The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 531

Finally, Su year after year humiliation called two "Wang Wang", a face bullied little daughter-in-law appearance.

Gu Zichen's face clearly climbed two big characters: disappointment.

Oh, I knew I would not give her a choice. Would it be better to kiss directly?

When the belly black school bully meets the dregs of the dull sprout school, he will fight bravely with wisdom and deep fire. Can she survive the hot life? Every year in silence, Su ordered a wax for himself.

In the second test, Su Niannian and Gu Zichen went in ahead of time. The eyes of the people around them were shining. Some people asked carefully, "Gu, is this your girlfriend? You two are a good match

Gu Zichen jaw head, "well, my daughter-in-law."

The sister who asked the question didn't expect Gu Zichen would really answer her. After a while, she cheered. The whole examination room was excited.

Su kicked him every year and said indignantly, "don't talk nonsense. We haven't got married yet."

Gu Zichen pondered for a long time, "what's the difference between knot and non knot?"

Anyway, it's all his people. I can't run in my life.

Su years by his bullying to almost rogue language block, speechless, took out a pencil brush to draw a 38 line, "do not speak! Don't cross the line! "

Gu Zichen looked down and saw that the line was obviously unfair. Su Nian's half year old left him only a small corner.

He sighed and did not intend to quarrel with the girl. In other people's eyes, all of them are sympathized, and they are all gods in their hearts. It's a pity that the God is really a wife and slave.

Only a girl in the corner broke the pen in her hand.

Yin chuxia looks at the two men who are like Bi people, and his heart is burning with jealousy.

But she couldn't fight with Su Niannian, and she didn't dare to fight with her.

Yin's family was severely beaten by the Gu family, and Yin Wanyue severely reprimanded her. She said plainly that she was not allowed to Approach Gu Zichen again and not to provoke Su Niannian again!

She won't take it! Really not reconciled!

Obviously, she is Gu Zichen's childhood sweetheart, and her family background is better than Su Niannian. Why did Gu Zichen choose Su Niannian?

One day, she must look good every year!


after taking the cultural course, Su took another day every year to finish her professional course. She went back to her bedroom and packed her bags. At the moment when she walked out of the school gate, she exclaimed, "I smell the smell of freedom ~"

GU Zichen curled her lips and felt that she couldn't keep up with the thinking of the second grade girl.

Back home, Su Niannian immediately led a degenerate holiday life. Her self-care ability degenerated to a level 9 disability. She even wanted Chen Yuan to press the remote control for her even watching cartoons.

There was a familiar song on TV, and he Jiong's Gardenia blossomed. Su year after year wanted to call Chen Yuan to change channels, but he held the remote control rigidly and looked seriously.

"Er, elder brother, it's time for Nanzhi to come back. The new year is coming soon."

Chen Yuan shook his head: "she will not come back."

"True or false?" Su nianian's face was sad, "why don't you come back for a reunion in the new year's day? It's not good to have a home outside."

Hearing this, Chen Yuan can only smile bitterly.

He didn't want Nanzhi back.

But Nanning doesn't want to. As long as she doesn't want to, her parents won't allow Nanzhi to come back.

Perhaps for Nanzhi, it's better to be alone outside than at home.

Su years to observe his look, tentatively asked: "brother, do you like people?"

Chen Yuan Leng for a moment, smile and nod, "of course there is." , the fastest update of the webnovel!