The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 550

He stood up, the tall figure covered with a shadow, the old man's expression in the dark changeable, all ignored by Gu Li.

It was not until the housekeeper came into the room that the old man let out a long sigh, as if he had become an old man.

"He's gone?"

"Yes, sir." The housekeeper replied respectfully.

The old man stood up on crutches, looked out of the window and sighed: "old I'm really old... "

Standing aside with his housekeeper for more than 30 years, he felt inexplicably sour in his heart.

Thirty years ago, he witnessed the spectacular scene of Gu Rong galloping in the business world, but now he is just a lonely and stubborn old man.

Years, as expected, are merciless to anyone.


after the birthday party of kengda, Su can't wait to go home every year.

Gu Zichen lips hook smile, looking at Su year after year play small temperament, a person nest on the sofa to play games, angry ignore him.

She was wearing a thick white sweater, fluffy, soft, so soft that people just want to take care of her in the palm.

Su Niannian just got off a racing game and had a good time. After a few passes, the difficulty increased. She poked at the screen, but she still lost again and again. Frustrated, she threw her mobile phone on the sofa.

Gu Zichen saw the opportunity to walk in the past, picked up the mobile phone to fiddle with a few times, understatement said: "I help you through it."

Su Niannian originally wanted to say no, but when he saw Gu Zichen's skillful finger movements, he was immediately attracted to the game and kept his eyes on it.

At the last moment, Gu Zichen deliberately slowed down the speed, Su year after year quickly called out: "big Chen Chen, come on, come on! Get ahead of him! Come on, come on

"Well." Gu Zichen responded with a low voice, speeding up the speed, racing faster than the opponent in front of him, and became the first in one fell swoop.

"Ah, ah! Great! You are so good! " Su Nian is so happy that he has forgotten his anger for a long time.

Gu Zichen continued quietly to please her, "what do you want to eat at night? How about chicken chop rice, and a coke with ice... "

Su nodded year after year, like pounding garlic! It's very kind of you to be a big Chen Chen! "

Gu Zichen smiles, picks up the car key and goes out to buy rice. Su waits for him at home every year.

Gu Zichen left, Su continued to play mobile games every year. This time, Gu Zichen did not help her, and sadly lost several times. She threw her mobile phone in frustration, waiting for Gu Zichen to come back and help her.

Waiting left and right, she heard a series of doorbells, and Sue ran to open the door every year.

When she reached the porch, she stopped and realized it was wrong.

Gu Zichen doesn't have a key. How can he ring the doorbell?

Every year, Su stood on tiptoe through the cat's eye to look out. Outside stood a girl with fashionable clothes. She was about 20 years old and 165 in height. The whole person was radiant with the brilliance of youth and beauty.

Su hesitated every year and opened the door.

The girl showed a smile and was stunned to see that Su Nian opened the door.

Every year Su looked at her suspiciously, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Eric! Is he at home? " The girl's smile is appropriate, and her actions reveal a noble spirit.

It took Su two seconds every year to realize that she was talking about Gu Zichen's English name.

"What is your relationship with him?" Su asked every year.

"Hello, I'm his fiancee!" the girl said with a big smile , the fastest update of the webnovel!