The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 549

Gu Zichen's eyebrows and eyes are the same as before, indifferent "um" one.

Didn't say go back, also didn't say not to go back.

Su chewed the food in her mouth year after year. Her cheeks were bulging, and she asked, "who is it?"

"Nothing, fraud calls." Gu Zichen hung up the phone and put the phone back in his pocket.

On the other end of the phone, the old man shivered and put down his mobile phone. The housekeeper stood on one side and did not dare to say a word.

"Rebellious son! They are all antagonists Gu hit the ground with his crutches. He was so excited that he began to breathe slowly and gasped heavily.

The housekeeper quickly took out the medicine, poured out two pills and handed them to Mr. Gu.

The old man took the medicine, and then slowly stabilized. His turbid eyes showed deep weakness, staring at the documents on the table, and he was silent.

It's very important to cooperate with overseas. A project with billions of dollars has been stirred up by Gu Li, and he's mixed up with his rival's daughter in China! How can he not be angry!

Thirty years ago, he could handle everything by himself!

But now, he had to admit that he was really old.

Gu Yan is too indecisive to be the management of Gu. Now the only one he can rely on is the grandson he once despised!

"Master, I'm back from the young master." The housekeeper whispered, in the heart secretly calls not good, the old man first was Gu Zichen gas high blood pressure to commit, now leaves the young master to hit the gun muzzle again. What if I really get angry with the old people?

However, the old man immersed in the mall for many years and was good at adjusting his mind. In a flash of time, he changed his face and looked at Gu Li, who entered the study with great dignity.

Gu Li's peach blossom eyes are half narrowed, and even his walking steps are lazy and luxurious. With his casual clothes, he is a dandy.

He sat lazily in his chair. "Grandfather, what can I do for you?"

Mr. Gu said with a smile, "Ali, didn't you ever say that you like to be a star, so you went to the entertainment industry? Now, why are you suddenly turning

Gu Li followed with a smile, "Oh, I want to make a contribution to Gu's family. Naturally, I want to review my family."

The old man's forehead green muscle fierce jump, waved his hand, the housekeeper wisely retreated out. But before leaving, he put a few bottles of medicine in the old man's hand.

"You're not looking at the trace of the disease. Or more rest, do not exercise so much heart, health is the most important

The old man sneered, "now there are only two of us left. You don't have to say these hypocritical polite words. Ali, what do you want to do? If you want to care for your family, I can... "

"Grandfather Gu Li impolitely interrupted him, but the smile on his lips did not decrease. "Do you forget that I have given up the inheritance right of my family?"

The old man was silent.

Gu left the eye light to become sharp up, "I don't want to care for the family property, you can rest assured, I won't rob with Zichen."

The old man opened his mouth. In fact, he wanted to say, "you come to rob me. I can give you my hand.".

In his heart, Gu Zichen has never been regarded as his own grandson.

Gu Zichen is just an illegitimate son who can't see the light. After all, he can't get on the table.

The old man also wants to say something, but Gu Li has already said with a smile: "grandfather, now you can't restrain me any more." , the fastest update of the webnovel!