The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 635

Seeing his excited appearance, Meng Luoyang said in a deep voice: "Tang Yu, calm down! This program recording is very important to you, you should keep in good condition

"Keep a P! go to the airport! Now, now, now Tang Yu made a rude remark and yelled at the driver.

The driver was startled and took a peek at Meng Luoyang. He didn't know if he should drive.

Meng Luoyang helped his glasses, and his tone was cold and merciless: "what's the use if you go? Cry with her body or buy her an expensive tombstone

Tang Yu clenched and loosened his fist and tried to resist the impulse to beat Meng Luoyang.

"I still say, career is the most important thing, she, you gave up long ago, didn't you?" Meng Luoyang continued.

From the day he left Yucheng, it meant that he would sever all relations with Su every year.

So it has nothing to do with whether Su is living or dying every year.

"How can you be so cold-blooded..." Tang Yu put on a sneering smile, "if the dead person is your lover, can you be so calm and say these words?"

Meng Luoyang was silent, and he didn't want to say these words, but it was the most effective way to let Tang Yu die.

He will become the king of entertainment superstar, his future is bright.

Why destroy everything for a woman who will never get it?

"What's the use of these so-called halos without her Tang Yu asked Meng Luoyang with a sentence. Seeing that the driver didn't drive, he threw off his sunglasses and mask and got off the bus and walked away!

As soon as he appeared, there was a commotion on the road.

Tang Yu, expressionless, stopped a taxi and sped to the airport.

Inside the car.

The driver carefully asked, "is it really appropriate for Mr. Tang to do this?"

Meng Luoyang was relieved. "He has not forgotten his original intention. It may not be a good thing."

This is the stubborn and determined young man he wanted to hold up.


1. The light in the operating room went out at last.

The doctor came out and nodded to Chen Yuan, who had been waiting for more than ten hours. "It's out of danger. It's just possible to wake up and see the follow-up treatment."

Chen Yuan nodded tired.

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated twice. He picked it up and pressed to answer. It was Chen Yunhua who called.

Xu is Chen Yuan's illusion. He vaguely feels that Chen Yunhua's tone has a trace of pleasure.

But how could that be possible? Chu Su Xin had such a big accident. He must be more sad than anyone else.

Asked two Chu Su heart of the situation, he changed the front: "every year, did not run around?"

Chen Yuan replied: "she lost contact with Uncle LAN last night. Zichen went to find her. There is no news yet. Dad, let's call the police."

Chen Yunhua's body suddenly became stiff. What? She ran away?

"Wait a little longer. Even if you call the police, the Public Security Bureau will not accept it." Chen Yunhua covered up the panic at the bottom of his heart, took a pen and hung up the phone in a hurry.

When he was flustered, the Secretary rushed in: "Mr. Chen, CCTV just reported the news, your daughter It was revealed that he was killed in the terrorist attack in M country last night... "

Chen Yunhua's eyes were filled with joy! But soon changed a sad face, "let me be alone."

Secretary hurried out, but also carefully for him to take the door.

Alas, Chen Zong can be really miserable, overnight, his wife and daughter all encountered an accident.

So he must have misread the look in his eyes just now , the fastest update of the webnovel!