The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 543

Black face took Su Niannian to breakfast, Gu Zichen didn't talk to Su Niannian all the way.

Su is depressed year by year, do not understand where he was provoked, innocent playing with the mobile phone, jingling elimination of the sound of the way.

Failed to break through, Su year after year frustrated to close the game, saw an unread text message on the mobile phone.

Click open to see, it is actually sent by Zhu Cheng.

"Every year, can we let go of Xiaoxi..." Just a few words, I don't know how he is carrying a tangled mood sent.

Zhu Cheng has already been deeply disappointed with song Yuxi, but when she called from the police station, she still couldn't help being soft hearted.

It was his youth, that was his first love, for him, Zhucheng challenged the bottom line again and again.

Su pushed Gu Zichen every year Song Yuxi, what are you going to do with it? "

Gu Zichen: "it has been handed over to the police. According to the kidnapping and blackmail, it will be sentenced to at least five years."

Su Niannian's heart cluttered. Although she hated her, she didn't want to kill her completely. "This is not very good..."

Gu Zichen rubbed her hair, "don't worry about others, you think about how to exercise this winter vacation."

Su year after year to stop, Gu Zichen blocked all back.

He Mu He has been merciless beating, he family in recent years also difficult to do. As for song Yuxi, her treatment can be large or small, after all, there is no real kidnapping success.

He wanted to give her some lessons, so he put pressure on the police station. No matter who came forward, he had to deal with this matter well and give him an explanation.

Looking at Su nianian's sullen expression, he can't help but sigh that this girl is not so soft to others. How come she becomes indecisive every time she comes to song Yuxi.

Maybe she really takes song Yuxi as her friend.

Gu Zichen meditated and sent a short message to go out and took Su Niannian's hand to send her home.


Chen family.

Su Niannian and his wife had just arrived home when they saw that the living room was full of miscellaneous things. Chu Su Xin was happily talking to Chen Yunhua about something.

"Mother, is the home robbed by thieves?" Su Niannian's face was frightened.

Seeing her coming back, Chu Su Xin said with a smile, "Oh, every year, it's the right time for you to come back! Your uncle and I are going to have a honeymoon. You and your brother will take good care of your family

Su has been Spartan for years. How long have they been married? Why do you want to have a honeymoon! Do you want such a good feeling!

She looked at Chu Suxin with resentment. Chu Suxin's eyes turned. Chen Yuanzheng was helpless to agree, but she heard Chu Suxin say, "Chen Yuan, why don't you come to a trip where you say you can go! There are two young people at home. It's not good to be a light bulb! "

Chen Yuan puffed at the corners of his mouth. How could he feel that he was despised.

"Good I'll book the ticket now. " Chen Yuan dejectedly opened the mobile app.

Chen Yunhua looked at this scene with a smile and said to Gu Zichen, "I'll trouble you to take care of our family every year. It's hard."

Gu Zichen Leng next, immediately show appropriate smile, "I will, uncle and aunt rest assured."

"Good boy! Then let's go. We'll be good every year Chu Suxin carries a big bag and a small bag and goes to the airport with Chen Yunhua.

A few minutes later, Chen Yuan packed up a thin small package, and patted Gu Zichen on the shoulder with resentment, "my sister will give it to you."

Su Niannian: "it's just , the fastest update of the webnovel!