn\'t like to hear how his mother cursed him and Jian Kang Lu. But Bai Yutang always obeyed his lover, and his lover told him never to fight with his mother.

Lu Hua held her cup, feeling the heat from the tea inside seeped to her cold hands. She doesn\'t know whether this is the right choice to do, but she really doesn\'t want to have regrets.

"I have one condition. If you fulfil that, I won\'t oppose both of you again in the future."

Jian Kang Lu still maintained his calm and gentle smile even though turbulence in his heart was forming a raging anxious storm, "Please tell me, auntie."

"I want grandchildren from TangTang. My husband\'s bloodline will not cut here. It\'s enough if you can give me that."

Lu Hua is afraid. She\'s afraid that if her son stubbornly refuses to leave Jian Kang Lu, and later when he gets old, he\'ll be alone without children. At that time, his son\'s grievance will also be her misery.

No mother in this world would want their children to suffer. So, she gave up. She could only protect her children this way. If her son refuses to listen to her, then she could only give him the way out of loneliness in his old age.

"Mom!" Bai Yutang almost screamed.

Jian Kang Lu held his kitten and signalled him to sit down. In fact, both of them never talked about children, since they never thought it\'s important.

Most people have their instinct to preserve reproduction, that\'s why many gay and lesbian couple try to have their own children, adopted or real birth children.

In this modern era, actually it\'s a luxury for gay and lesbian couple. Imagine 50 years ago, it\'s impossible to have children without real intercourse between man and woman. But now, all is possible.

Jian Kang Lu himself once had a discussion regarding children with Wu Shen. Wu Shen likes children, and always wants to have one of his own.

For Jian Kang Lu, he didn\'t really like children. He felt he was not capable of raising one. He\'s not that patient to hear children crying all the time, and he also felt he was not suitable to educate their children.

After all, he\'s still counted as a freak in society. How could a freak teach his children to be an upstanding member of society?

If Jian Kang Lu really wanted to have children, he was the one who belonged in the adoption category. There\'s a lot of unfortunate children in the world. Rather than birthing one, why not take care of the unfortunate one?

But Lu Hua\'s meaning is very clear. She wants Bai Haoran\'s bloodline to continue. It means a son, a baby boy. From Bai Yutang\'s seed.

"Very well, auntie. We could follow your wish. But I have two conditions regarding that matter, and I beg for your understanding." Jian Kang Lu said in a calm manner. His tone didn\'t reflect any of his turbulent heart.

"Gege!" Bai Yutang grieved. Does this mean his lover agreed for him to have children with another woman?

"Nowadays we could have children from surrogate mothers. I assure you the procedure is legal and it will be TangTang\'s son. But surrogate mothers are protected for their privacy, which means all of us, including the child in the future, will never know nor meet the mother." Jian Kang Lu explained.

Lu Hua listening, she doesn\'t really care at this point. She only wants to preserve her beloved husband\'s bloodline. The world may progress, but Lu Hua is still a woman with a traditional mind. The greatest filial things a child could do is to preserve their bloodline.

"Second, I love TangTang so much. Naturally TangTang\'s child will be my child. I want my child to be protected by law and have their rights preserved. I want to have a voice to determine their future, have rights to take care of them, and also have peace of mind that if I leave them first, all my assets will safely go to them. I have been working hard all these years, all for TangTang. That\'s why, before we proceed with the surrogacy, I want to marry TangTang." Jian Kang Lu unconsciously tightened his grip around his kitten\'s hand. He\'s so nervous.

Well, he truly wants to protect his kitten and their future children using the law. And also, if he needs to grant Lu Hua\'s wishes, he also wants Lu Hua to grant his wish.

Lu Hua\'s hand also tightened around her cup. She pursed her lips. She wants to reject Jian Kang Lu\'s request. What a joke, how could a man marry another man? But she knew some countries already approved same sex marriage. With Jian Kang Lu\'s wealth, they could always choose one foreign country to tie the knot.

And, listening to Jian Kang Lu\'s explanation, actually it was a good thing for his son and her future grandchildren. At least, his son won\'t be a plaything for this man. Even though they separated one day, her son and grandchildren won\'t be wronged.

While Bai Yutang and Jian Kang Lu silently wait for Lu Hua\'s answer, the world seems so quiet and serene.

Lu Hua finally opened her mouth, "Fine. But I won\'t attend the wedding."