The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 504

Tang Yu did not speak, in fact, the South Gardenia really hit the nail on the head.

Su Nian Nian, is he wants to love, but can not love the existence.

Because she already has someone she likes, and more importantly, the people she likes also like him.

How could you give him a little chance? It is not what Tang Yu would do to rob people of their love.

"Sister, are you ok?" Tang Yu means something, one is the injury on Zhizhi's face, the other is the despair revealed by Zhizhi.

Yes, despair.

Did she decide to give up? Give up the one you can't love?

Nanzhi poured two bags of sugar into the cup and tried to hold a smile: "nothing, I've been very good. But this time, it may be a deserter. "

She stood up and said, "I'm going to leave soon. I'll never come back."

This is like talking to myself and explaining to Tang Yu.

"Bon voyage." Tang Yu can only send his blessing.

They said goodbye to each other and never met again.


"what? You're not going to England? " Su looks at Chen Yuan in a daze every year.

A few days ago, when she came back from the hospital, she felt that Chen Yuan was a little abnormal. But no matter how she asked, Chen Yuan was determined not to speak.

Just a minute ago, he said to Su Niannian that he would give up studying abroad and go back home for development.

Chen Yuan touched his nose, "what? Don't you want me back? "

"No It's just a little sudden. " Su adjusted her posture every year, holding a pillow and saying lazily, "if I had known this, why should I have done it at the beginning! No matter how beautiful the outside world is, how can you have your own home! "

Chen Yuan pulled the corner of his mouth, but he still couldn't laugh.

In order to escape from Nanning, he has to come back for Nanning.

On that day in the hospital, Nanning pulled his sleeve and begged him to stay after his routine examination.

Otherwise, she doesn't want to live.

Nanning is not just talking about it. Having known her for so many years, she has almost threatened others with suicide like eating and sleeping.

Of course, the parents of the Southern family are inclined to their daughters and plead with each other.

What can Chen Yuan do? So regardless of other people's life and death?

But he did not go, but Nanzhi had to go.

Even though he knew the intention of Nanning, he still had nothing to do.

Maybe this is fate. Chen Yuan doesn't want to believe these things, but now he has to believe them.

He went to the window and looked at the thick clouds above the sky to see if there was a plane passing by.

Let him have a look at the plane South Gardenia left, how good.

Su watched the cartoon heartlessly every year. He looked back and felt that his eyes were sour.

Once upon a time, his wish was very simple. He had a small home with Nanzhi and watched TV with her. Chat, as long as you have a simple little happiness.

And now, he even said goodbye to Nan Zhi again.

Death is painful, because the result is irretrievable.

What about living apart? Is it possible to Is it more painful?


on Monday, Su returned to school every year, and a major news broke out: Tangyu, the most concerned little fresh meat of the year, transferred to fashion entertainment company.

Su was shocked every year. What she said to Yin chuxia that day was just angry words. She didn't really encourage Tang Yu to leave Yin's family. Fashion is just a new company. Where is Yin's more suitable for his development?

On the other side, the Yin family.

Yin Wanyue throws the newspaper on the table. Yin chuxia is still at home. Seeing his father's anger, he shrinks back to his room.

Su Nian Nian! It's you again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!