The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 625

Having said that, Gu Zichen is afraid that he will find Su Niannian the first time.

It seems that A little too much?

She pushed open the door of Gu Zichen's office with complicated mind. Gu Zichen was dealing with official business, her eyes were cold, but her eyes were unstoppable.

When Liang Xuan came in, he was almost busy. He sipped a cup of coffee, looked down at the photo frame on the table, and the corners of his lips were smiling.

Following his gaze, Liang Xuan's eyes darkened.

She knew that Gu Zichen had only one photo on her desk, which she had taken in her high school years.

Su's appearance in that photo is still very young, wearing a blue gray school uniform, with a little baby fat cheek, looks silly in Liang Xuan's eyes.

However, the smile on the photo is extremely brilliant, invincible youth, and even she is a little jealous.

"Busy?" She spoke.

"Well?" Gu Zichen looked up at him and looked at Liang Xuan with black and heavy eyes, which made her feel guilty.

"Take a look at this scheme. I think it is of great significance to the projects in Wancheng District..." She handed over the document in her hand, Gu Zichen took over the document, turned two pages, and discussed with her.

Liang Xuan peeked at the photo on the table. Maybe it was jealousy, maybe it was resentment, maybe it was luck. She secretly hinted in her heart that she had forgotten to tell Gu Zichen about Su Xin because she was busy

If Gu Zichen knew about it, he would be desperate to find Su Niannian

She just wanted to be with this gorgeous man.

In any case, by any means, we must!


Su looked at the direction of the ward year after year. Her tears might have run out, and she felt that she had no strength to cry.

At night, the corridor is quiet and cold. Chen Yuan frowns: "every year, follow me to the rest room."

Su shook her head stubbornly every year. She would wait until the doctor announced that Chu Su's heart was safe and sound!

Chen Yuan also want to persuade again, a burst of footsteps from far and near, looked up, is blue law in a hurry to come over!

In his morning suit, with a dispirited look, he stood in front of chusu's heart disease room, opened his mouth, but could not say anything.

After seeing Su Nian, his eyes lit up with a glow, "every year, come with me, I have something to tell you."

Su hesitated every year and stood up. Chen Yuan wanted to go with him, but he was persuaded by blue law to stare at Chu Su's heart.

Chen Yuan quietly sat back on the bench, his eyes following Su Nian's back.

When he came to the no one's garden, LAN LV swept away the withered image of just talent, and his eyes were sharp: "every year, did Chen Yunhua ask you to sign any contract?"

"Ah?" Su tried to think about it every year. "No

"Are there any other signatures? He didn't let you touch pen and paper today? " Blue law continues to ask.

Su tried hard to think about it every year, "signed My mother's critical notice

Blue law clenched his teeth and said, "how many pieces of paper?"

Su Niannian is a little unhappy. Chu Suxin is still lying in the hospital bed, but LAN LV tells her these inexplicable words. Doesn't she believe Chen Yunhua?

Chen Yunhua is so good. How can she be harmed.

Su year after year unhappy turn around, but blue law grabbed her shoulder, staring at her, "year after year, you know? Chen Yunhua to Chang'an real estate, and, with the agency transfer agreement to!

In other words, your company is no longer surnamed Su, but It's Chen. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!