The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 547

"Su Nian Nian! You pig Gu Zichen couldn't bear it. He said with a black face.

Every year Su leaned lazily against the door and touched his chin with his hand: "it seems that he is really angry, and his temper is so bad. Wait for me, I'll make you a cup of chrysanthemum tea!"

Gu Zichen:

What the devil is chrysanthemum tea! He didn't get angry at all, OK!

No, his fire It's not the same concept as Su Niannian's understanding, OK!

Gu Zichen holds his forehead, deeply grieved that he has such a dull girlfriend.


that night, Su climbed to Gu Zichen's bed every year, and looked over the girl with great interest.

But when she finished reading most of the book, Gu Zichen did not come back. Just wondering, Gu Zichen came in and took the bed quilt from the cloakroom and threw it on the sofa in the room.

His bedroom is so large that a sofa doesn't seem crowded. It's used to read books occasionally. I didn't expect to become his bed tonight.

"Why do you sleep on the sofa?" she wondered

"You're too fat to squeeze me." Gu Zichen said the excuse without changing his face.

Su has been petrified year by year, and his heart is choked by the blow.

"Hum! It's too crowded for you to sleep in the guest room Su year after year ferocious said, although accustomed to Gu Zichen's venomous tongue, but each girl is said by her boyfriend to be fat, more or less will be a little depressed.

Gu Zichen picks eyebrow: "are you afraid to sleep alone?"

Su every year speechless, she understood that Gu Zichen was afraid of her alone.

She no longer hard mouth, obediently lay down, only feel the position of the left atrium warm.


the next day, Su woke up early and rubbed his eyes. After seeing clearly, he noticed Gu Zichen on the sofa.

He was tall, with long hands and long legs, and his nest on the sofa was slightly cramped. Su Nian's young hands and feet walk up to him, his smooth and elegant face takes some tired color, which makes Su Nian's heart appear a sense of guilt.

At this time, Gu Zichen's eyelashes trembled and opened his eyes.

His eyes, as deep as the sea of stars, squinting, saw Su Nian's dumb voice and asked, "Zhaocai pig, I can't believe you have the habit of peeping into other people's sleep."

Every year Su's face turned red. "You talk nonsense! I have come to cover your quilt with good intentions Then he pulled the quilt up, and the result was too strong. He directly covered Gu Zichen's head.

Gu Zichen poked out half of his face. He looked a little less fierce than usual and more tender. He complained in a low voice: "you are murdering your husband. Fortunately, you didn't cover the quilt at night, otherwise I would die in the middle of the night..."

Su years of shame and anger, Gu Zichen see the situation is not good, quickly switch off the topic, "my gift?"

"Well, it's already ready." Su every year trotted to get the gift that had been hidden last night and put it into Gu Zichen's hand. "Nah, I allow you to open it."

Gu Zichen rarely cooperate once: "yes, yes, every year king."

Su snorted contentedly from his nostrils every year.

Gu Zichen opened it and found that it was just a cute piggy bank.

He took a puff from the corner of his eye and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, he should not have expected

"Do you look disgusted?" Su Nian, with an unbelievable expression, went to grab the piggy bank and said, "since you don't like it, give it back to me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!