The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 548

"Well, there's no one who's got to take it back." Gu Zichen's skill is agile, a stuffed into the quilt.

Su Niannian usually has a little girl, but she doesn't have to lift the boy's bed. Seeing that he was hiding, he grunted and went to wash.

Gu Zi Chen, where dare to make complaints about the gift, save the money pot carefully, and look at the three trick pigs, money pot can not stop.

When Su finished washing every year, she saw that Gu Zichen was still looking at those piggybanks. She sent them three times in a row. Did Gu Zichen not understand the implication?

Hum! She doesn't want to explain to this ghost!

"Take good care of my big fat, two fat and little fat!" The announcement of Su's arrogance every year.

Gu Zichen is stunned for a moment, just react to come over big fat Er Pang is Su year after year gives these pig's name.

He shook his head, worthy of the name of Zhaocai pig. He was a family!

He turned to change his clothes and came out. Su's eyes became straight when he looked at him every year.

You can be so handsome!

His tall and straight body and tailored suit make him more handsome. People.

The room was bubbling with sweetness.

Su's eyes brightened every year, and he asked, "big Chen Chen, do you wear autumn trousers?"

Gu Zichen's face turned black in an instant. After a long time, he grinded out two words: "guess..."

Sure enough, this girl's brain hole is different from ordinary people.

"You wait for me! I'll go home and change my dress! "

Before going out of two steps, Gu Zichen pulled him back. His voice was cold and he had an irresistible aura. "I give you two choices, either in pajamas or in a padded jacket."

“why!” Su howled all his life and argued with Gu Zichen for a long time. The arrogant God said, "choose one from two.".

Su Nian Nian is aware of his temper. What Gu Zichen believes will not be changed.

Every year, Su wore a cotton padded jacket and wrapped himself like a fat white rice dumpling.

The fantasy of the United States to participate in the birthday party, stunning four, proved that Gu Zichen's brilliant vision of the picture did not have a chance to achieve, Su year after year is quite depressed.

Yu'an was still chosen as the place for the make-up birthday party. After arriving, the party was full of excitement and many people came to support the party.

In case of the last tragedy, Gu Zichen held Su Nian's hand throughout the whole process, and introduced him solemnly when he met people: "my fiancee, Su Niannian."

Everyone looked at Su's thick cotton padded jacket every year with a look of surprise, but they covered it up appropriately.

Party corner.

Ye Siyun was very angry: "isn't this nonsense! If you look at Su Nian, where does she look like a lady in a big family? She doesn't even wear a dress on such a formal occasion

Gu yanzhun gave a bitter smile. As a man, he certainly knew that it was not su who didn't wear it every year. He was afraid it was his son's pet.

In the middle of the banquet, Gu Zichen no longer entertains, but leads her daughter-in-law to look for food.

He carefully brought Su Niannian his favorite food. This action was noticed by those who had a heart. After a while, the gossip about master Gu's pet wife spread all over Yucheng's business circles.

He was feeding food to his daughter-in-law when he saw the number on the phone and frowned.

Press to answer, the opposite came an old tired voice: "go home, or Gu's just afraid to let Gu Li that bastard to destroy!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!