The Stars In Your Eyes

Chapter 224 - How To Determine A Man's Love

In January, the icy wind is not as harsh as December\'s. The Seasons start to change, welcoming spring ahead.

Jian Kang Lu once again visited W city with Bai Yutang. Surprisingly, Lu Hua was at home and told Bai Yuren to let Jian Kang Lu step his foot inside the house.

Jian Kang Lu is really happy. He prepared to go for a long war, presumably more than three years before he could get positive feedback. He didn\'t expect it to be faster.

Jian Kang Lu looked at the similarly shocked face of Bai Yutang. He chuckled. It seems both of them didn\'t guess today Lu Hua was being lenient toward them.

Lu Hua still refuses to see Jian Kang Lu and locks herself in her room.. She only softened her heart because Bai Yuren repeatedly told her how Jian Kang Lu used his connection to give the best treatment to support her grandfather\'s treatment in hospital.

"It\'s okay. Don\'t think too much about it, Jian Ge." Said Bai Yuren when she saw both their faces a little bit disappointed when her mother didn\'t want to go down. Her hands were busy unpacking things that Jian Kang Lu brought today.

"At least it\'s a good sign. Who knows next month mom will approve you to snatch my gege as your wife." She whispered to Jian Kang Lu, who chuckled to hear her statement.

"Ah, LeTAO cheesecake! You remember to buy it." She screams happily and opens the box.

"How could I dare to forget." Jian Kang Lu said. He specifically bought every variant sold in the shop, knowing that Bai Yuren would give some to LingLing and He Zheng.

Bai Yutang walked from the kitchen to give a cup of hot coffee to Jian Kang Lu. "Want to have dinner here, gege? I\'ll cook."

Jian Kang Lu really wanted to, but he considered Lu Hua\'s feelings.

"Why not eat outside? I want to eat Kobe steak, Jian Ge. Please please please.. Without you, when could I eat that expensive steak by myself?" Bai Yuren said.

Bai Yutang frowned, he really didn\'t like how his sister treated his lover as a walking wallet.

"If your mother allows you, let\'s go. Choose the restaurant." Jian Kang Lu, who only had money to bribe Bai Yuren, happily agreed with this mischievous girl.

"Can I invite He Zheng too?" Bai Yuren displays her big round eyes to plead like the cat in the boot.

"Ah, invite your boyfriend to smooch free meal?" Bai Yutang teases Bai Yuren.

The girl happily grabbed her phone to send a message to He Zheng. "Yes, of course. Both of us poor doctors need to depend on our seniors to fill our tummy."

Both men in the room were surprised, and then Bai Yutang asked again, "Boyfriend? Finally? Did you pester him? Or threatening him?"

Bai Yuren snorted, "I\'m a shy and dignified girl. Of course it\'s him who can\'t resist my charm and asks me to become his girlfriend."

"Are you sure? It\'s not because he\'s afraid of you?" Bai Yutang asked again.

"By the way, I never asked which one of you confessed first? I guess it was Jian Ge. Does Jian Ge confess to you because he\'s afraid of you, gege? Or because you pestered him?" Bai Yuren retorted.

Now she truly makes them both silent. Once again, how could they tell her that before the confession, they were already rolling in the bed, shooting lewd liquid at each other.

Jian Kang Lu wisely diverted the topic. "So, how\'s your preparation for residency? Are you sure you don\'t want to go to my hospital?"

Bai Yuren once again consulted with Jian Kang Lu about her residency plan. If all goes well, she will start her tests and interview from April to June and will start her residency in July.

After eating two slices of cheese cake, Jian Kang Lu goes to Bai Yutang\'s room, resting a bit before he goes to his hotel.

Jian Kang Lu who sits on the bed grabs his kitten\'s wrist and pulls him to sit on his lap. Jian Kang Lu put his lips on the youth\'s cheek, slid to the corner of his soft lips.

"Gege.. What if I took my master next year, or two years again? I heard residency still needs money, and not a small amount." Bai Yutang said.

Both of them agreed to take their master and PhD degree this year. Add it with Bai Yuren\'s residency, the money will be tight.

"Why did you never check our bank account? Don\'t worry. I have more than enough savings for all of us. I am also still working. Taking a PhD doesn\'t mean I\'m not working." Jian Kang Lu struck Bai Yutang\'s back. He really loves to touch his kitten\'s body. It seems his kitten\'s body has a magnet to pull him closer.

"Your bank account." Bai Yutang corrected him. "Okay then.. But I\'ll pay for my own tuition. If it was not enough, then I\'ll borrow from you." Bai Yutang said.

Jian Kang Lu is still stroking Bai Yutang\'s back when he realizes something. "Are you working out, baby?"

Bai Yutang almost blushed with pride, shyly nodding. For the last five months he diligently worked out at the gym near the office. Since Jian Kang Lu was so busy, he goes to the gym two to three times a week. The result is not so obvious since he is also distracted with his grandfather\'s illness. He thought his lover would never realise it.

"To the gym? Why didn\'t I know?" Jian Kang Lu asked. If not because he stroked the muscles in his kitten\'s back and waist, he might not know. The appearance was not really different since his kitten was always a bit skinny. But now he realizes the muscles under the soft skin of his kitten are shaped better.

"I want to surprise you. But lately I got busy too, so I can\'t come to the gym often."

"Why suddenly go to the gym? With who?"

"I want to look good in front of you." Bai Yutang said softly and put his head on his lover\'s shoulder. Bai Yutang doesn\'t want his lover to get bored with him and leave him someday for a better looking man. He can\'t do anything with his face, so he works out and also learns how to style himself better.

