The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 636

Chen Yunhua was sitting in the boss's chair. After the door was closed, a smile rose from the corner of his lips.

Ben was also worried that Su Nian would poke things out, but now even God is helping him!

When Su died every year, he would be responsible for his shares. By then, he could take all the shares of the Su family as his own, without causing any doubt!

He laughed for a long time, but his face gradually became sad.

This is the result that he has planned for many years. How can he be so sad when it comes to this day?

With Chu Suxin's day and night, and Su's family of four, he often forgot his plans.

He often feels that it's very good for the family to be with Meimei

However, he was defeated by his ambition, fame and wealth, and chose such a road.

Laughing and laughing, he cried.

Regret it? No regret.

Just a little bit, hate this kind of self

The Secretary opened the door again and saw that he was hiding his face and sobbing. His shoulders were shaking and his nose was a little sour.


in Canxing Internet cafe, a handsome young man with curly hair and a handsome appearance was desperately lighting the mouse and shouting: "Hello, KK, are you an undercover sent from the opposite side? Wind trace Jun, come down the road and explode ya! Qiqi, ouch, give me a quick milk, please gently caress me... "

Obviously, he's playing a lot of games.

In the middle of the battle between the two players, a big news pop-up window jumped out. Night Xingyu said a low mantra and intended to close it. When he saw the picture above, he suddenly stopped.

When you open it, you can see the news of the terrorist attack in country m. There are several pictures in the picture. What attracted him to come in is a picture on a girl's passport.

He was shaking his hands and couldn't even hold the mouse. He read the news release again and again, and his face was unbelievable.

headset, make complaints about the sound of "GAMEOVER" in the earphone. He switched the window to see that the interface in the game had become black and white, and his teammates were in various Tucao channels on the chat channel.

He looked at it twice and felt that his whole world had lost all its colors in an instant.

Every year, every year


when Doudou, Nuo Nuo and murongshan saw the news, they all exploded. Doudou was like crazy: "I don't believe it! Lying trough, now reporters are so no professional ethics, casually Pop News, rumors! It must be a rumor! "

Murong Shan tried to hold a smile: "yes, it must be fake."

Nuo Nuo's eyes are red and red. It seems that she has been crying for a long time.

"No! I'll go to Chen's house and ask for details! Why go abroad every year? What is all this about? " Doudou rushes out. Murong Shan wants to stop her. She is afraid that she will do something under her impulse. Nuo Nuo also stands up. She has always been the softest character and clenches her fist. "Yes, ask clearly!"

Murong Shan bit his teeth: "OK, let's go together!"

Chen Yuan left the hospital, contact Gu Zichen simply can not contact, he had to go to the police, drag tired body lying on the bed.

He can't hold on. He needs a rest.

However, not long after sleeping, the doorbell rang, and there was a knock on the door with fists and kicks. Chen Yuan went to open the door with two dark circles under his eyes.

He did not know the news of Su Niannian's accident. As soon as he opened the door, Doudou three people rushed in and asked, "what about every year?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!