The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 633

When Gu Zichen arrived at the bar, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening, which was the busiest time in the bar.

The lights are flashing and colorful. Young men and women are wriggling on the dance floor. The air is full of all kinds of wine. The atmosphere is ambiguous and charming.

Lanlv took off his suit coat, unbuttoned his shirt, and was pouring a glass of wine in front of the bar.

He is in his early 40s, but he has a bit of the unique charm of a mature man, and his dressing taste is not vulgar. Gu Zichen, who has attracted many women, said: "I didn't say that she ran away from home."

Blue law wine suddenly woke up most of the time, squinting at Gu Zichen.

Is it right to say that he lost his temper after he was drunk, or did he have a plan in front of him to take the initiative?

He picked a lip to smile: "you don't care about her, so what does her life and death have to do with you?"

"What happened every year?" Gu Zichen frowned and asked. His tone changed just now and became anxious.

Su Niannian is probably now the only one that can cause his mood to fluctuate.

Blue law smile, pushed a glass of liquor to him, "come, drink this cup, I'll tell you."

In his eyes, he was as naughty as a child. He had a knave who said, "if you don't drink, I won't say it.".

Gu Zichen eyebrow tip picked under, the face does not change color took the wine cup.

This bar is a football theme. There is a LCD TV opposite the bar, which is used to broadcast football games and other things to attract customers. At this time, it was bored and transferred to the news channel. The announcer read a piece of news, and his face changed suddenly. He said quickly: "our reporter in M, our flight mh3689 to the first airport of the capital of M was attacked by terrorists, and all the staff were hijacked ……”

I don't know why, Gu Zichen shook his hand, the cup in his hand fell to the ground with a bang and broke into a piece.

He frowned. Seeing that Lan Lv's expression was dull, he was puzzled.

LAN LV trembled. "Do you think they can survive?"

"It's hard." Gu Zichen replied that foreign terrorist attacks are mostly suppressed by force, and then ransom is demanded. They often tear up tickets, and there are few cases of surviving.

Blue law lips moving: "you know, the last person you want to see every year is you."

Gu Zichen frowned and didn't understand what he meant.

LAN LV said slowly, "her family I didn't dare to let her stay at home, so sending her abroad was what her mother meant LAN LV takes Chen Yunhua's story with him because he knows that even if he says it, Gu Zichen may not believe it.

Gu Zichen tightened his body and said in a deep voice, "when did she leave?"

Blue law miserably smile: "after looking for you, I don't know what happened between you, but she cried when she came out."

Gu Zichen stood up, "where is she? What time is the plane? "

"Do you care about her?" LAN Lv's voice became ethereal, and he seemed to mutter to himself: "maybe, you can protect her. I think I underestimate you If you wake up, you will blame me. "

Blue law is like crazy. She walks out of the bar and stumbles over the garbage can and falls next to the street lamp.

Gu Zichen heard the last word in his life.

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