The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 541

After a few hours' sleep, Gu Zichen accompanied her to sleep for a while. After waking up, she has been staring at Su Nian's sleeping face.

Su Niannian's sleep is not good. She almost kicked him out of bed several times. But when she gets quiet, she is cute and cute, which makes people want to pinch her face.

Gu Zichen thinks so, and he also does it on his hand. He pinches it and feels amazing. Before he can pinch it for a while, Su opens his eyes every year and wakes up leisurely.

"What time is it?" She groaned.

Gu Zichen looked at the time, it was already 10:30 in the evening.

Su sat up from the bed every year and said in a hurry with her messy hair: "ah, ah, I want to go home! Gu Zichen

Her urgent tone scared Gu Zichen. Gu Zichen comforted her a few times, called for the doctor to do the discharge procedures, and took Su back home every year.

Chen Yuan, the parents of the Chen family, made an excuse to fool the past. They thought Su Niannian and Gu Zichen were out with friends. They only told them to come back early.

When the car stopped at the door, Sue got off the car and rushed home every year. Her head was dizzy and almost fell on the steps in front of the door.

Gu Zichen's quick eyes and quick hands pulled her to his arms, but with a sigh, he held her in his arms.

"Why are you in a hurry?"

"Go back to my room! Come on! It's going to be too late Su year after year anxious tears are coming out, Gu Zichen embraces her to go upstairs, meets Chen Yuan after both sides nod a head, is to say hello.

When she took Su back to her room every year, she ran barefoot to the desk and put the exquisite gift box into Gu Zichen's hand. Her eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky: "Gu Zichen! Happy birthday

Gu Zichen was stunned and took over the box under the urging of Su years.

It turns out that She's coming back to give her birthday present.

Su Nian elder breathed a sigh of relief, "it should not be 12 o'clock, fortunately, I caught up with..."

Her original plan was to go to Gu Zichen's birthday party in the morning, return to set off fireworks with him in the evening, and give him a birthday present by the way. However, all this was destroyed by song Yuxi, and now there is only one item that can be done.

Gu Zichen holding the box, only feel heavy as if there are thousands of pounds.

In the past, every birthday was in a muddle. Until Su Nian Nian, he began to look forward to his birthday every year and what gifts he would receive.

Now, he received it.

He pressed Su Niannian's shoulder with one hand, his palm was hot, and he bent down to kiss Su Niannian's lips.

Su pushed him away with a blush every year. "OK, come home and open the presents. I'm going to sleep! Mamda

Hearing her last "Mo Da", Gu Zichen sneered, "then kiss again?"

"Light soul! Let's go Sue pushed him out every year and shut the door.

Gu Zichen touched his nose. Fortunately, he flashed quickly, or he might bump into his face.

This girl is so unlovable in this respect Alas

However, looking at the gift in his hand, his lips filled with a smile of satisfaction, and his pace was much lighter.

walked to the living room, and Chen Yuan drank a glass of water and was drinking. He saw the way he looked at the Tucao: "can you make complaints about your tail?"

Gu Zichen hummed, and suddenly raised the corner of his lips and suggested: "do you envy me? Today's birthday party didn't work out. Why don't I have another one? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!