The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 530

"Read it Su year after year encouraged Gu Zichen, in any case, has always been her advantage, read out also not afraid of shame.

Gu Zichen's expression on his cold and indifferent face changed, and a thin red rose behind his ear, "are you sure you want to read it?"

Su year after year heartless said: "read read read it, there is nothing to be sorry about."

Gu Zichen took a deep look at her, frowned and read all of them.

When he read out the words "Gu Zichen is a pig", the whole examination room began to burst into laughter.

"I'm going to kill you in the new year's day, deep fried, braised, steamed with vinegar, and then stewed in a pot..." Originally, Su's aggressive words in Gu Zichen's mouth actually have more points of gentle and conniving meaning, all people are holding their breath waiting for the following.

Gu Zichen stopped, slowly read: "as long as the lady likes, how I am happy."

Boom -

Su Niannian felt a roar in his brain. When he heard this sentence which was comparable to a love poem, he turned red with a brush.

All the people in the examination room started to roar. The invigilator could hardly hold his old face. He took a look at the note and found that there was no omission of any other cheating content.

In desperation, he could only let Gu Zichen sit down and teased: "Gu, maybe you should take the Chinese major. Oh, you young people... "

"This show of love is not dog abuse, it has risen to the level of dog slaughtering!" Another young female teacher sighed that Su's face was getting redder every year and she wanted to bury her head in a drawer.

She understood why Gu Zichen asked her if she wanted to read it! Gu Zichen certainly will not be embarrassed, the problem is, she feels very shameful!

Su year after year to fill in the last few questions, trot up to hand in the paper, Gu Zichen followed.

Invigilator teacher threw a narrow look in the eyes, "little couple have a good time, don't quarrel."

Su's lasagna tears every year. What's wrong with the teachers in this school!

If you put it in high school, you should at least arrest Gu Zichen, a puppy lover!

She flushed out of the examination room, Gu Zichen followed behind, sipping a faint smile.

The two handed in their papers in advance, and there were few people in the campus. Su dragged him to the flower bed every year, and roared angrily: "who let you scribble! Believe it or not, baby will kill you

Gu Zichen's black eyes blinked. There was more banter inside. He patted Su Nian's head, "come on, learn to bark."

"My God, are you a pervert?" Su Niannian looks frightened.

Gu Zichen said leisurely: "Zhaocai pig, let me help you remember. At 8:27, you said," who speaks first is a dog. "You should not forget it

Su's face is red every year. Of course, her memory is not as terrible as Gu Zichen, but she still refuses to admit, "I said no, there is no! You must have remembered it wrong

Gu Zichen clearly nodded, Su year after year secretly happy, ha ha, she fooled to it! What about Xueba? It's not that she can't help it.

Just the next second, her happy expression changed into a fright, Gu Zichen's lips from her less than two centimeters, thin lips hook up a smile, "I remember it."

He was about to kiss him, so Su stepped back two steps. "Don't come here, or I'll call someone!"

"Shout, I don't mind." Gu Zichen talks and laughs, but Su is going to cry every year. This black wolf is too shameless to practice. Can you return it? I wipe it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!