"With Mr. Gu, sometimes with the girls from my office too. Mr. Gu\'s body is really good. I want to look like him." He continued.

As a true city gay man, Gu Jianyu present himself well. Eight pack abs, tight buttock, smooth skin, fragrance all over, smooth well treated skin and stylish clothes. Too bad he is still single even with that full ammunition.

When they exercise together, Gu Jianyu sometimes said he envies Bai Yutang, also complaining about why people thought gays would pounce on the first man who presented himself to them.

"Even to buy fruits and eggs we will carefully select it. Why did people always think we were so cheap when we selected our life partner?" Gu Jianyu really hates it when people put a stigma on gays.

Well, he sometimes vent himself with one night rendevouz with some handsome men in the gay bar. He\'s not a saint who could hold himself. But he is really picky when choosing a partner. He won\'t put himself on hellish pit again for bad relationship with straight nor bisexual man who left his heart bleeding.

"Are you sure your boyfriend doesn\'t have gay friends he could introduce to me?" Gu Jianyu once asked Bai Yutang. In Gu Jianyu\'s mind, if a faithful man like Jian Kang Lu have gay friends, they usually the same honest and upright people.

Bai Yutang could only apologetically say no. His lover really don\'t have close gay friends he could introduce to Gu Jianyu.

Jian Kang Lu was not happy to hear Bai Yutang\'s words. "Do you dare to admire another man\'s body in front of me? Hmm? Are you not satisfied with my body anymore?" Jian Kang Lu\'s hands are already slipping inside Bai Yutang\'s sweater.

Bai Yutang gasped, he kissed his lover softly. Soon the kiss getting rough and wet sound echoed. They haven\'t made love for two week. This slight touch suddenly burns their desire.

"Only your body could make me itch, gege.." Bai Yutang whispered.

This is bad. Jian Kang Lu\'s little brother starts to rise high and proudly poking Bai Yutang\'s thighs.

Both of them stop their movement, try to arrange their breath and calm their mood.

"Wait until we come back to B city tomorrow. I\'ll show you that this old uncle\'s body still can satisfy you the whole night." Jian Kang Lu said with burning eyes.

After that, Jian Kang Lu hurriedly went to the hotel. Before going, he and Bai Yutang stand in front of Lu Hua\'s door, saying thank you and stating he will go and later come back to pick Bai Yutang and Bai Yuren for dinner. Jian Kang Lu invited Lu Hua also, but the woman inside the room didn\'t utter a single word in response.

Slowly, patiently. Jian Kang Lu encouraged himself.

At night, He Zheng already waited in the house together with the pair siblings for Jian Kang Lu to pick him up. He wears a dull grey sweater with black jacket. He was really embarrassed to see both Bai Yutang and Jian Kang Lu dress handsomely.

Honestly, he looks like their attendant with his appearance. He knows he is also not worthy to stand side by side with Bai Yuren. She was so pretty today, wearing a loose dark purple wool dress with black leggings and matched purple boots.

He Zheng knew he was so dull and boring. He actually read many articles on the internet about how to charm a girl. He stutters when he tries to flatter his girlfriend. "Y-You look so pretty today, RenRen."

"I know, this earring is so pretty, right? Jian Ge bought it for me. But without these earrings I also look pretty everyday."

He Zheng nodded, "Yes."

Bai Yuren laughed. This He Zheng is the only one who can stand her narcissism. Maybe her mother is right. Look for a man who loves you rather than look for a man you love.

Bai Yutang snorted, "Better go to the ophthalmologist, check your eyes."

Jian Kang Lu who just arrived and hearing the siblings quarrelling stare helplessly to He Zheng and four of them going together with Jian Kang Lu\'s rental car.

"If He Zheng\'s eyes are broken, then Jian Ge\'s eyes are beyond salvation." Bai Yuren still savagely roasts her brother.

The dinner was really satisfying. He Zheng felt that this is the best steak, no, the best meal he ever had in his whole life. The buttery marbled meat brimming with the creamiest, most decadent, most flavourful streaks of fat a steak can have. He choked when he saw the price. No wonder..

"He Zheng, I heard you are also a scholarship student with a magna cum laude like Bai Yuren. Have you decided on your residency?" Jian Kang Lu asked.

He Zheng\'s voice is low, "Not yet, Doctor Jian."

"Call me Ge, why so polite. If you are interested, do you want to become a nephrologist like me? If you passed the examination and interview, you could take your residency at B hospital. It will be hard to have a long distance relationship though."

He Zheng really wanted to, he even decided he won\'t be picky about specialisation as long as he could take residency. One need to know, without a good background, doctors don\'t do really well. Their salary is average.

He Zheng is not good with words. He could only stammer, searching for answers. How could he answer that he is afraid he doesn\'t have enough money?

Jian Kang Lu heard He Zheng\'s situation from Bai Yutang. He smiled and said, "You have potential. And, you might be TangTang\'s brother in law someday. I need another assistant to help me. My assistant\'s salary is 4000 yuan per month. I will send you tasks through emails and you could send the result back. I also could meet you once a month when I visit W city. For residency, I could help you and you could pay me back slowly. Think about it first and discuss with RenRen. No rush."

Bai Yuren\'s eyes light up. Surely, her brother really knows how to pick a good man. She was grateful, even though her brother is not a normal man in society\'s eyes, but who can say that Jian Kang Lu treated her brother badly?

She knows Jian Kang Lu does this for Bai Yutang. He does this out of his love toward her brother. Because he loved him, he also took good care of his family, and even a soon to be family member.