The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 542

Chen Yuan vomited blood. Is this really the cool male god he knew then?

He took a look at Gu Zichen's box in his hands and said, "you should not want to make up a birthday present for you every year?"

"Nice, I knew you knew me." Gu Zichen smile, "simply put next year's together, you see how?"

"You go Chen Yuan said with a black face, how could he put on such a black brother-in-law!

Gu Zichen left with a smile, but he had his own plan in mind.

Su Niannian said that he had prepared carefully, but he didn't attend Cheng's birthday party. He didn't care, but he didn't want sue to be disappointed every year.

This birthday is not for him, but for Su every year.

But thinking of receiving another gift, Gu Zichen is full of expectations.

Back in the room, he carefully opened the gift box, with a smile of handsome face brush once petrified.

Every year Su gave him It's still a piggy bank!

he looked as like as two peas in the bedroom, and saw his hands in the hand. This is the same as the piglet's face, size and shape.

This girl is wholesale a dozen! Gu Zichen tucking his heart make complaints about his forehead.

Looking at the four big characters of "Attracting Wealth and treasure" on the piggy bank, Gu Zichen is depressed.

As expected, it is in line with the gift given by the lucky pig, so what is he expecting?

Gu Zichen left his mouth, and finally put the piggy bank in place and took a change of clothes to take a bath.

I went back to bed and soon fell asleep.

However, Gu Zichen had a strange dream that night.

In the dream, Su Nian's mushroom head was wearing a huge bow, and he came to me, "big Chen Chen, open the gift! It's not good if I give myself to you ~ "

GU Zichen reaches out and pulls the bow, and Su Niannian pours at him

A night of lingering, sweet and charming.

The sun shines through the window, passing a light light on Gu Zichen's handsome face. He frowns slightly, opens his eyes, and then discovers the abnormality in his body.

He even Have you had a spring dream?

He sat stiffly on the bed for a moment. He got up and changed his clothes. By the way, he also changed the sheets.

He is expressionless in the bathroom quietly rubbing the sheets, suddenly heard the voice of Su every year clear from outside, "big Chenchen, where are you?"

Gu Zichen has a subtle expression on his face. He is always calm, but rarely flustered. He has not thought of a good solution. Su Niannian has already run to his room with the toilet door open.

"Oh, dachengchen, you are so virtuous and virtuous, and you wash your own clothes!" Su Niannian looks surprised.

Gu Zichen asked without trace: "why don't you sleep more? Have you had breakfast? Would you like to have shrimp dumplings

"Good, good!" Su year after year happy smile, eyes inadvertently fell on the washing table, puzzled asked: "how can there be so many white stains on the bed sheet, big Chen Chen, did you drink milk on the bed?"

Gu Zichen was silent for a few seconds. A touch of red appeared behind his ear, "you pig! Too much talk! I won't take you out again! "

Su year, he left his mouth and make complaints about it. He was still in Tucao, and Gu Zi Chen didn't get up before. How did he react so much today?

Gu Zichen quickly washed his clothes and felt that he was innocent all his life , the fastest update of the webnovel!