The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 637

"I don't know." Chen Yuan told the truth, "she disappeared last night I just called the police... "

He was so tired that he didn't find Su Nian's strength. Chu Suxin was the right size in the hospital. He ran all the way down.

For almost 24 hours, he didn't sleep well and didn't even eat.

Doudou several people where to know these, at present rolled a big white eye to him.

"Shit, she had an accident abroad, and you were still sleeping at home peacefully? Chen Yuan, why don't you die? " Doudou swears at him.

Nuo Nuo and murongshan stare at him, both looking disappointed.

Chen Yuan also accumulated anger, "soybeans, do you hurt people so early in the morning? Is it interesting that I'm more anxious than anyone else when she's gone? "

"Ah, bah, you are still reasonable. You are weak! You Chen's family are weak! Otherwise, every year my mother just had a car accident, how could it happen every year? Did you mean it? " Doudou roared out.

She was unintentional, but Chen Yunhua in the room was stiff for a moment after hearing this.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan responded quickly, and he was keen to capture the words in Doudou dialect, "accident? What happened to her? "

"You're still acting stupid!" Now even Nuo can't help it. Among the four people, she, Doudou and Su Niannian have the best relationship. If this happens, can she not break out?

Doudou hands his mobile phone to him, and Chen Yuan takes a quick glance. The whole person is shocked and frozen in place.

After a long time, he trembled and asked, "is this true..."

Seeing his reaction, Doudou looks at each other.

What's going on here?

But the anger always wants to find a person to break out. Doudou's brain takes a puff and says: "Gu Zichen? Has he bullied him for years? Shit, I have to tear him up today

For a moment, the three turned their spearheads to Gu Zichen and rushed to Gu's home. Chen Yuan frowned and followed.

Chen Yunhua looked at their figures and left with a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the answer closest to the truth has not been mentioned again.

This pot can't be better than Gu Zichen.


at this time, the heroine of the event was in a foreign country, supporting a tall man to a private clinic and saying in unskilled English: "please help him to deal with the wound, he was seriously injured by gunshot..."

She turned to leave, but was strongly grabbed by the man wrist, Su year after year do not understand the back, the man toward her cold smile: "saved your life, do you want to leave like this?"

"I'm not sending you to see a doctor," Su said

"Is that your attitude to the Savior?" The man's face is unbelievable, "at least you should stay and take care of me, or pay for some recuperation and mental loss."

Su felt her pocket every year. Suddenly, she lost her bag when she was rescued by this man. Now she has only a few hundred cash, or RMB, to compensate others. She is embarrassed

Helpless, she had to sigh, admit life like opening: "don't worry, I will accompany you. Ah Don't cry, you know

The white doctor took out the bullet from his shoulder with forceps without changing color. Su closed his eyes and shivered with fear every year. , the fastest update of the webnovel!