The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 631

Follow her in high heels.

Liang mother Leng in situ, it seems that some can not believe, those words will be her daughter said.

"Xuanxuan, how did this happen

Father Liang snorted: "isn't it quite like you when you were young?"

Liang's mother said angrily, "am I so stubborn? So stubborn? "

Liang's father glanced at her and said, "didn't you write me love letters for half a year in a row, and tell me that you must be with me..."

"Ah, bah, it's not shameful to mention the rotten old millet." Liang's mother said with disgust. Looking at the back of Liang Xuan's leaving, she sighed, "this girl is really Like who is not good, but like to care for the people, who do not know, his family is the thinnest cold and heartless

"It's her life. Let her live on her own." Father Liang waved impatiently.

Liang's mother wants to say that she thinks her daughter's behavior is like a Junior

It's really too much for her to do so.

It's a pity that the daughter has grown up and can't listen to her mother's long talk.

That's it. It's all up to her.


Liang Xuan drove his own car, followed Gu Zichen's car back to Gu.

Gu Zichen went back to the office to deal with official business, and found that the light was still on inside.

He frowned. When has Chengzhou been so active?

Push the door to see, Cheng Zhou is really devoted to the work, busy in full swing.

Seeing him coming, Cheng Zhou was shocked: "boss, how can you be here?" Isn't he supposed to accompany Miss Su in the hospital at this time?

"This is exactly what I want to ask you. Chengzhou, with such poor work efficiency, I don't mind giving you a deduction." Gu Zichen looks like a cold-blooded Zhou shaopi.

Cheng Zhou was sad: "boss, this is not the project that Mr. Liang asked me to take charge of. There is something wrong with the project. I am studying There are old people and young people on the small side. They have to save money to marry a daughter-in-law. Can you let me live? "

Gu Zichen skimmed his lips, saying that he did not agree, and planned to return to the office.

Cheng Zhou looked at him suspiciously: "boss, is there anything more important than Miss Su? Why don't you and I go with her? "

Gu Zichen frowned: "what happened every year?"

"Ah? Didn't Mr. Liang tell you? " Cheng Zhou's face suddenly changed. "Miss Su's mother had a car accident and was said to be still in hospital. Although the news was blocked, I got it from our exclusive channel..."

Gu Zichen narrowed his black eyes and burst out a strong sense of danger.

So Su Niannian just came to him to tell him about it?

He even let her go home damn!

"Why don't you say it earlier?" Gu Zichen asked with gnashing teeth.

Cheng Zhou shrunk his head innocently, "I told Mr. Liang that she would tell you..."

Liang Xuan again!

There was a clatter of high-heeled shoes behind her. As soon as Liang Xuan stood still, she realized that a cold and sharp sight swept towards her!

She pulled out a smile: "I will work overtime with you..."

"Miss Liang, don't you think you have forgotten something to tell me?" Gu Zichen's eyes are sharp and cold.

Liang Xuan pretended to be confused: "Zichen, what are you talking about? I don't understand. "

"It's about Miss Su's mother..." Cheng Zhou said weakly.

Liang Xuan's face was changeable and completely dark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!