The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 632

With a look of pain on her face, she suddenly made a look of chagrin. "Oh, I forgot it by accident. What should I do? Let's go and see her together

Liang Xuan has her own plan in the bottom of her heart. Gu Zichen didn't like her at all. If she admitted, it would be impossible for her and Gu Zichen.

Therefore, it is better to pretend confused, Gu Zichen no matter how, it is impossible to tear her face with her?

Who expected Gu Zichen tone completely cold down: "Miss Liang is really a noble person forgets things."

From the bottom of her heart, Liang Xuan felt a fear and reached out to pull Gu Zichen's arm. Her voice was soft. Soft: "Zichen Don't be angry... "

Gu Zichen staggered her and walked away.

Liang Xuan was stunned and then glared at Cheng Zhou.

Cheng Zhou was one and the first two big. He knew that he must have offended this young lady!

Well, it's for Miss Su anyway. It's worth it!

He hastily followed the pace of Gu Zichen, Gu Zichen is holding a mobile phone to Su Niannian, still no one answers.

After thinking about it, he made a call to Chen Yuan, but he got through quickly.

"How is your aunt?" Gu Zichen asked.

"It's still under rescue. It's worse." Chen Yuan rubbed his eyebrows, and the exhaustion between them could not be covered.

Gu Zichen frowned, so Su cried so much every year because he was afraid

He took several deep breaths to calm down. He asked, "how about every year?"

"Uncle LAN took her home to have a rest. Please take care of her for me. I'm afraid she will cry all night again..." Chen Yuan heartache said.

"Good." Gu Zichen should go down and hang up the phone.


it took Gu Zichen only ten minutes to get back to Chen's house.

He pulled up the car at random and saw a dark room in the Chen family. He frowned. Did Su sleep every year?

Push the door and enter, the room is dark, not like someone.

Gu Zichen turned on the light and called out Su Nian Nian's name, but no one answered.

He went to Su Niannian's door and knocked on it. Seeing no reply, he opened the door.

The room is still empty.

Feeling more and more uneasy in his heart, he called Su Niannian again, but he heard the familiar music ringing in the room.

He went over and found Su Nian's cell phone under his pillow. There were many missed calls on it.

Gu Zichen was calm and was about to go out when he suddenly realized something. He strode to open Su Nian's wardrobe, which was obviously empty.

His fingers began to tremble, looked around him, and realized something.

Sue left every year.

Gu Zichen had no time to think about why she left. He contacted Chen Yuan and told him about Su's disappearance every year. Chen Yuan was shocked, but Gu Zichen was extremely calm: "who was the last person she saw?"

Chen Yuan a Leng, blurted out: "blue law!"

Gu Zichen immediately called Cheng Zhou and asked him to find Su Nian's whereabouts at all costs. Finally, he added, "find out where blue law is now."

Ten minutes later, Cheng Zhou replied, "Lan Lv is in the heart bar on Fenghua Road. As for Miss Su's whereabouts, I can't find..."

Gu Zichen looks dignified.

Is it true that Su Niannian's disappearance has something to do with LAN LV?

Dark night, like a ferocious beast, gradually engulfed him , the fastest update of the webnovel!