The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 626

Su is frozen in place every year, as dull as she is, and understands the meaning of it.

Is there something wrong with what Chen Yunhua signed for her?!

This cognition let her instinctive resistance, Su years small hand clenched into a fist, the body can not help shaking up.

Would such a gentle, modest and genial man do such a crazy thing?

"Uncle LAN, are you wrong?" Su looked pale every year and asked in disbelief.

LAN LV laughs bitterly: "I also hope that all this is my mistake However, just an hour ago, Chen Yunhua went to the company with a contract. He has the highest share holding rate of Chang'an real estate. "

Su's eyes are full of water and light. Two thirds of the real estate in Chang'an is in her name, and one-third in Chu Suxin's name.

Now Chu Su Xin has an accident. She has signed the transfer contract. There is no doubt that Chen Yunhua will replace her!

"Your mother reminded me once before. I thought she was suspicious, but I didn't expect this man to be so vicious! It's a beast in disguise! Hypocrite LAN LV scolded him.

"Uncle LAN, how do you make me believe you? Maybe you are lying to me?" Su every year suddenly came a sentence, but blue law asked a Zheng.

After a moment, he said with a cool smile, "you don't believe me, but you believe the man named Chen."

Su is silent every year. After all, Chen Yunhua has been treating her very well. She has already had feelings for her for a long time. She won't believe everything because of LAN Lv's words.

She can't believe it. Nobody can believe it.

Blue law mobile phone shakes for a while, pick up a look, it is push news.

His facial lines are cold and sharp, and his lips outline a desperate smile. He hands his mobile phone to Su Niannian.

Big news headlines have been published -

[Yucheng Evening News: Chen Group owns more than 70% of Changan real estate, and the two companies have officially merged! 】

those who do not know will think that Chen and Chu merged the company together. Only Su Niannian knows clearly that this is not a merger, it is a naked merger!

But now she has nothing to do!

Her shares were transferred to Chen Yunhua, and Chu Suxin was unconscious. If Chu Suxin died, Chen Yunhua would be the first successor

Her face is expressionless, standing in the same place, the cold wind at night accompanied by small snow particles, fluttering to her face, with a shallow tingling feeling on her face.

Why, overnight, will become like this?

LAN LV takes out a notebook from her briefcase and puts the note in it into Su Niannian's hand.

It was written by Chu Suxin a long time ago. Maybe she had noticed Chen Yunhua's anomaly at that time, but she didn't dare to confirm, so she just scribbled a few words.

"Every year, if one day something happens to the company and your mother is not around, please trust your uncle lanlv unconditionally! The people of the Chen family, try to stay away from them, and remember! "

Every year, Su looked at the familiar font and burst into tears.

LAN Lu is much calmer than her, and her tone is calm: "your visa and passport are all here, and your application for admission is ready. Every year, listen to me and leave Yucheng. When you have enough ability, you can come back to ask Chen Yunhua to collect debts."

Su looked miserable every year, her eyes in tears, "why?"

Blue law laughs sarcasm and publicity, "to this step, you still don't understand, why your mother will have an accident?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!