The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 540

His arms were warm and generous, so Su went over every year without thinking. Listening to Gu Zichen's soothing voice, his mood gradually stabilized.

Gu Zichen holds her hand in the palm and warms up slowly. Su gives a long sigh of relief every year and lies comfortably in Gu Zichen's arms. She looks like she has not slept.

"Song Yuxi, what on earth does she want to do?" After asking about this sentence, Gu Zichen's body was obviously stiff for a moment, and said without changing color: "Oh, she hid you in the hotel and wanted to threaten me to give her a sum of money. Fortunately, Chengzhou found out your whereabouts in time, and Chen Yuan and I went to save you together."

Every year, Sue's head is half cracked. He believes it's not true.

What he Mu wants to do to her is too dirty, Gu Zichen doesn't want Su Niannian to know at all.

After waiting for a long time, she didn't hear Su year after year complaining. She only heard her sigh, "brother pig is so poor. If only she would like to be with him..."

Gu Zichen frowned and couldn't help but play on her forehead. "I wish the fat man a good life now. You'd better worry about yourself."

Su every year curled his mouth, rubbed against his chest, murmured in a low voice: "I don't have you..."

Gu Zichen laughs but does not speak, will her forehead before the broken hair, shifts the topic: "still cold not cold?"

The heating was already on in the room, but now the temperature is turned up. He is almost hot and sweating, but Su is still chilly every year.

Su Nian put her foot on his leg and said, "cold, feel the temperature ~"

she wanted to ice Gu Zichen. However, Gu Zichen pressed her leg and said, "I'll warm you up." The warm breath fell on the earlobe, and Su turned away his head year after year.

Close to the heart, close to the body

Su narrowed his eyes year after year, drowsy, and suddenly raised his head and knocked Gu Zichen's chin directly.

"Ah She screamed, but Gu Zichen didn't even hum, but kneaded her head.

Su was deeply moved every year and said with regret, "I'm sorry..."

"You pig." Disdainful words, tone but not a trace of complaint.

"I want to tell you something!" Su every year Du mouth, Gu Zichen doubt in the eyes of the mouth, "you don't know! Today, I dressed up for more than an hour and wore a skirt. I originally wanted to go to your birthday party to prove that you have a good eye for choosing a good fiancee As a result, it died so young. "

Gu Zichen pulled out a corner of the mouth, "just want to say this?"

"Of course! Don't you think it's important! " Su said year after year.

Gu Zichen was silent for two seconds. "Every year, my vision is not bad, and I don't need to prove anything to others. Don't do such a stupid thing in the future."

"Stupid?" Su looked at him year after year.

Gu Zichen ignored and nodded.

"You didn't say it earlier. I'm freezing." Su years of gas kick him a foot, angry to the quilt a shrink, "sleep!"

Gu Zichen is speechless. He just loves her to wear a skirt in winter. How can it be his fault?

Also want to pull the little girl out of the quilt, theory, opened the quilt, Su year after year closed his eyes, already fell asleep.

He sighed and covered Su with quilts every year. It's just wrong. As long as she's happy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!