The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 532

"But, she doesn't like me. It's really shameless to have a single love affair." Chen Yuan's face was smiling, but his eyes were full of sadness.

Su Niannian wanted to ask if the person he liked was Nanzhi, but finally he resisted.

If it was, it would be a scar.

She crawled back to her room in silence. There was a big gift box on the table with a beautiful bow on it.

It was her birthday present for Gu Zichen.

Year after year, Gu hehe, the son of Zichen, knocked on the box and went to sleep.


according to the Convention, Gu Zichen is going to hold a birthday party, but this time he did not do it in his old house, but contracted Yu'an hotel.

On his birthday, Gu Zichen went to the hotel to have a party. At about ten o'clock, Chen Yuan went to ask Su Niannian to leave.

Every year, Sue dressed up carefully. A long red dress made her skin white and bright.

Just out of the door, she was shivering with cold. Chen Yuan handed her an overcoat in time. The tone of her voice was with the meaning of discussion: "or do you want to wear thicker?"

Su shook his head every year, which surprised Chen Yuan.

But after thinking about it, he probably understood the girl's mind.

She was so casual at the engagement banquet last time. This time she probably wanted to be more formal. What's more, there are so many YingYing and Yanyan who covet Gu Zichen. Su Niannian estimates that she wants to fight with the vast number of love enemies!

Yu an Hao's car stopped in front of the restaurant.

Su took Chen Yuan to go in every year. Unexpectedly, someone was waiting for her at the door.

Song Yuxi.

She wore a white skirt, which made her thin and delicate.

Su Niannian frowned. Song Yuxi came to her quickly, and her voice was full of pleading: "Su Nian, can you do me a favor?"

Su raised her eyebrows every year. Seeing that she was really worried, she asked, "what's the matter?"

"He Mu He Every year, save me. " Song Yuxi grabs Su Nian's arm and shouts. Su Nian clearly sees that there are several bruises on her arm.

Su Yannian's eyelids jumped. Song Yuxi continued: "let's talk about it for five minutes, OK?"

Seeing her reduced to this appearance, Su Niannian couldn't say no, so she told Chen Yuan and went to the bathroom with song Yuxi.

They went in one after the other, but Su didn't notice it. After Song Yuxi went in, he changed the sign outside the door to the front and back, and replaced it with the word "under maintenance".

"What's going on? Did he Mu hit you?" Asked sue, frowning every year.

Song Yuxi drooped his eyelids, stroked the scar on his arm, and his eyes were whirling with tears.

Su stepped forward every year, trying to confirm her scars. Suddenly, a strange change came from behind. A tall man came out of the bathroom compartment, but he was wearing the clothes of a cleaner.

Isn't this a ladies' room? Every year, Su subconsciously stepped back and felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

A sudden laugh rang out in the bathroom. Su Niannian turned her head and looked at it. Song Yuxi laughed at her. "Su Nian Nian, you are really stupid. You believe what others say?"

Su's face changed a lot every year, and he realized that he had been cheated.

"What do you want to do?" Try to keep her voice as calm as possible.

Song Yuxi just sneers, and the man behind him is also pressing step by step. , the fastest update of the webnovel!