The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 624

Just at this time, a doctor came out of the ward. His face was heavy and he didn't say anything. He just handed a few pieces of paper to Chen Yunhua.

On the white paper, which was as white as snow, the words "critical illness notice" were clearly printed.

Chen Yunhua took those pieces of paper and felt that his hands began to shake.

He took a few deep breaths without calming down.

Then he took the pieces of paper to the bathroom and came back with a dead silence.

All the people around him were infected by him. From him, he felt the deep despair and pain, which made people sad.

"Every year." Tired voice sounded, Su year after year smell speech raised his head, saw Chen Yunhua slightly wet eyes, from the coat pocket groped out a few pieces of paper, "you come to sign."

His meaning is self-evident, Su Nian is the closest person to Chu Su Xin on the field, even if it is him, he can't compare with him.

Su Niannian only felt that her mind was in chaos. She mechanically took over the pen from Chen Yunhua and signed her name rigidly.

It is very difficult to write a few strokes.

Shaking, she handed the paper to Chen Yunhua, who nodded and negotiated with the doctor.

The intermittent voice of conversation reached Su Niannian's ear --

"the situation is not optimistic, there is too much blood loss, and there are many fractures in his body. Even if it is rescued, I'm afraid It will also be a vegetable... " Said the doctor with a sigh.

Chen Yunhua was calm and bowed to the doctor: "no matter how expensive the medicine is, how much it costs, please bring her back Even if it's a vegetable, I'd like to support her all my life

All the people were moved by the words, and even Su shed tears every year.

She sniffed down her nose and wrapped up her overcoat. There was a faint smell of tobacco on it, which gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

Suddenly she felt something cut into her waist. She took out her pocket and found a beautiful jewelry box from it.

Open a look, inside is a beautiful necklace, the diamond on it is dazzling, a look is worth a lot.

She didn't seem to see the man's face clearly? How to give it back?

But now Su didn't care about it any more and put the box back in his pocket.


after waiting for more than three hours, the light in the operating room was still on, and Su felt numb in her hands and feet every year.

Chen Yunhua seems to have something to do with the company, so he left in a hurry. Before leaving, he told Chen Yuan to take good care of every year. "Take good care of every year. She's in an unstable mood now. Don't let her run around..."

Chen Yuan nodded.


After solving the matter of the general meeting of shareholders, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening. Gu Zichen could not contact Su Niannian, so he simply continued to work.

The news of Chu Suxin's accident was blocked, and only a few people knew it.

Cheng Zhou got the news at the first time, and was about to tell Gu Zichen that Liang Xuan, holding a document in his hand, happened to meet him and casually asked, "what's the matter? Look at you in a hurry? "

Cheng Zhou quickly told her about Chu Su Xin in a few words. Liang Xuan frowned. "I'll tell him about such an important thing. Chengzhou, how's the case of real estate development in Wancheng District recently..."

This project is Gu's top priority recently. Cheng Zhou reported to Liang Xuan and devoted himself to his work.

But Liang Xuan was entangled.

Do you want to tell Gu Zichen about this? , the fastest update of the webnovel!